# Guidelines for Increasing Website Traffic | Best Guide More than 50% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices. Currently, 74% of users can return to a friendly website. 80% of consumers also want to buy from an acceptable website. E-commerce business also accounts for about 40% of total e-commerce in the United States. If your website does not respond, you may miss site traffic, leads, and sales. You have to work hard to achieve your digital marketing goals. Are you working hard to increase your website traffic this year? By accepting web design, you can generate more traffic. Otherwise, you will find yourself behind the competition. There are many ways to increase your reach, almost any digital marketing company will be able to offer this service. (Moreover, PNM GROUP has been helping its customers by providing customized software solutions since 2018. We are providing services in these fields like [Branding Agency Toronto](https://pnmgroup.co/digital-marketing), WordPress and custom web development, Social Media Marketing, and Digital Marketing. Contact us today and learn more about our services and let's grow your business together.) **1. Go to customers** About 74% of users can return to a friendly website. People also spend about 70% of their internet time on mobile devices. The target audience is already online and looking for business from their phone. Acceptable web design will help you reach the customers. Design feedback makes your website as flexible as the screen or platform your visitors use. Your website will look, feel and work well on any device. Visitors can gain a consistent experience on your site by using: * Mobile phone * Laptops * Desktop * Tablets If your website is good on one device, people can visit your website from another device. Of course, people expect a softer experience. If they have trouble navigating your website on a small screen, they will opt-out. A welcoming website will give your visitors ease and flexibility. **2. Improve the user experience** Google wants to provide its users with an easy, fast and convenient experience. When determining rankings, it takes into account how users interact with your site. Creating a better user experience (UX) can help improve SEO rankings. Remember that high SEO rankings will help drive traffic to your website. About 90% of online shoppers will not return to the website after a bad user experience. So far, 70% of digital marketing has failed due to poor UX. Unfortunately, 55% of companies do not test UX. More than 50% of mobile visitors will leave a page that takes more than three seconds to load. Poor phone optimization hurts 50% of consumers. About 44% of consumers will also tell their friends about a bad internet experience. If your website does not respond and the phone is not ready, you may end up damaging your visitors. They will go out without clicking and reviewing your content. Your accommodation and your click-through rate will decrease. Speed The speed of your website can also affect your ability to generate website traffic. If your website is slow, you can damage users. People will not wait for your page to be big. Instead, they will opt-out, increasing your bounce rate. During this time, Google will punish your website by lowering your rankings. As a result, it will be harder for you to drive a website. Only 0.78% of Google searchers clicked on the results on the second page of results. You will appear on the first page. Otherwise, you will have a hard time driving a website. Improving your website can improve the user experience. The chefs will have a quick and easy experience on your website. They will not waste valuable time waiting for each other to load. **Ndokwa** Pure code can also affect the ability your website accepts to drive. Your add-on Javascript can prevent search engine crawlers from crawling and indexing your website. Bad codes can also make your page difficult. This can push your target keywords and content further into the page. Google robots crawl and index your website, looking for keywords. If you do not see your target keywords on the page, it may affect your rankings. You will provide lower rankings in search engines like Google, which will reduce the traffic you can generate. **3. Reduce your bounce rate** The responsive web design will ensure that your site is easy to use. If your site is bad or confusing, visitors will leave without clicking. Your bounce rate will increase accordingly. Google checks your bounce rate to determine your search engine ranking. High bounce rates show that people are not interested in your content. They may think your content is irrelevant to a user's search intentions. If you are focusing on promoting SEO rankings this year, you should keep in mind the user search. Search engine optimization reflects what employees expect to find in search. If your content does not meet the needs of the user, it will arrive. 4. Increase your SEO rankings Remember that most people do not look beyond the first page of Google search. If you want to increase traffic to your website, you need a better SEO ranking. For a better SEO ranking, you need a responsive website. Google uses mobile-first indexing to determine rankings. Its bots must first log in and list the mobile type of your website. If you do not have a mobile version of your site, Google will only rank your competitors' sites. **5. Avoid duplication** Creating a unique mobile website can greatly affect your SEO ranking. Google will see it as duplicate content, which hurts SEO. Your rank will fall, affecting your ability to attract traffic. Instead of the mobile type of your website, choose a responsive web design. You can set up a website, which will make updates easier. Besides saving you time, Google will not be confused. **6. Drag the ad ads** When social media users click on a link on your website, they expect to see a mobile website. Otherwise, you may affect their team member experience. They will opt-out, which will affect your bounce rate. Sites that receive information can encourage others to get involved. Social media can help you expand your reach, increasing traffic to your business website. You can increase your audience and improve your SEO rank as well. **7. Create a path and turn** Promoting SEO rankings on a responsive site can also help you create more leads in conversion. About 62% of [businesses expand](https://pnmgroup.co/get-in-touch) by Branding their business by designing responsive mobile platforms. Currently, 72% of people want a friendly website. Unfortunately, 40% of users will redirect to another site if it is not friendly. 48% of people say that companies have sites that are not friendly to users. **Related Resources:** 1. [IS METAVERSE GOING TO CHANGE THE ONLINE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE?](https://pnmgroup.co/blog/metaverse-and-online-shopping/) 2. [TOP DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES TO DRIVE MORE ORGANIC TRAFFIC IN 2022](https://pnmgroup.co/blog/digital-marketing-strategies/)