###### tags: `Meeting Notes` # Core Team Meeting 2022-09-28 _Attendees:_ - Tree - Adam ## Overview of workstream leads & contributors https://docs.ethbrno.cz/events/2022/contributors/workstream-overview ## General Updates & Discussion - We are urgently looking for contributors and leaders for workstreams (please ask friends!): * Swag * Experiences Curation * Volunteers * Judging * Entertainment * Art / Decorations ## Update Round of Workstreams (workstream leads in brackets) #### General / Legal (Tereza, Tree) - Abolition of the "Production team", now we are all [Core Team](https://docs.ethbrno.cz/events/2022/contributors#core-team) - [Workstreams](https://docs.ethbrno.cz/events/2022/contributors/workstream-overview) - we are introducing workstreams as way to coordinate (tree) - Conversations with ETHBerlin (Afri, Franzi (not yet)) - [notes on what to discuss](https://hackmd.io/@ETHBrno/rylSo5hZj) #### Admin / Accounting (Tereza) #### Core Planning & Content (Tree) - Remote talks & workshops - we talked it with @wmitsuda, who's not coming, he'll be in LATAM as many others. Thiking about Saturday, it can be special block of events (tree) #### Design (Exez) #### Website & Docs (Tree, Adam) - Devfolio profile ready - https://ethbrno.devfolio.co/ (tree) #### Sponsors (Tereza) - Idea: add "Sponsor deck sent" date to the table? Maybe also add "Deck send" status (tree) #### Socials & Communications (Clairee) - Telegram group (https://t.me/ethbrno) - Lens profile (https://lenster.xyz/u/ethbrno.lens) - can it be used in any meaningful way? (tree) - Plan for next week: - TBD #### Community Calls (Adam, Damsky) #### Swag () #### Experiences Curation () #### Volunteers () #### Mentors & Networking (Jacob) #### Judging () #### Entertainment () #### Web (Adam) - Prototype running at [ethbrno.pages.dev](https://ethbrno.pages.dev) - Build in React, Vite volunteers? - Also need help with copy - Feedback is always great - Cloudflare statistics - give access to another team member - Web notes from tree: - use ETHBrno² - more visible Discord link - color of side strips (maybe white?) - header color (maybe black beeter) #### Ticketing (Tree) - Pretix up and running - tickets.ethbrno.cz - What if person have more roles? Need to discuss wristband types #### Art / Decorations () ## Miscellaneuous