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Commercial Kitchen Cleaning: What do you need to follow?

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Maintaining a tidy kitchen with professional kitchen cleaning services while you're running a busy catering business might seem like a very difficult chore. Understandably, commercial kitchens have very high standards for food hygiene, therefore there are several tasks you must complete before, during, and after each shift to comply with the myriad of laws and regulations. Both your consumers' health and the reputation of your company will be preserved as a result.

To ensure that your company complies with regulatory requirements for cleanliness, we'll walk you through the commercial kitchen cleaning practices that all restaurants should use in this guide.

What are the guidelines for keeping your kitchen clean?

Legally, all licensed caterers must adhere to the guidelines established by the Food Standards Agency. If the hygiene standards at your restaurant aren't up to par, you risk failing the FSA's routine hygiene inspections, which might force you to stop your business until the issue is resolved or possibly result in the revocation of your food license.

Furthermore, receiving a low hygiene rating from the Food Standards Agency never looks good, and because some regions compel restaurants to post their rating where patrons can see them, it may lead to a decline in sales.

The four Cs of food hygiene—cooking, chilling, cross-contamination, and cleaning—should be the foundation of any successful hygiene regimen. One of the most frequent causes of food company prosecution, according to the FSA, is inadequate cleaning.

As soon as you open your restaurant, implement extensive and rigorous cleaning procedures to assist guarantee that all of the food you offer is safe to consume and lower the possibility of contamination that might make your patrons or workers ill.

How frequently should culinary and commercial equipment be cleaned?

Different components of your kitchen demand different cleaning techniques, which only the best commercial kitchen cleaning services provide. In general, the places and equipment that are used the most frequently during regular food preparation and cooking should also be cleaned the most regularly, and those that directly contact food will require particular care.

To help you know what to do and when we'll offer you a general sense of how frequently each location and appliance should be cleaned in this section.

Ovens and hobs:
To avoid the accumulation of oil and dirt, spills should be cleaned up after each shift, and the interior of the oven should be cleaned using a specialized oven cleaning product once a week. At least once every six months, commercial catering ovens should also be thoroughly cleaned by a competent provider.

Coffee makers:
Once a week, espresso machines need to be cleaned and flushed with hot water and a specialized cleaning solution.

If you offer a lot of hot beverages every day, you should clean and de-scale kettles and water boilers once a week instead of once a month.

Your microwave inside has to be cleaned at least once every week, and spills should be wiped up as soon as they happen while you're working.

Before cleaning the interior with a towel and some antibacterial cleanser, you may aid to remove any dried-on filth or grime by microwaving a bowl of water for one minute.

Your refrigerator inside should be thoroughly cleaned once a week and cleaned and sanitized between each shift. There are many things to keep in mind when it comes to fridge cleanliness since it may significantly affect the quality and safety of your food. To learn all you need to know, read our comprehensive guide to fridge hygiene and safe storage.

Vents, exhausts, and hoods:
A blocked cooker hood or ventilation system can have an adverse influence on the rest of your kitchen since it won't be as efficient at removing condensation and vapor, which causes unsanitary buildups of grease and filth on other surfaces.

Therefore, it is advised that restaurants that do not regularly utilize deep fat fryers clean their vents and hoods at least once every 90 days.


During a shift, any significant spills must be cleaned up as quickly as possible since they not only pose a hygiene issue but also put your personnel in danger of slips and falls.

After each shift, the floor should also be swept or vacuumed, followed by mopping and cleaning with an antibacterial disinfectant floor cleaner.