Hello everyone. My name is Oluwafemi Alofe. I am happy to be participating permissionless in the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship.

I have so much interest in understanding cryptography and distributed systems in general, and I am taking it as a challenge to take this opportunity to learn and also contribute to the growth of ethereum.

From the onset, I have been interested in contributing to Verkle Trees. After researching the previous cohort, I find Ignacio's work (EPF3) impressive, and I've connected with him on Discord and plan to study his work and move it forward.

I will be contributing to Nimbus client Verkle tree research during the program. At first, I was a little bit intimidated because I had just started writing Golang 18 months ago, and having to learn Nim again before contributing to Nimbus client seemed like it would be overwhelming; by that, I mean having to learn and research about an already complicated topic and having to learn a new language.

After some research into the future of Ethereum, Stateless Ethereum is the end game, and Light clients will play a massive role in that. It interested me even more, and now, I am confident that I will be motivated to contribute to Nimbus Client Verkle tree research.

I plan to work on the fellowship for at least 8 - 15 hours per week. My current job gives some flexibility, and I will put in more effort on weekends.

Wish me Luck!!


Ineveitable Ethereum


  • Consesus Update
  • Scaling Execution
  • Middleware
  • Proposer Builder Specification (PBS)
  • Light Clients
  • Optimism Rollups

Design Rationale EThereum


Optimistic Rollup - Technical Presentations


Running OP Stack


  • The Optimistic Approach to Scaling Ethereum
  • Karl Floersch: Optimistic Virtual Machine

Crypto Economics



Ethereum Yellow Paper

Merkle Trees (Before getting into Verkle)

Level DB