# Next step brain dump ## Graph - User entity : - Current balances ( wallet/marinating/compounding ) - Marinating in/outs history - Compounding in/outs history - Vaults in/outs history - Triggers on (un)staking and vault deposit/withdraw - Need to filter out bots activity - Vault entity : - Deposited asset - Balance history - Earned history (?) - Max capacity - Total supply - Triggers on deposit/withdraw ## API - Users - Map the staking balances at a given day with the distributions of that day to determine rewards earned - Sends back the total ETH earned and total UMAMI earned via compounding - Sends back vaults positions and rewards history - Transactions history ? - Vaults - Vaults list - APY/R - Rewards earned - Supply infos - Protocol metrics - Number of users - Vaults TVL history - Vaults balances - Supply distribution over time - List of distributions ## Front - Portfolio page - Current balances split - Staking earnings wETH/UMAMI/USD - Vaults earnings - Vault open positions balance + earned - Transactions history ? (only umami related, no swap/bridge) - Stats page or subdomain to display more global protocol datas - TVL breakdown over time - Vaults performances over time - Amount of users over time - Supply breakdown over time - Vaults balances and weight in the overall strat - Need to add the cmUMAMI:UMAMI ratio graph somewhere - Distributions + average - Ecosystem page This page would list and reference any external link useful to the ecosystem, with a priority giving to listing community made projects ( Dune DB ).