# Questions on g0v and Taiwan Covid success 台灣與 g0v 社群如何成功面對武漢肺炎 ### 報導已刊出 * [How Civic Technology Can Help Stop a Pandemic](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/asia/2020-03-20/how-civic-technology-can-help-stop-pandemic) ### license CC BY 4.0 - g0v contributors > maybe attribute to "g0v contributors" since it is a bit vague to what is g0v referring? [name=pm5] > thanks for the advice! [name=MG Lee] ### 協作者簽名 協作者 contributors: kiang hcchien stimim Ian Chen Mowd Howard wildjcrt 協作翻譯 translators: MG Lee pm5 slc Christine janyeh **MG: 回覆請留下你的 ID 以及希望被引用時使用的英文名字。歡迎用華語回覆!也歡迎社群朋友協作翻譯!** **Please leave your ID and the name you want to use when being quoted.** --- My name is Glen Weyl. I am Microsoft's Office of the Chief Technology Officer Political Economist and Social Technologist, where I advise MS senior leaders on geopolitics, macroeconomics and the future of technology. I am also Founder and Chair of the RadicalxChange Foundation, which develops and promotes fundamental innovations in governance and political economy. I am deeply interested in g0v and have been collaborating closely with Audrey Tang and PDIS on a number of initiatives; Audrey is on the board of the RadicalxChange foundation. I believe that at the present moment, in particular, Taiwan's success in addressing Covid is an opportunity to achieve broader interest in the style of digital democracy you all have developed. As such I am doing some research for a piece that will run in the New Yorker in the coming week or two. I also plan to use this information to interest MS's leadership in bringing some of the approaches you used to our response, and our broader strategy. As such, I have some questions. ### 1. I'd like to get a list of ways that g0v and/or the broader civic tech community in Taiwan contributed to the Covid success. 我想收集 g0v 或其他公民科技社群,在台灣防疫武漢肺炎的成功經驗中所貢獻的各種方法。 * [Real Time Mask Map](https://mask.goodideas-studio.com/) The first mask map. At first it provided the inventory information of face masks in convenient stores. The data relied on crowd-souring by people without login. Currently it provides the inventory information of face masks in drug stores as the government changed the policy to control face masks selling. > 一開始的口罩配給是透過超商販售,在當時並沒有公開庫存的資訊,有許多人非常恐慌的到處找尋口罩,在那個時候,進到超商裡面,都會明顯感受到人變得許多,而且重複的來來去去,一進門就會排隊在櫃檯前,得知口罩已賣光後就會一哄而散,這樣的狀況整天會重複非常多次。同時,在一些 line 群組裡面,親友們也常常在上面傳著超商口罩販售的資訊,哪些店已經賣完了、哪些店還有趕快去搶等等,那時候是想要做一款工具讓大家可以方便的回報,至少可以共享資訊,讓彼此不用重複的奔波,省下大家的時間。在 2/2 半夜完成了初版的超商口罩地圖,並且在早上的時候發布,在製作的過程當中,想要利用地圖的方式來呈現,並且透過使用者定位來顯示附近的超商地點,使用者會對超商地點做口罩販售狀況的回報,其他的人也能簡單的看到各商店的回報狀況,藉此快速了解口罩庫存狀況,但那個時候並沒有最新的超商地點圖資,所以透過 Google place API (30USD/1000req)來查詢使用者附近的超商地點。到了下午,因為社群網站的廣傳,還有媒體的關心,所以流量突然的爆衝上來,當時最高的同時在線人數大約接近 2000,在發布期間這六個小時,總共有 55 萬的使用次數,這樣突然的使用量也產生了高額的帳單,不得不決定將網站暫時關閉並調整架構,並於隔日 2/3 重新上線,但在 2/3 的晚上,政府發布了訊息,決策 2/4 開始超商不再販售口罩,這也表示第一版本的超商口罩地圖只活了兩天,結束了暫時的任務。不過也因為這兩天的大量曝光與轉載,讓許多人注意到這樣的做法或許對整體社會是有幫助的,所以包含政府單位與民間資訊社群也接連主動的發展後續應用,第一版的口罩地圖,有非常大的啟發作用。 [name=Howard] > At first, facial masks were sold through conveniences stores under rations. There wasn't public information about how many masks were in stock in each store. Many people look around for masks in panic. During that time, many convenience stores were noticably more crowded than usual, as people visit repeatedly hoping to get their hands on the masks whenever they became available. People joined the queue immediately after entering a store, and left as soon as the masks were sold out. This happened many times everyday. Meanwhile, in some LINE groups, my friends and relatives constantly exchanged information about where to buy masks, which stores were out of stock, which stores still had supply so go get them while you can, etc. I began working on a reporting tool for people to share these information, to save everyone from making repeated trips in vain. I finished the first version of the Real Time Mask Map at midnight on February 2, and released it the next morning. While I worked on the tool, I wanted to show the reports on a map, and allow users use the geolocation of their cellphone to find nearby stores, to report whether those stores still have supply. Others could simply see these reports to the map. Back then there were no updated GIS datasets about conveniences stores in Taiwan. For users to query nearby convenience stores, I implemented the feature with Google place API, which costs 30 USD per 1000 requests. Soon after I released the tool, the number of users grew rapidly due to social network sharing and media coverage. At its peak, there were 2000 concurrent users. Over the first 6 hours after release, there were about 550,000 user sessions. The popularity resulted in an unexpected bill that forced me to shutdown the website temporarily to make some architectural adjustments. The tool went online again on February 3. But that evening, the government announced that masks would not be sold in convenience stores starting from February 4. This meant the Mask Map would only live for 2 days. Though short-lived, its popularity and media coverage make people realized that such tools can help the society to solve collective problems. The first version of the Mask Map is inspirational for the government and civic tech communities to take action in developing similar applications following the policy change [i.e. distribution via pharmacies].[name=Howard] * [Line Buy Mask Chatbot](https://line.me/ti/p/@054ehalj) > 台灣一開於對於疫情採取提前預防措施,對於防疫物資口罩採用分配銷售的方式,用意是確保口罩不會被惡意囤貨及哄抬價格,並且可以讓大家都有口罩可以使用,在施行口罩實名制時,就由政府提供了公開數據源,這樣的開放措拖也促使了民間社群快速發展各種應用,在當時想做一個可以隨時可以方便用手機查詢口罩銷售點及庫存的應用,而Line是台灣人民很熟悉且大量使用的通訊軟體(就像西方國家愛用facebook Messenger ),於是就寫了個Linebot(敗口罩),可以藉由發送定位資訊,由bot主動回覆附近銷售口罩的藥局及庫存量,方便隨手查詢使用,在實名制的第一天(2/6)累計96萬次的使用次數,單次最高使用量為2000/分鐘,數據顯示很多人有這個方面的需求,也因此在當天一度造成系統停擺,無法應付高流量,幸運的是系統是host在Azure雲端上,所以可以採取快速應變措施,停擺的時間並未持續太久,馬上就恢復運作,而隨著愈來愈多人需要買口罩,敗口罩Linebot上線至今一個月,總計已有96萬人加入使用這個chatbot。[name=Ian Chen] > Taiwanese government took proactive measures to contain the epidemic. The purpose for adopting ration system for face masks is to prevent hoarding and price gouging, and to ensure access to face masks. Right from when the ration began, the government provided open data, based on which the civil communities quickly developed various apps. Considering LINE is the most popular messaging app (like FB messenger) in Taiwan, I developed a Linebot (BuyFaceMask). The bot reads your GPS information and replies with nearby distribution points (pharmacies), as well as the remaining amount of face masks at each location. On the first day of the ration (Feb 6), it had 960,000 inquiries and at the height, there were 2000 inquiries per minutes. These numbers show the hugh demand for such a service. The data traffic was so heavy that the system went down for a moment. Luckily, the bot was hosted on Azure so the outage didn't last long. With increasing interest in the Linebot, it now has 960,000 users after it went online a month ago. [name=Ian Chen] * [Face Mask Heatmap](https://mowd.tw/mask/) > 武漢肺炎來勢洶洶,也讓口罩這種個人衛生用品成為人人必買的重點項目之一。就在 2/6 中央健保署開放實名制購買口罩的第一天,不少透過健保署開放資料的應用服務也一起跟著上線,目的就是要讓民眾快速了解自家附近開放購買口罩的藥局以及剩餘數量。 就在開放實名制購買口罩的當天晚上,我忽然想到這樣的模式似乎跟我開發了好一段時間的 Gogoro 換電站地圖有異曲同工之妙:一個是找換電站看滿電電池數量,另一個是藥局買口罩,於是花了幾個小時將現有換電站熱度圖的程式修改一番,口罩熱度圖就誕生了! 口罩熱度圖除了透過顏色直覺分辨出哪裡還有口罩之外,還是第一款提供歷史紀錄趨勢圖的地圖,讓民眾方便了解口罩購買時間以及銷售趨勢。 口罩實名制從制訂到上路也才短短幾天,就能夠在藥局、政府以及民間力量之間完美配合,這一切還是要感謝所有人的努力,也是因為有了這份開放資料,口罩數量相關應用才能如雨後春筍般不斷誕生,最後還是希望武漢肺炎風暴能夠快點過去,讓民眾恢復一般生活,才是大家期望的。[name=Mowd] > Facing the potential outbreak of COVID-19, many rushed to buy face masks. Tawian's National Health Insurance Bureau implemented face mask rationing on Feb 6. On the same day, many apps using NHIB's open data went online for people to look up nearby pharmacies and the availability of face masks. On that night, it came to my mind that this kind of service is similar to the Gogoro battery map that I have developed. Instead of locating battery swapping stations and indicating the remaining number of fully-charged batteries, the new task is find out pharmacies locations and face masks availability. So I just spent a few hours revising my old code and created the Face Mask Heatmap. Face Mask Heatmap uses color code to give a quick view of the availability of face masks. Users can also figure out the best timing to go (i.e. to avoid huge lines) by checking out the historical record of sales trend. It's only a few days from the ration started. Thanks to everyone's effort, we had such a successful collaboration between pharmacies, the government, and civil society. All these apps and services are possible because of the open data released by the government. I hope we will soon overcome the COVID-19 crisis and return to normal life again.[name=Mowd] * [100+ Mask apps](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@kiang/mask-info) Audrey tried to bring the information to g0v community during the policy changing. Including the technical information about inventory information of face masks. Then lots of developers created new apps using this data. * [COVID-19 Location History Tool](https://pandemic.events/) For the people who had enabled timeline tracking in google maps. You could export and upload the logs and the website will compare your logs with the ones of confirmed cases to tell you if you are in risks. > Project [README](https://ppt.cc/fgrRBx) file. > Initially, Taiwan government released visited locations of travellers on Diamond Princess (鑽石公主號). A lot of people were nervous because they couldn't remember where they were on Jan 31st. It turns out that Google Maps Timeline remembers this for you. If you have enabled [Google Maps Timeline](http://google.com/maps/timeline), you can check your history on Jan 31st, and compare with the data released by Taiwan government. Then Louis had the idea that we can actually automate the process, he posted the idea on FB, and I joined the project. > > Our main goal is to "increase public awareness without making people panic". The purpose of our tool is to compare user data by program. With a few clicks, people can get a rough idea about their own risk, and ask for medical care if they have concern. > > We also care about user privacy. Since the very beginning, we have decided that user data should stay in local. In our solution, the data of confirmed cases are downloaded from our website. The user downloads their own location history from Google Maps Timeline, and saves it to local device. Our tool loads user's location history and locally compares with patients' data previously downloaded. > > Our framework is very flexible, new locales (languages) and new cases (from any country) can be added easily without much engineering effort. Currently we support 4 languages (English, Chinese, Korean, Hebrew), and serve data points from 3 countries (Korea, Taiwan and Israel). Please contact us if you want to bring this tool to your country.[name=stimim] * [Wuhan Pneumonia Map](https://kiang.github.io/2019-nCoV/) Showing the number of confirmed cases from different sources in one map. Automatically updated each hour. * [Mask Map for South Korea](https://kiang.github.io/covid19-kr-masks/) The developer of [one Taiwan mask map](https://kiang.github.io/pharmacies/) tried to build another one for South Korea as South Korea released inventory information of face masks following steps of Taiwan. More details could be found in [README](https://github.com/kiang/covid19-kr-masks/blob/master/README.md). > Civic hackers in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Hongkong has kept each other in touch through the “Facing the Ocean” (FtO) regional network during this public health crisis. > Through FtO, we have shared experience, methodology, and stories about this fight against the disease in different places, but still together. > Contributors of FtO have hosted two regional hackathons in 2019, one in Okinawa and the other one Tainan. We are planning for two more hackathons later this year. > Contributors of FtO are from g0v, g0vhk, Code for Japan, Parti, slowalk, nullfull, and more local communities in our region. [name=chihao] I think we will continue to grow FtO to create more connections and collaboration. ### 2. I'd like to know more about contributions of the community to the rationing and allocation scheme around masks. 我想知道更多社群在口罩分配和分配方法上所做的貢獻 > 社群大多聚焦在資訊的傳遞工作,並沒有參與口罩分配方法的討論;但 Audrey 扮演的橋樑角色或許促進了政府與民間的資訊交流,因此許多口罩分配政策基本上符合了民眾預期而沒有引發太多反彈與恐慌。[name=kiang] The community mostly works on passing the information instead of directly involving in the decision-making of distribution of masks. However, Audrey does act as a bridge to communicate between the civic hackers and the goverenment. Therefore the policies of mask distribution overall agrees with what the society was expecting, and didn't cause a lot of panic.[name=kiang] > 藉著口罩地圖的應用,確實有讓民眾有安心的感覺,民眾一開始對於搶購口罩是恐慌的,不管是七天的分流還是兩片的配給,然而經過一個禮拜之後,從數據(Google analytics)上可以看出,整體的查詢量漸漸降低然後變得穩定,而在人口密集以外的地區,甚至是不用排隊也能夠輕易地買到口罩,這點對比於所有其他疫情國家來說,民眾對疫情恐慌確實是越來越能夠理性對待。[name=Howard] > Face Mask Maps helped ease people's panic. At first, even the government assigned different days for people to purchase face masks and rationed two peices a week, people were still panicly lining up to buy face masks. After a week, we can see on the Google Analytics that the total number of checking up the map declined and stablized. In places where population is not that dense, people didn't even need to line up and could easily buy one. Compared to other countries which are also combating coronavirus, it shows that Taiwanese people are getting more and more rational and calm to confront the epidemic. [name=Howard] ![](https://i.imgur.com/4oloFiM.png) > 這一次的經驗,我覺得是一個成功能的案例,由政府公開數據源,社群快速接手發展應用,使用者快速方便有各式工具可以解決購買口罩的需求,整體速度很快,改變以往人民對於政府反應通常慢半拍的印象,是一個各方面都雙贏的現象。以我所開發的Linebot上線一個月以來,從數據來看,使用者已經不像一開始那麼緊張買不到口罩而急著查詢銷售點,反而變成是一種日常需求性的查詢,數據流量也相對很平穩,這也反應了人民在心理上是相對安心的。[name=Ian Chen] > I think this is a very successful case. The government released open data, civic tech communities swiftly developed apps, and users obtained useful and convenient tools. The entire process was fast, and this changed people's impression that the government is alwyas slow to respond to citizens' needs. Take my app for example, after it is online for a month, users were not checking up the distribution point so often as a month ago, and the data traffic became stable. It shows clearly that people now feel relatively secure.[name=Ian Chen] ![](https://i.imgur.com/6spsTzM.jpg) > 我覺得口罩地圖是社群再一次強力展現政府開放資料的效果,因為對於傳統政府單位來說,他們手上有口罩分配數量的資料,他們也可以找工程師做一個官方版的口罩地圖,但無論如何,如果是一個政府版的口罩地圖,可能很能完善各種 UX 或是情境,可是對於社群來說,一份同樣的資料就可以做出幾十種不同的應用,讓有各種不同需求的人都可以找到適合自己使用的口罩地圖,而且也可以相對容易的達到流量分流。[name=hcchien] > Face Mask Maps are a good example of how civic tech communities utilize government open data. If a traditional government have the face mask distribution data, they would make ONE offical map that is equppied with many fancy UX designs. However, if the government releases open data and allows civil societies to build their own maps, the same dataset will then give birth to dozens of different applications, fulfilling people's varsious needs. By so doing, it can also help disperse data traffic.[name=hcchien] > 從周遭身邊的人看來大概可以分成兩類,一種屬於【我OK,你先買】,另一類則是 7 天一到馬上準時向藥局報到買口罩。不過隨著疫情漸漸明朗,人們對病毒的傳播也有更多的認識後,民眾對於搶購口罩的熱潮也漸漸消退,這點可以從全台的口罩銷售趨勢圖看出端倪。另外從趨勢圖也可以得知口罩的剩餘數量正在漸漸上升,也讓民眾了解政府對於口罩的產製以及銷售的平衡是有計劃性的安排,有效避免大眾陷入買不到口罩的恐慌。[name=Mowd] > There are two types of people around me: one that advocates the online campaign "I'm okay, you buy first", and the other runs into pharmacies when it's their turn to buy face masks. As people get more and more information about the spread of coronavisrus, the frenzy of panic-buying also declined. This can be seen from the face mask sale chart in Taiwan below. From this chart, we also find that the remaining amount is gradually increasing. This makes people know that the government has plans to keep the balance of face mask production and distribution. It also effectively prevents public panic caused by the shortage of face masks. [name=Mowd] Source: https://mowd.tw/mask/area/%E5%85%A8%E5%8F%B0/ ![](https://i.imgur.com/Wd8S702.png) > Online Campaign ["I'm okay, you buy first"](https://www.facebook.com/events/2756601601075723/) [name=MG Lee] ### 3. In your view, what is the relative contribution of these measures as compared to more traditional interventions by the government in the success? What is the view about this in the public in Taiwan? 您認為這些措施和其他更傳統的政府干預相比,哪個對於防疫更有貢獻?台灣民眾對此的看法為何? > 台灣民眾對於政府的信任度在這次防疫過程提高很多,主要是很早期就開始進行口罩等物資的控管;部份民眾對於政府在防疫期間選擇性公開資料有些疑慮,包括運用手機訊號追蹤患者行蹤與未經討論讓醫療單位可以直接查詢入出境紀錄等等措施。[name=kiang] > People are a lot more willing to trust the Taiwan government during this pandemic. One major reason is beacuse the governement has started very early on to control and restrict the export of crucial resources such as facial masks. Some people are more concerned about the government's practices of selectively openning pandemic related data, including tracking the patients with cellphone signals, and allowing medical institutes to search for immigration records without sufficient discussions with the public.[name=kiang] > 我覺得傳統的政府干預這次在中國就是目前看來最好的例子,作為早期就有病例的國家來看,台灣跟中國展現出來就是完全兩種不同的型態。一個是以政府姿態干預,管控所有消息,台灣則是以開放資訊,取得人民信任,並且一起對抗疫情。[name=hcchien] I think China is the best example so far of a more traditional government intervention approach to the pandemic. Both being countries with patients found very early on, Taiwan has demonstrated a completely different mindset then China when facing a crisis. China intervenes using government power, restricts all information distribution regarding the diseases, while Taiwan takes the steps to open the information, to gain trusts from the people, and to work together to fight back the pandemic.[name=hcchien] > 我覺得這次數據的開放,讓人民有安心的感覺,反觀若採取過去數據保密的傳統做法,反而會讓人民在心理上產生更大的猜想及不安,一旦引起不必要的猜測,對於防疫視同作戰的角度來看是不利的。這次的做法,人民不用担心買不到口罩,也不用担心價格被哄抬,各項防疫資訊透過各種平台快速傳達到人民手上,像是疫情中心每天都有例行記者會,隨時向人民宣布最新疫況,都可以讓大家更相信政府,減少不必要的心理猜測。[name=Ian Chen] > I think open data makes people feel ease at mind. If the government keeps all information confidential like what it used to do in the past, there might be a lot of rumors and people would feel insecure. This will hamper the efforts of containing the virus. With information transparency and the ration system, people won't worry about face mask shortage or price gouging. Through everyday press briefing, related information was passed to people quickly so that people have trust in the government, reducing unnecessary guessing.[name=Ian Chen] > 當然是開放政府會是比較有貢獻的,人民有知的權力,同時政府若願意傾聽民意,也能夠拉近雙方的認知價值。防疫工作並非僅是由上而下的控管,人民自發性的管理也是很重要的,當人民有足夠的資訊就能從根本的認同防疫價值,這樣就會是事半功倍的效果,也是全體人民的一起努力,才能夠創造出這次的防疫典範。不過,針對這點我還有其他觀點想要補充,這次臺灣政府的政策措施,其實好幾次都是跑在民意之前,像是控管口罩、限制數量、統一配發、防疫機制等等,這些都是專業的判斷更早於民意之前,這次的政府確實是先知先覺,在這樣的前提下,佐以民意快速的反饋修正,這是政府與民間互信互助很好的里程碑。[name=Howard] > Open government definitely contributed to the fight against COVID-19. People has the right to know. If the government is willing to listen to its people, the gap between the government and the people can be bridged. The combat against COVID-19 should not be a top-down process. People's voluntary prevention measures are important too. When people have enough information and share the same goal, we have higher chances to conquer the virus. With everyone's effort, we're lucky to make Taiwan a successful example of fighting COVID-19. To add one more point, Taiwanese government took preventive measures, such as face mask rationing, from very early on, even before people are aware of the epidemic. This lays a good foundation for private-public collabortaion. [name=Howard] ### 4. Which learnings from Taiwan's Covid experience do you believe are most portable internationally? 您認為哪些從台灣的武漢肺炎防疫中學到的經驗是適合借鑑到國際的? > 台灣一開始的防疫工作是來自民間資訊的回饋而非單方面聽信中國或是 WHO 的建議,這主要來自過去 SARS 期間累積的經驗,或許 WHO 該有類似吹哨者的制度作為全球防疫工作的判斷基礎。[name=kiang] > Taiwan government's work on epidemic prevention was based on feedbacks from the civil society instead of the announcements of the China governement or WHO suggestions. This is mostly due to the experiences we have during the SARS epidemic. Maybe WHO could have some whistleblower-like practices as the basis for the work of global pandemic prevention.[name=kiang] > 我覺得在資訊方面要足夠公開,比如口罩實名制一上線時就伴隨著各藥局的庫存資訊量的公開資料是讓民間可以參與的重要原因。而且不僅於此,中央疾病管制中心每天幾乎至少都有例行記者會,把各種目前狀況公開給民眾,也是很重要的作法。這樣的開放可以讓人民感到比較安心,也可以知道政府的各種措施背後的意義,而且疾病的傳播是政府跟人民要一起防疫才能遏阻的。另外,因為 17 年前 SARS 的經驗,也讓這次台灣政府的判斷更快速,當然也不可諱言,目前台灣政府中,包含現任副總統,及副總統當選人,行政院副院長都是醫療及公衛體系出身,讓整個行政團隊幾乎都是以專業判斷,而非政治判斷,讓專業判斷加上資訊透明,是讓民眾信任,進而一起防疫的重要關鍵。當然,對於 WHO 荒腔走板的演出,這次也該慶幸台灣並非 WHO 的會員國,以同樣鄰近中國的國家來看,幾乎完全依賴中國與 WHO 資訊的日韓也在防疫的判斷上有相當程度的失準。[name=hcchien] > I think it's important to have transparent and open information. For example, when the government decided to implement face mask rationing, it soon opened up the data of face mask inventory level. Moreover, Taiwan's CDC holds press brief almost everyday to update the latest situation. This makes people feel ease at mind and also allows them to understand the reason behind every government measure. It really requires the government and the people working together to contain the spread of the disease. Also, the government learned from the SARS experience in the 17 years ago so it made decisions faster and more precautiously. In the current government, the vice president, Vice President-elect, and Vice Premier all come from medical and public health background, so the decisions were made profesionally rather than politically. Professional decisions plus information transparency are the key to win people's trust and cooperation in fighting the epidemic together. One last note, while it should not be this way, we're lucky that Taiwan is not a WHO member considering WHO's poor performance this time. There have been some misguided decision-making in the countries that entirely relied on the information from China and WHO, e.g. Japan and South Korea.[name=hcchien] > 要從歷史學到教訓,避免一錯再錯。這次台灣的反應快速,從 17 年前的 SARS 留下 SOP 就已是超前各國。藉由過往的防疫經驗,讓各相關政府、民間組織、醫院等等有所依循,非常重要。此外,本次政府反應迅速、提供可信資料 API,民間也才因此有多樣性的結果,這是一個很好也很有成果的 civic hacking,可當做未來的範例。[name=wildjcrt] > We have to learn from history in order not to make the same mistake. Taiwan reacted to COVID-19 quickly because our previous SARS experience left us a lot of SOP. With past experiences, government agencies, civil organizations, and hospitals know what to do. Besides, the government took early actions and provided credible data API so the civil socity could come up with diverse services and apps. This can be a good example of civic hacking in the future. [name=wildjcrt] > 我覺得最重要的是台灣成功地喚起了人民的自覺,不僅是從上而下的政策命令,也有從下而上的自覺防疫是自己的責任,在這次的過程中,我們較少看到相互的指責,雖有零星,但多數是信任、鼓勵、同理、包容,能有上下一心的氛圍,才能夠全面的防堵疫情的破口。[name=Howard] > I think the most important of all is that Taiwan recalls people's self-awareness. It's not only the top-down policies and commands but also bottom-up self-awareness of "epidemic prevention is my own responsibility". We saw less blaming each other and more trust, encouragement, empathy, and tolerance during the period. Only the atmosphere of up-and-down unity can block the flaw of the epidemic. > [name=Howard] ### 5. What were the major challenges you faced in the process of contributing to the mask project you were involved in? 您認為在協助貢獻口罩地圖或程式的過程中,主要的挑戰有哪些? > 最大的問題在於系統端提供的數字與現場銷售情況存在落差,因為藥局基於簡化口罩銷售工作,選擇先大量發送號碼牌給排隊的民眾,號碼牌發送完畢代表該藥局已經售完,但民眾購買口罩的交易記錄則是在藥局有剩餘時間時才會登入系統建檔,有了交易記錄政府端提供的資訊才會更新,這個時間落差造成許多的誤解與衝突,我們除了提醒之外也沒有更好的方法去處理[name=kiang] > The biggest problem is, there is a gap between the amount in the system and the real situation at the scene. Pharmacies may choose to distribute number tags to the people in the queue, and it means no more masks available when the number tags are all given to people. The pharmacies will then send the records to the system later when they have time to do so, which is the timing the system will update the amount of masks. The time gap induces many misunderstandings and conflicts, which we don't have a better solution except reminding people.[name=kiang] 準確度是蠻大的問題,不過這個問題無法由民間自行解決,因為有許多政策面與現實執行面的因素,例如藥局透過發號碼牌的方式、藥局臨時休息、對健保系統的操作不熟悉等等,這些都會直接造成庫存量的不準確,好在大多數的民眾都還是能夠理性地對待,同理的包容,除此之外,也辛苦第一線的藥局人員承擔許多的砲火,我們會將這些寶貴的經驗傳承下去。[name= Howard] ### 6. Based on this experience, what do you think the project or process can be improved? 如果您有機會給予建言,請問您覺得哪些部分可以基於此次經驗予以改善? > 政府端系統應該 API 化,讓藥局端的資訊系統廠商可以透過機器對機器的互動來減少人為操作錯誤,現況政府端資訊系統大多要求人工登入進行操作,導致在需求量大增的時候無法有效擴充處理量能[name=kiang] > 能將更多的基礎架構紮穩,開放出更多的資料與 API,單向的資訊流比較難有突破性的使用者體驗,例如這次的藥局有許多問題想要回報,但回報這件事情卻沒有統一的官方管道,導致許多的民間開發者需要各自製作回報機制,資料分散並且也無法彙整統一,這樣會讓整體資訊變成是不一致的。[name=Howard] ### 7.  What motivates you to spend so much time and efforts to this project? 請問您為何想要投注這麼多的時間跟精力在這口罩計畫上面? > 自己就有兩個孩子,基於本身就有買口罩的需求以及希望在面對疫情資訊產生的焦慮可以找到出口,參與其中雖然感覺只是對抗整體疫情的一個小螺絲釘,但能夠做些事情對於緩解焦慮是有幫助的[name=kiang] > 我想要為這片土地上的人做些事情,我想要為這個社會帶來正面的力量,讓這個地方變得美好,傳承給下一代。[name=Howard] ### 8.  Which part of the project you spent most time or efforts? What is the reason? 請問您覺得哪一個部分花費您最多的時間跟精力?理由為何呢? > 人跟人之間的溝通,因為政策來的太快,程式開發所假設的情境跟現實狀況有許多差距,溝通與理解的過程中其實都只有涉及少量的程式碼變動[name=kiang] > 開發的過程中是還好,但在維運的過程卻是蠻讓人費心的,因為我們都是獨自開發者,所以並沒有專屬的客服人員,很常時候是在正常的生活中接到電話,可能有 bug 產生,可能是服務中斷,這些都會讓我們煩惱,因為當你知道有許多人對服務是依賴的,或者你的服務中斷對第一線人員造成困擾,你都會想要盡可能的趕快修復它,這樣也就會常常中斷原本的生活步調。 ### 9.   What was the happiest moment in the process? 在整個協助的過程中,什麼時刻是最令人開心的? > 看到系統順利度過使用量尖峰,同時也確實看到身邊的朋友運用這個工具解決需求,這都是很大的鼓勵吧[name=kiang] > 看到台灣的名字出現在國際上,讓其他國家覺得我們很棒,那是最令人開心的。[name=Howard] > Spam text removed. [name=chihao]