tags: linux2023
# 2023q1 Homework1 (lab0)
contributed by <`DokiDokiPB` >
### 開發環境
$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0
$ lscpu
Architecture: x86_64
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Address sizes: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 4
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4250U CPU @ 1.30GHz
使用主機: Macbook Air 2014 A1466 (Ubuntu Linux)
<!-- 不過很意外作業可以在 MacOS 編譯 -->
## 開發過程
在 ```queue.c``` 中,使用 ```list.h``` 的 ```list_head``` 串接資料,```list.h``` 中具有幾個好用函式與巨集
- 初始化佇列開頭:```INIT_LIST_HEAD```
- 新增單一節點:```list_add```, ```list_add_tail```
- 轉移多個節點至新的 ```head```:```list_splice```
- `node`:表示具有元素( ```element_t``` )的節點
- `list`:具有多個節點的佇列開頭,或是<s>複數串接的節點</s> ???
- `head`:表示佇列開頭
:notes: jserv
### q_new
struct list_head *q_new()
struct list_head *head = malloc(sizeof(struct list_head));
if (!head) {
return NULL;
return head;
透過 `malloc` 配置 ```head```,依據 ```list_head```,皆為 ```head->next```, ```head->prev``` 指向 ```heaed```
### q_free
void q_free(struct list_head *l)
if (!l) {
element_t *e, *safe;
list_for_each_entry_safe (e, safe, l, list) {
在 ```list_for_each_entry_safe``` 中,利用 ```*safe``` 指標保留下個節點的位址,就能將現在操作的節點釋放
### q_insert_head, q_insert_tail
將節點加入至 ```head``` , ```q_insert_head``` 透過 ```list_add``` 加為首個節點;```q_insert_tail``` 透過 ``` list_add_tail``` 加為末個節點
bool q_insert_head(struct list_head *head, char *s)
if (!head || !s) {
return false;
element_t *e = malloc(sizeof(element_t));
char *dup = strdup(s);
if (!e) {
return false;
if (!dup) {
return false;
e->value = dup;
list_add(&e->list, head);
return true;
bool q_insert_tail(struct list_head *head, char *s)
// ...
list_add_tail(&e->list, head);
return true;
### q_remove_head, q_remove_tail
將指定節點的元素從 ```head``` 移除
element_t *q_remove_head(struct list_head *head, char *sp, size_t bufsize)
if (!head || !bufsize) {
return NULL;
if (list_empty(head)) {
return NULL;
struct list_head *node = head->next;
element_t *e = container_of(node, element_t, list);
size_t len = strlen(e->value);
memset(sp, 0, bufsize);
if (len > bufsize) {
strncpy(sp, e->value, bufsize);
sp[bufsize - 1] = '\n';
} else {
strncpy(sp, e->value, len);
return e;
element_t *q_remove_tail(struct list_head *head, char *sp, size_t bufsize)
// ...
struct list_head *node = head->prev;
// ...
return e;
依據在 ```queue.h``` 中函式的說明,```bufsize``` 為 ```*sp``` 的陣列長度
- 若 ```bufsize``` 小於元素中的字串長度(變數 ```len``` ),則擷取部分元素字串。
- 若 ```bufsize``` 大於 ```len```,則整段複製到 ```*sp```
:notes: jserv
### q_size
int q_size(struct list_head *head)
if (!head) {
return 0;
int c = 0;
struct list_head *node;
list_for_each (node, head) {
return c;
利用 ```list_for_each``` 走過整個佇列,取得元素數量
### q_delete_mid
bool q_delete_mid(struct list_head *head)
if (!head) {
return false;
if (list_empty(head)) {
return false;
struct list_head *slow, *fast;
slow = head->next;
fast = head->next;
while (fast != head && fast->next != head) {
slow = slow->next;
fast = fast->next->next;
element_t *e = container_of(slow, element_t, list);
return true;
依據 [LeetCode 2095. Delete the Middle Node of a Linked List](https://leetcode.com/problems/delete-the-middle-node-of-a-linked-list/) 以及其圖片的說明
- 當節點數量為奇數時,中間節點為正中間(若有 7 個節點,取第 4 個)
- 當節點為偶數時,中間節點為中間取後一個(若有 4 個節點,取第 3 個)
在第 15 ~ 17 行中,透過一次移動一個節點的 ```slow``` 指標與一次移動兩個節點的 ```fast``` 指標,當 ```fast``` 回到 ```head``` 指標時,```slow``` 指標即在中間節點的位址上。
:notes: jserv
### q_reverse
void q_reverse(struct list_head *head)
if (!head) {
head->prev->next = NULL;
struct list_head *node = head->next;
struct list_head *cur = head;
while (node) {
struct list_head *tmp = node->next;
cur->prev = node;
node->next = cur;
node->prev = tmp;
cur = node;
node = tmp;
cur->prev = head;
head->next = cur;
```反向 = reverse```
:notes: jserv
在第 6 行中,先將 doubly-linked list 尾端元素 ```head->prev->next``` 指派為 ```NULL```,使得在 9 行中能夠脫離 ```while``` 迴圈,表示到尾端處理完畢
- 使用 ```node``` 變數走過每個節點,並將每個節點反向。
- 使用 ```cur ``` 表示 ```node``` 的前一個節點;在第 18 行中表示反向後的第一個節點,串接至 ```head```
<!-- 改天來畫圖 -->
### q_reverseK
void q_reverseK(struct list_head *head, int k)
// https://leetcode.com/problems/reverse-nodes-in-k-group/
if (k <= 1)
struct list_head *safe, *node, *start = head->next;
int c = 0;
list_for_each_safe (node, safe, head) {
if (c == k) {
c = 0;
struct list_head *prev = start->prev;
- sub_head.next = start;
- start->prev = &sub_head;
- sub_head.prev = node;
- node->next = &sub_head;
+ list_cut_position(&sub_head, start, node);
+ list_splice(&sub_head, prev);
- prev->next = sub_head.next;
- sub_head.next->prev = prev;
- sub_head.prev->next = safe;
- safe->prev = sub_head.prev;
start = safe;
每 ```k``` 個節點,將該複數節點加入到 ```sub_head``` 中,透過既有的函式 ```q_reverse``` 處理;再將處理好的 ```sub_head``` 中的節點加回 ```head``` 中
看<s>其他同學的實作</s>,傾向直接操作節點。我的實作還是以一個 ```sub_head``` 包裝想要操作的節點。
TODO: 撰寫更精簡的程式碼。參照他人的程式碼時,應標註出處。
:notes: jserv
原本的實作考量 ```list_cut_postition``` 的函式參數名稱都為 ```head_from```, ```head_to```,可能僅適用完成的佇列而非節點。之後,觀摩 [yanjiew](https://hackmd.io/@yanjiew/linux2023q1-lab0#q_reverseK) 後,我發現可以使用 ```list_cut_position``` 去切割 ```head``` 的多個節點,再使用 ```list_splice``` 接回原本的 ```head```
### q_swap
void q_swap(struct list_head *head)
// https://leetcode.com/problems/swap-nodes-in-pairs/
q_reverseK(head, 2);
在作業說明中, ```q_swap``` 是一種 ```q_reverseK(head, 2);``` 的特例。
### q_sort
:notes: jserv
void q_sort(struct list_head *head)
// ...
// split with middle.
struct list_head *slow = head->next, *fast = head->next->next;
while (fast != head && fast->next != head) {
slow = slow->next;
fast = fast->next->next;
- struct list_head *right_node = slow->next;
- left_head.next = head->next;
- left_head.next->prev = &left_head;
- left_head.prev = slow;
- left_head.prev->next = &left_head;
- right_head.next = right_node;
- right_head.next->prev = &right_head;
- right_head.prev = head->prev;
- right_head.prev->next = &right_head;
+ list_cut_position(&left_head, head, slow);
+ list_splice_init(head, &right_head);
merge_two_lists(&left_head, &right_head, head);
這裡採用 merge sort,程式碼主體可分為 divide, conquer and merge
- Divide: 將 ```head``` 切為左半邊 ```left_head``` 與右半邊 ```right_head``` ,在程式碼中,切割的中間的節點為 ```slow```
- Conquer: 將 ```left_head``` 與 ```right_head``` 分別用 ```q_sort``` 函式處理
- Merge: 合併兩個佇列(以 merge_two_lists 函式實作)
將較小元素先加入至 ```head``` 中,若其中一方沒有元素,即把另一方整個加入至 ```head``` 尾端中
在實作的過程中,可以利用 ```list_cut_position``` 切割左半與右半佇列
### q_descend
int q_descend(struct list_head *head)
int ret = 0;
if (!head)
return ret;
if (list_empty(head))
return ret;
ret = 1;
struct list_head *cur = head->prev, *node = head->prev->prev;
while (node != head) {
struct list_head *prev = node->prev;
element_t *e1 = list_entry(cur, element_t, list);
element_t *e2 = list_entry(node, element_t, list);
int c = strcmp(e2->value, e1->value);
if (c >= 0) {
cur = node;
} else {
list_move(node, &less);
node = prev;
element_t *e, *safe;
list_for_each_entry_safe (e, safe, &less, list) {
return ret;
在 [LeetCode 2487. Remove Nodes From Linked List](https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-nodes-from-linked-list/) 以及圖片的說明中
5 -> 2 -> 13 -> 3 -> 8
13 -> 8
- ```less``` 表示要被刪除的節點,先將欲刪除的節點預先加入至 ```less``` 佇列中
- ```cur``` 表示當前最大數值的節點
- ```node``` 表示當前比較的節點,若大於 ```cur``` 的字串,則 ```cur``` 變為 ```node```,```ret``` 累計加 1
### q_delete_dup
bool q_delete_dup(struct list_head *head)
// https://leetcode.com/problems/remove-duplicates-from-sorted-list-ii/
if (!head)
return false;
if (list_is_singular(head))
return true;
int move_count = 1;
struct list_head *cur = head->next;
while (cur != head) {
struct list_head *node = cur->next;
bool isdup = false;
while (node != head) {
struct list_head *next = node->next;
element_t *e1 = list_entry(node, element_t, list);
element_t *e2 = list_entry(cur, element_t, list);
int c = strcmp(e1->value, e2->value);
if (c == 0) {
isdup = true;
list_move(node, &delete_head);
node = next;
if (isdup) {
list_move(cur, &delete_head);
} else {
move_count += 1;
cur = head;
for (int i = 0; i < move_count; i++)
cur = cur->next;
element_t *e, *safe;
list_for_each_entry_safe (e, safe, &delete_head, list) {
return true;
雖然有提供 [LeetCode 23. Merge k Sorted Lists](https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-k-sorted-lists/),根據函式註解說明,並無特別強調排序。
- ```cur``` 表示當前的節點
- ```node``` 表示被比較的節點,如果與 ```cur``` 的元素相同,則加入到 ```delete_head``` 中
- 透過 ```delete_head``` 重複的節點刪除。
此程式碼移除重複的節點,憑肉眼觀察也是,不過卻有 ```ERROR: Duplicate strings are in queue or distinct strings are not in queue```,即使使用 ```q_sort``` 也會出現。
🤔🤔🤔 問題待排除
$ ./qtest
cmd> new
l = []
cmd> it 5
l = [5]
cmd> it 4
l = [5 4]
cmd> it 3
l = [5 4 3]
cmd> it 2
l = [5 4 3 2]
cmd> it 1
l = [5 4 3 2 1]
cmd> it 5
l = [5 4 3 2 1 5]
cmd> it 4
l = [5 4 3 2 1 5 4]
cmd> dedup
ERROR: Duplicate strings are in queue or distinct strings are not in queue
l = [3 2 1]
cmd> quit
### q_merge
int q_merge(struct list_head *head)
// https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-k-sorted-lists/
return 0;
~~如果是兩個佇列合併,則只需要 ```merge_two_lists``` 函式,若是多個佇列合併,則需要考量使用 priority queue 紀錄最小值~~
## 排除錯誤以及使用 Valgrind 排除錯誤
#### 錯誤一:在兩個以上的佇列,在命令列使用 `free` 會造成程式進入無窮迴圈
:notes: jserv
1. ```./qtest``` 啟動程式
2. ```new``` 兩次,會有兩個不同 ID 的 queue
3. ```free``` 一次會造成程式碼卡住
- 經過測試之後,並不是 ```q_free``` 造成的無限迴圈
- 推測是在某個地方造成無限迴圈
- 使用 GDB 命令 ```gdb qtest``` 重現錯誤
- 使用 ```Ctrl+C``` 中斷執行,查看無限迴圈的行數
- 使用 ```where``` 查看 call stack
- 使用 ```s``` 逐行檢查卡住的部份
- 發現卡在 ```qtest.c``` 的第 851 ~ 853 行
- 使用 ```p cur```, ```p currnet->q```, ```p currnet->q->next``` 檢查記憶體位址
Reading symbols from qtest...
(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/g111056119/Documents/lab0-c_2023/qtest
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
cmd> new
l = []
cmd> new
l = []
cmd> free
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
is_circular () at qtest.c:853
853 cur = cur->next;
(gdb) where
#0 is_circular () at qtest.c:853
#1 q_show (vlevel=vlevel@entry=3) at qtest.c:877
#2 0x0000555555558ab5 in do_free (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at qtest.c:123
#3 0x0000555555559dfb in interpret_cmda (argc=argc@entry=1, argv=argv@entry=0x555555569070)
at console.c:181
#4 0x000055555555a3b0 in interpret_cmd (cmdline=cmdline@entry=0x555555568ae0 "free")
at console.c:201
#5 0x000055555555b01a in run_console (infile_name=infile_name@entry=0x0) at console.c:691
#6 0x00005555555591ed in main (argc=1, argv=<optimized out>) at qtest.c:1223
(gdb) p current->q
$18 = (struct list_head *) 0x5555555654b8 <current>
(gdb) p current->q->next
$19 = (struct list_head *) 0x555555568f78
(gdb) p current->q->next->next
$20 = (struct list_head *) 0x5555555654c0 <chain>
(gdb) p current->q->next->next->next
$21 = (struct list_head *) 0x555555568f78
(gdb) p current->q->next->next->next->next
$22 = (struct list_head *) 0x5555555654c0 <chain>
static bool is_circular()
struct list_head *cur = current->q->next;
while (cur != current->q) {
if (!cur)
return false;
cur = cur->next;
// ...
透過比較 ```do_free``` 與 ```do_prev``` 函式內容,發現多打 ```&``` 符號
- ```do_free``` 函式
if (chain.size > 1) {
qnext = ((uintptr_t) ¤t->chain.next == (uintptr_t) &chain.head)
? chain.head.next
: current->chain.next;
- ```do_prev``` 函式
if (chain.size > 1) {
next = ((uintptr_t) chain.head.prev == (uintptr_t) ¤t->chain)
? chain.head.next
: current->chain.next;
current = next ? list_entry(next, queue_contex_t, chain) : NULL;
因此在 ```do_free``` 函式中移除 ```&``` 即可
if (chain.size > 1) {
- qnext = ((uintptr_t) ¤t->chain.next == (uintptr_t) &chain.head)
+ qnext = ((uintptr_t) current->chain.next == (uintptr_t) &chain.head)
? chain.head.next
: current->chain.next;
後來發現 github/lab0-c 已經修正該錯誤,因此只要 ``` git``` 操作即可
- ```git remote add lab0-c https://github.com/sysprog21/lab0-c.git```
- ```gir remote update```
- ```git merge lab0-c/master```
#### 錯誤二
valgrind ./qtest -f ./traces/trace-01-ops.cmd
valgrind 會回報以下問題:
# Test of insert_head and remove_head
l = []
l = [gerbil]
l = [bear gerbil]
l = [dolphin bear gerbil]
Removed dolphin from queue
l = [bear gerbil]
Removed bear from queue
l = [gerbil]
Removed gerbil from queue
l = []
==8952== 32 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 1 of 2
==8952== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==8952== by 0x10CBCE: do_new (qtest.c:145)
==8952== by 0x10DDFA: interpret_cmda (console.c:181)
==8952== by 0x10E3AF: interpret_cmd (console.c:201)
==8952== by 0x10E7B0: cmd_select (console.c:610)
==8952== by 0x10F09C: run_console (console.c:705)
==8952== by 0x10D1EC: main (qtest.c:1223)
==8952== 56 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record 2 of 2
==8952== at 0x4848899: malloc (in /usr/libexec/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==8952== by 0x10F110: test_malloc (harness.c:133)
==8952== by 0x10F515: q_new (queue.c:17)
==8952== by 0x10CC07: do_new (qtest.c:149)
==8952== by 0x10DDFA: interpret_cmda (console.c:181)
==8952== by 0x10E3AF: interpret_cmd (console.c:201)
==8952== by 0x10E7B0: cmd_select (console.c:610)
==8952== by 0x10F09C: run_console (console.c:705)
==8952== by 0x10D1EC: main (qtest.c:1223)
後來發現 [git commit c7d31497c5845bc0af308bf4601e7636c18f0153](https://github.com/sysprog21/lab0-c/commit/c7d31497c5845bc0af308bf4601e7636c18f0153) 修正此問題
command 的翻譯是「命令」,instruction 的翻譯是「指令」
:notes: jserv
## 在 qtest 提供新的命令 shuffle
參考其他巨集的實作,新增一個 `shuffle` 命令
ADD_COMMAND(new, "Create new queue", "");
ADD_COMMAND(free, "Delete queue", "");
+ ADD_COMMAND(shuffle, "Shuffle the current queue.", "");
由於在 git 設定中,不能變更 ```queue.h``` 與 ```list.h```,因此實作只能在 ```q_test.c``` 進行
static bool do_shuffle(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 1) {
report(1, "%s takes no arguments", argv[0]);
return false;
if (!current) {
report(3, "Warning: Try to operate null queue");
return false;
struct list_head *q = current->q;
if (!q)
return false;
if (list_empty(q) || list_is_singular(q))
return true;
const int n = q_size(q);
for (int i = n; i > 1; i--) {
int r = rand() % i;
struct list_head *tmp = q->next;
while (r--)
tmp = tmp->next;
list_move_tail(tmp, q);
return q_show(3);
### 研讀論文 〈[Dude, is my code constant time?](https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/1123.pdf)〉
台北大學歐士田教授的[假設檢定的介紹](https://web.ntpu.edu.tw/~stou/class/ntpu/CH11-Keller-in-Chinese-2011.pdf),閱讀之後對於論文的理解非常有幫助,使用了基本的統計學在驗證 $H_0$
- 論文摘要中,闡述一種資訊安全的攻擊方式:Timing attacks,一種 side-channel attacks (旁路攻擊),例如函式驗證敏感資訊時,若是錯誤的資訊就提早回傳結果,導致攻擊者可以利用處理時間,來破解驗證機制。
- 論文在不知道硬體實作的情況下,透過統計方式檢驗是否程式碼為固定時間執行 (constant time)
- 論文介紹中,主要闡述其貢獻:```TIMING LEAKAGE DETECTION```
- 使用兩組資料測試,利用統計的方式去比較這兩者的執行時間
- 第一組為固定的常態分佈的測試資料(固定的資料有固定的結果)
- 第二組為隨機的資料
- 由於沒學過統計,這裡我理解為使用兩個統計結果,使用其標準差跟平均數去計算兩者統計結果差異,利用 Welcch's t-test 跟 two-tails test 計算出某個數值,以驗證或推翻虛無假說。
### 修正 Probably not constant time or wrong implementation
使用測試案例 ```trace-17-complexity.cmd``` 會獲得 ```Probably not constant time or wrong implementation```,觀察其測試內容
# Test if time complexity of q_insert_tail, q_insert_head, q_remove_tail, and q_remove_head is constant
option simulation 1
option simulation 0
計算 approximate of df(degree of freedom)公式,參考 [Welch (Unpooled Variance) t Tests and Confidence Intervals: Introduction](https://youtu.be/2-ecXltt2vI?t=229) 提及的公式:
- $S_1$ 與 $S_2$ 表示變異數
- $n$ 表示樣本數量
df = \frac{({\frac{S_1^2}{n_1} + \frac{S_2^2}{n_2}})^2}{{\frac{1}{n_1 - 1}}({\frac{S_1^2}{n_1}})^2 + {\frac{1}{n_2 - 1}}({\frac{S_2^2}{n_2}})^2}
參考 [RinHizakura 的筆記](https://hackmd.io/@RinHizakura/ByuY_q6AU#dudect)中的描述,在 ```fixture.c```的```report```函式中
static bool report(void)
double max_t = fabs(t_compute(t));
double number_traces_max_t = t->n[0] + t->n[1];
double max_tau = max_t / sqrt(number_traces_max_t);
// ...
// ...
/* Definitely not constant time */
if (max_t > t_threshold_bananas)
return false;
/* Probably not constant time. */
if (max_t > t_threshold_moderate)
return false;
/* For the moment, maybe constant time. */
return true;
- ```max_t``` 表示 t value
- 利用 t value 查看在 df 產生的分佈中位置
- 計算區域下的積分面積,此為 p value
- 如果 p value 超過小於某個指定數值 $\alpha$,即表示可以推翻 $H_0$ 並支持 $H_1$,在本作業中
- $H_0$ 表示 Probably Not Constant Time 的虛無假設
- $H_1$ 表示對立假設
double s1 = t->m2[0] / (t->n[0] - 1);
s1 = s1 * s1;
double s2 = t->m2[1] / (t->n[1] - 1);
s2 = s2 * s2;
double num = s1 / t->n[0] + s2 / t->n[1];
num = num * num;
double d1 = s1 / t->n[0];
d1 = (d1 * d1) / (t->n[0] - 1);
double d2 = s2 / t->n[1];
d2 = (d2 * d2) / (t->n[1] - 1);
double den = d1 + d2;
double df = num / den;
- 目前的程式碼計算僅僅算到 df。尚未有想法去計算積分下的數值
在 oreparaz/dudect 的程式碼具備 percentile 的處理,但在 lab0-c 則無。
## 研讀 Linux 核心原始程式碼的 lib/list_sort.c 並嘗試引入到 lab0-c 專案