# iperf3 安裝/執行/參數 學習筆記 `linux` `iPerf` `網路測速` > [TOC] 指令式的網路速度測試工具 支援 * IPv4 . IPv6 * 常見的 TCP、UDP 傳輸協定 * Windows / Mac OS X / Linux / 手機平台 ## 官方網站/參數使用文件: * https://iperf.fr * https://iperf.fr/iperf-doc.php ## 下載位置: > Debian / Ubuntu Linux `sudo apt-get install iperf3` > macOS Homebrew `brew install iperf3` > Window https://iperf.fr/iperf-download.php 備註: iperf3安装配置使用踩坑记录 [需要放在 C:\Windows\System32 sudo 權限](https://tinychen.com/20190409-iperf3/) # 參數設定 > 前置作業:需要 server 及 client 端 > [公用伺服器](https://iperf.fr/iperf-servers.php) ## Server 端 ### iperf3 -s **iperf3 -s -p 5205** > Serve 端模式 預設監聽 5201 port ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1muwwwTn.png) **lsof -i | grep iperf3** > 確認是否真的有開 Port ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ89y_Y62.png) ## Client 端 ### iperf3 -c [Server IP] > Client 端模式 > 輸入 Server IP 位址 > 伺服器在本地可輸入[ localhost /](https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/Localhost) ### iperf3 -c localhost -i 2 -t 30 --logfile output.log * -i 輸出數據間隔時間 * -t 監控數據持續時間 * -w 測試傳輪檔案大小 * -p 更換預設Port號 * --logfile 輸出數據結果 * -J file.log 指定JSON格式 * -R 反轉,下載測速 <!-- ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyvVdOKph.png) --> ## iperf3 使用語法總覽 iperf命令 中文說明 https://a42033.gitbooks.io/system/content/system/network/iperf.html iperf -help ```bash= Usage: iperf3 [-s|-c host] [options] iperf3 [-h|--help] [-v|--version] Server or Client: -p, --port # server port to listen on/connect to -f, --format [kmgtKMGT] format to report: Kbits, Mbits, Gbits, Tbits -i, --interval # seconds between periodic throughput reports -I, --pidfile file write PID file -F, --file name xmit/recv the specified file -B, --bind <host> bind to the interface associated with the address <host> -V, --verbose more detailed output -J, --json output in JSON format --logfile f send output to a log file --forceflush force flushing output at every interval --timestamps<=format> emit a timestamp at the start of each output line (optional "=" and format string as per strftime(3)) --rcv-timeout # idle timeout for receiving data (default 120000 ms) -d, --debug[=#] emit debugging output (optional optional "=" and debug level: 1-4. Default is 4 - all messages) -v, --version show version information and quit -h, --help show this message and quit Server specific: -s, --server run in server mode -D, --daemon run the server as a daemon -1, --one-off handle one client connection then exit --server-bitrate-limit #[KMG][/#] server's total bit rate limit (default 0 = no limit) (optional slash and number of secs interval for averaging total data rate. Default is 5 seconds) --idle-timeout # restart idle server after # seconds in case it got stuck (default - no timeout) --rsa-private-key-path path to the RSA private key used to decrypt authentication credentials --authorized-users-path path to the configuration file containing user credentials --time-skew-threshold time skew threshold (in seconds) between the server and client during the authentication process Client specific: -c, --client <host>[%<dev>] run in client mode, connecting to <host> (option <dev> equivalent to `--bind-dev <dev>`) -u, --udp use UDP rather than TCP --connect-timeout # timeout for control connection setup (ms) -b, --bitrate #[KMG][/#] target bitrate in bits/sec (0 for unlimited) (default 1 Mbit/sec for UDP, unlimited for TCP) (optional slash and packet count for burst mode) --pacing-timer #[KMG] set the timing for pacing, in microseconds (default 1000) -t, --time # time in seconds to transmit for (default 10 secs) -n, --bytes #[KMG] number of bytes to transmit (instead of -t) -k, --blockcount #[KMG] number of blocks (packets) to transmit (instead of -t or -n) -l, --length #[KMG] length of buffer to read or write (default 128 KB for TCP, dynamic or 1460 for UDP) --cport <port> bind to a specific client port (TCP and UDP, default: ephemeral port) -P, --parallel # number of parallel client streams to run -R, --reverse run in reverse mode (server sends, client receives) --bidir run in bidirectional mode. Client and server send and receive data. -w, --window #[KMG] set send/receive socket buffer sizes (indirectly sets TCP window size) -M, --set-mss # set TCP/SCTP maximum segment size (MTU - 40 bytes) -N, --no-delay set TCP/SCTP no delay, disabling Nagles Algorithm -4, --version4 only use IPv4 -6, --version6 only use IPv6 -S, --tos N set the IP type of service, 0-255. The usual prefixes for octal and hex can be used, i.e. 52, 064 and 0x34 all specify the same value. --dscp N or --dscp val set the IP dscp value, either 0-63 or symbolic. Numeric values can be specified in decimal, octal and hex (see --tos above). -Z, --zerocopy use a 'zero copy' method of sending data -O, --omit N perform pre-test for N seconds and omit the pre-test statistics -T, --title str prefix every output line with this string --extra-data str data string to include in client and server JSON --get-server-output get results from server --udp-counters-64bit use 64-bit counters in UDP test packets --repeating-payload use repeating pattern in payload, instead of randomized payload (like in iperf2) --dont-fragment set IPv4 Dont Fragment flag --username username for authentication --rsa-public-key-path path to the RSA public key used to encrypt authentication credentials [KMG] indicates options that support a K/M/G suffix for kilo-, mega-, or giga- iperf3 homepage at: https://software.es.net/iperf/ Report bugs to: https://github.com/esnet/iperf ``` ## 參考資料: ### [指令式的網路速度測試工具 iPerf3](https://t301000.blogspot.com/2020/05/iperf3.html) 解釋原理/緣由: **Window:** ### [如何使用Iperf測試TP-Link路由器的速度?](https://www.tp-link.com/tw/support/faq/2408/) ### [指令式的網路速度測試工具 iPerf3 ,揪出網路頻寬真實的一面](https://walker-a.com/archives/5857) 純指令教學: **Linux** ## [iPerf3 網路速度測試教學,頻寬檢測指令工具](https://blog.gtwang.org/useful-tools/iperf-network-bandwidth-testing-tool-tutorial/) ## [利用IPERF來測試網路傳輸速度](https://jasslee.pixnet.net/blog/post/61209718-利用iperf來測試網路傳輸速度) **MacOS** ## [macOS 必裝! Homebrew 套件管理工具---iperf3](https://www.jkg.tw/p677/#span-stylecolor-008000iperf3span) ## 實際案例 **Ysuper Liang:WinSCP 檔案傳輸速度異常,確認網速是否正常** https://hackmd.io/@-HgNk7Y5R_G72ULgE21oOA/BJDhzCaLs > linux iperf3 -c 211.73.xx.xx -i 3 -t 30 -P 4 <!-- 工人智慧(手動 key 測試參數) ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyxApGQjp3.png) --> ## 進階使用 ``` for i in 1 2 4 8; do iperf3 -c -t 30 -Z -O 3 -P $i | tail -n 3 | sed -nE "s/.* ([0-9.]+ [M|G|K]bits.sec).*/P=$i \1/p"; done ``` sed (stream editor) 可以分析並做篩選處理輸出資料, 參考資料: https://dywang.csie.cyut.edu.tw/dywang/linuxProgram/linuxProgram.html ## 進階學習 https://access.redhat.com/documentation/zh-cn/red_hat_enterprise_linux/8/html/monitoring_and_managing_system_status_and_performance/tuning-tcp-connections-for-high-throughput_tuning-the-network-performance -Z zerocopy:實現零複製方法,而不使用write ()系統調用。只有在您要模擬具有零複製的應用程序或在單一流量上達到40 Gbps時,才需要此選項。 Zero Copy 詳細說明: https://hackmd.io/@hpc-ai/HPCNotes/%2FHjAXXQSWRB-3jJm7GyEjAA%3Fview#Zero-Copy https://www.cnblogs.com/chengd/p/7572066.html -O 忽略前幾秒冷啟動時間 ## 備註筆記 第十二章、學習 Shell Scripts https://linux.vbird.org/linux_basic/centos7/0340bashshell-scripts.php#for https://shengyu7697.github.io/shell-script-for/ https://medium.com/程式裡有蟲/mac-os-設定環境變數-2351da88523f Linux 命令手册、详解、学习 https://wangchujiang.com/linux-command/ 除錯判斷: 區網/還是FW問題 * 廣域網絡 (WAN) 與局部區域網絡 (LAN) * 看防火牆狀態 ubuntu / sudo ufw status * 設定封包過濾規則 --- [Linux 查看端口占用情况](https://www.runoob.com/w3cnote/linux-check-port-usage.html) > lsof -i:portn_umber 查看佔用 port > netstat -ntlp //查看目前所有 tcp port nmap localhost [用 nmap 檢查本機與遠端電腦上開啟的 Port](https://ephrain.net/pentest-用-nmap-檢查本機與遠端電腦上開啟的-port/) [Netcat(Linux nc 指令)網路管理者工具實用範例]( https://blog.gtwang.org/linux/linux-utility-netcat-examples/) 什麼是 WAN?| WAN 與 LAN 廣域網路 (WAN) 是任何延伸至大型地理區域的網路,通常會連接多個區域網路 (LAN)。 https://www.cloudflare.com/zh-tw/learning/network-layer/what-is-a-wan/