## tl;dr Information Systems is more business-based rather than a computer science background. This change in degree name will affect how the curriculum will be shaped in the future. **Pillar Name "ISTD" will stay unchanged!** Rationales behind not changing pillar name: - Keep the options open, ISTD may have more degrees to offer in the future. - Not changing too much at once, the pillar name may change in the future if necessary. ## Other Universities SMU has also renamed its program to Computing Internationally, the name "Computer Science and Design" has been used in India, US. 83% of us voted for the name change to CSD New program on computer science and design both in the India and US. Both Computer Science and Design should come together. Survey results: 83% Computer Science and Design 6% Computer Systems and Design 11% to retain the name of ISTD This issue was also raised to the External Advisory Board and they also supported the decision to change the degree name to Computer Science and Design. ## Q&A 1. Why is there a difference in the pillar and degree names? To make more room for flexibility so that ISTD can have multiple degrees in the future (with CSD being one of them). The main focus is to help students get employment, and employees are often not aware that "ISTD" is actually a CS curriculum. We want to make minimal changes to the pillar, while at the same time resolving this issue. Since employers usually look at the degree name, we could prioritise changing the degree name without having to change the pillar name. 2. Is there a change in naming for the "IS" minor? The minor will now be called CS minor. 3. Is there a chance for 2021 batch to keep ISTD? No, to avoid adding confusion into the industry. 4. Is there a need to have the Big D? It is important to have the "Design" element in the name, since essentially in SUTD we want to cultivate Design Thinking on top of innovating technology. From the curriculum perspective, the "Design" element is core and is reflected through the students' projects. It also becomes a distinguishing factor when employers ask about the degree name (what's the difference between CSD and the traditional CS?). 5. Internship or full time at better partners or companies? Internships are prioritised for penultimate students. Look for CDC in short. 6. CS degree but B Eng? We want to have a CS curriculum with engineering aspects. 7. Is there any marketing effort to go with this change? All the partners will be informed of the name change including alumni and incoming freshmen.