[Turing Workshop for Data Science Educators](https://conferences.leeds.ac.uk/dseducators) === # Theme 1: Train the trainer ###### tags: `Turing Workshop for Data Science Educators`,`Data Science Education` :::info - **time and day**: Wednesday 21th September, 9:00-17:00 (GMT+1) - **Meeting host**: Luisa Cutillo - **Meeting facilitators**: Ayesha Dunk (online), Paul Baxter (in person) - **Back to the Main Call**: [MS teams meeting joining link](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YjFhMzczZDUtZjI0Yi00NmMzLThhNjItNWNhNGE1OTViY2U5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22bdeaeda8-c81d-45ce-863e-5232a535b7cb%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225059c8a0-43a5-44f0-b487-8ec42fe4bea5%22%7d ) - **Back to the Main hackmd**: [link](https://hackmd.io/@Cutillo/SkFEn9Ees) ::: ### Collaborative exercises *up to 1h in breakout groups, in person or online* --- #### Theme 1 :::info **Train the trainer - collaborative excercise**: discussion to identify a set of skills and interventions that could form the basis of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program for data science educators. How can we keep DS trainers continuously up-to-date? **Remote Participant:** [**Clik here to Join Theme1 call**](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ODM3NzYxNmMtOTZmMi00YThhLWEwMDctNGM3NjRkZTQzODZl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22bdeaeda8-c81d-45ce-863e-5232a535b7cb%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225059c8a0-43a5-44f0-b487-8ec42fe4bea5%22%7d) ::: --- #### Group Discussion (online) *Please use this space to take notes from your breakout group discussion.* - What challenges have you faced as a Data Science Educator? If you are a student, what challenges have you faced as a learner of Data Science? - - - - - - - - What strategies have you tried to overcome such challenges? - - - - - - - - What suggestions could you give your employer to help you stay upskilled? - - - - - - - - How could the community of DS educators help you to stay upskilled? - - - - - - - - Are there any useful tools and resources you could share with other DS educators? - - - - - - - - - What have you valued most in this workshop? - - - - - - - - #### Group Discussion (in person) *Please use this space to take notes from your breakout group discussion.* - What challenges have you faced as a Data Science Educator? - Getting the level right for learners that have very different needs / levels - Having sufficient time to address everyones needs with large cohort - - What strategies have you tried to overcome such challenges? - Theme courses carefully - don't offer very generic courses - Have clear prerequisites and clear minimum and maximum numbers - Provide lots of practical support with demonstators / workshops by PhD students - - What suggestions could you give your employer to help you stay upskilled? - Give time for CPD to attend courses - - - How could the community of DS educators help you to stay upskilled? - Offer Q&A online chat e.g. teams so questions can be asked for collaboration - - - Are there any useful tools and resources you could share with other DS educators? - Pre-existing examples online e.g. in Python - Textbooks with specific examples relevant to discipline - - - What have you valued most in this workshop? - Linking up to others in field who have resources to share (e.g. ATI resources and free courses) - Soft skills (e.g. presentation and writing) for data scientists rather than generic soft skills courses. - Learning about industry perspective and what they want in graduate skills