# NFT DAO bound with Token Bound Accounts ## rage report for https://daohaus.club/ ## summary MolochV3 style DAOs using NFT ownership as member criteria Basically think of being able to interact with a DAO as a NFT, the NFT is the member account and the owner of the NFT can interact with the DAO just like if you were using a EOA or smart wallet. So imagine your favorite PFP as the actual member, if you transfer or sale the NFT, the membership goes to the new member. This uses a new standard: ERC6551 (Token Bound Accounts), a bit of account abstraction magic that makes an NFT a smart wallet. Being a part of a standard means we may see support for the extra TBA features by markets and wallets in the future ### POC demo https://www.loom.com/share/371498f8d7254451a684d1d844aeca2d ### Wires ![](https://i.imgur.com/QYKtca4.png) notes: - non transferable shares become transferable (but in chunks). Because they are non transferable they are bound to the DAO at least until ragequit. - ragequit could automatically forward funds to the owner. - although bound to the DAO with shares the smart wallet would still work like normal. (unless logic was added to prevent some actions) - transferable shares - one interesting and potential problem with this is frontrunning transfers. if shares can be transferred right before a sale or something. ## front end considerations Current DAOhaus front end components are setup for EOA or Safe interactions. this would require a new model that probably displays the NFT image as the profile(although these NFTs could hold ens too). Also interacting with the DAO (proposal, voting, delegation, ragequit, etc) would require a wrapper to forwards calls through the proxy wallet. Wallet connect would probably work to route calls ## contracts any standard NFT works, even if it has already been deployed. In the POC a shaman mints a nft, registers it as a smart wallet and gets the new account address, then mints shares/loot to the new account. ## potential usecases - NFT launch - boot strap a DAO with a NFT launch, DAO rights transfer - DAO roles - diffirentiate Roles, and special permissions in a DAO - Extended membership Logic - ragequit vesting, power vesting, decay, yeild... - Multi DAO profile - build a protocol polotician brand - Games - Profile breeding for more dao power, meow ## other trends along with erc6551 gnosis is coming out with Mech which is a similar idea but using zodiac safe modules as the smart wallet ## links dev call https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sm7iF5msH-3FWMFkNqrNuo4Mj9rFIXYr/view?usp=drivesdk tweet https://twitter.com/DekanBro/status/1656356662582845442?s=20