# MIKAEL BRYGGER I am an experimental poet and a writer. I am known for my interest in visually oriented, gamificated, and technology-driven approaches to writing. In addition to writing three books of poetry, I've been involved in several collaborations between poets, visual artists and coders – e.g. a book/installation In large, well-organized termite colonies, together with Henriikka Tavi & IC-98 (2011/2012) and a network-generating [interaction-text-token](https://postcapitalist.agency/) together with Economic Space Agency (2023). I am a member of ECSA Labs, and also one of the founding members of the Finnish publishing house Poesia. I work as a Professor of Writing at the University of Arts, Helsinki. **[Writer profile](https://poesia.fi/kirjailijat/mikael-brygger/)** **[Courses on experimental writing and generative art I teach](https://hackmd.io/@ECSA/HkVbHxOeA)** **[Professor of Writing at the University of the Arts Helsinki](https://www.uniarts.fi/en/people/mikael-brygger/)** **[Wikipedia](https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikael_Brygger)** ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJqFetSxR.png) *Photo: Leena Lahti*