During this week, I concluded some of the readings from last week such as some chapters I have not completed from the yellow paper and RLP, HP. Notes I took on them can be found here and here

Futhermore I spent time digging into rlp, trie, vm(https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/tree/master/core/vm) packages of go ethereum to consoldate my knowledge and actually understand how things were implemented in code on geth.

I have also been checking for a good first issue that I can pick up on Geth github. I don't know if that counts towards EPF acknowledgment but I am confident, that it will help me get more familair with geth codebase and progress in my journey of contributing to Ethereum

Additional Readings

Side Note

Considering availability and my avilable hours to commit to the program, it just makes sense to go with a contribution that uses golang and steer away from having to learn Nim to contribute to Nimbus light client, which might slow my progress and ability to contribute meaningfully. By the end of the week, I will be able to concluded and submit my proposal. Any help to tilt me towards the right direct will be welcomed!