You can run the notebook in an interactive session. Change the username in step 0 and the port in step 10. The port range should be [5900-5999]. For access, connect to the ETH network via VPN/WiFi. ``` # Step 0: Connect to a D-ITET host ssh hodl_XXXfs24@tik42x # Step 1: Change working directory to net_scratch cd /usr/itetnas04/data-scratch-01/$USER/data # Step 2: Set cluster to Snowflake # export SLURM_CONF=/home/sladmsnow/slurm/slurm.conf # Step 3: Start interactive job # srun --pty bash -i # Step 4: Assign TMPDIR to local scratch # TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER/tmp && mkdir -p $TMPDIR && export TMPDIR # Step 5: Assign PIP cache to local scratch # PIP_CACHE_DIR=/scratch/$USER/pip_cache && mkdir -p $PIP_CACHE_DIR && export PIP_CACHE_DIR # Step 6: Use net_scratch to install micromamba and python environments # see MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX="/usr/itetnas04/data-scratch-01/${USER}/data/micromamba" micromamba_installer_url='' env_name='jupyter_notebook' # Step 7: Installation with pytorch and Cuda matching GPU driver in cluster: # Takes more than 5' python_packages='notebook matplotlib scipy sqlite pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda=11.8' conda_channels='--channel conda-forge --channel pytorch --channel nvidia' mkdir -v -p "${MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX}" && cd "${MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX}" && # Download latest Micromamba (static linked binary) wget -O- "${micromamba_installer_url}" | # Extract Micromamba tar -xvj bin/micromamba && # Set base path for Micromamba export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX && # Initialize Micromamba eval "$(${MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX}/bin/micromamba shell hook --shell=bash)" && # Create the python environment for the course micromamba create --yes --name ${env_name} ${python_packages} ${conda_channels} && # Show how to initialize micromamba echo && echo "Activate environment ${env_name}:" && echo " micromamba activate ${env_name}" cd .. # Step 8: Initialize micromamba export MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX=$PWD/micromamba eval "$($MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX/bin/micromamba shell hook --shell=bash)" # Step 9: Activate environment micromamba activate jupyter_notebook # Step 10: Start jupyter notebook jupyter notebook --no-browser --port XXXX --ip $(hostname -f) ``` When you are finished with the notebook, press ctrl+c (closing the notebook), ctrl+d (exiting the env) and ctrl+d (returning the GPU into the common pool). Step 7 intsalls everything, you do not need to run it when you are logging on for the second time.