DPP-CRC progress tracking for NGI Sargasso, Open Call 2 -- this document is public! # DPP-CRC Progress * Meetings: https://hackmd.io/raEGzz5aQC-pHxG3HMuwbQ ## Project Plan ```plantuml @startgantt printscale weekly Project starts the 7th of March 2024 [WP1 Project Management] as [WP1] lasts 275 days and is 43% complete [MS: Project start] happens at 2024-03-07 [PM Setup] as [TASK1] lasts 14 days [TASK1] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [MS: Sign Individual Mentoring Plan] happens at 2024-04-07 [MS: Requirements] happens at 2024-05-07 [MS: Business Model Canvas finalized] happens at 2024-06-07 [MS: Design] happens at 2024-06-10 [MS: Implementation] happens at 2024-09-07 [MS: Final] happens at 2024-12-07 [WP2 Requirements and Design] as [WP2] lasts 115 days and is 100% complete [WP2] starts at [WP1]'s start [Requirements elicitation] as [TASK2] lasts 30 days [TASK2] starts at [TASK1]'s end [TASK2] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [System design] as [TASK3] lasts 48 days [TASK3] starts at [TASK2]'s end [TASK3] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [WP3 Infrastructure] as [WP3] lasts 184 days and is 50% complete [WP3] starts at 2024-04-02 [Data Intermediary] as [TASK4] lasts 184 days [TASK4] starts at [WP3]'s start [TASK4] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [Wallet Functions] as [TASK5] lasts 184 days [TASK5] starts at [WP3]'s start [TASK5] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [WP4 Services] as [WP4] lasts 153 days and is 52% complete [WP4] starts at 2024-04-15 [Zero-Knowledge Proof] as [TASK6] lasts 153 days [TASK6] starts at [WP4]'s start [TASK6] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [EPDs and Building Pass] as [TASK7] lasts 153 days [TASK7] starts at [WP4]'s start [TASK7] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [WP5 Disseminsation & Business Development] as [WP5] lasts 256 days and is 41% complete [WP5] starts at 2024-03-21 [Interviews] as [TASK8] lasts 256 days [TASK8] starts at [WP5]'s start [TASK8] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue [Final Report] as [TASK9] lasts 92 days [TASK9] starts at 2024-09-01 [TASK9] is colored in Lavender/LightBlue @endgantt ``` ## Project Status * Technology * ✅ EPD representation -> Demo in Use Case #0 * Data Intermediary implementation -> documented in KPI #3 * ZKP Proof for EPD Calculation -> documented in KPI #5 * Digital Product Passport Platform integration -> demonstrated in Use Case #3 * Use Cases * ✅ Use Case #0 - Initial Tech Demo, [link](https://hackmd.io/rrpChr57TlWwE3qliuzpwg) * Demo 0.5 - Stakeholder Demo, [link](https://hackmd.io/LWLeRptOSYKJMvuqHiz5YQ) * Use Case #1 - Self-generated EPD in EU, [link](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-1-Self-generated-EPD-in-EU) * Use Case #2 - EPD Flexibility in Canada, [link](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-2-EPD-flexibility-in-Canada) * Use Case #3 - EPDs for Carbon-reduced Concrete with Heated Formwork, [link](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-3-EPDs-for-Carbon-Reduced-Concrete-with-Heated-Formwork) * Documents * ✅ [Requirements & Design Document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qpKbS4zAIWuTzi8JOiOWuuJDPiuMeqSFxwQv1Y7hW_U/edit?usp=drive_link) * [Test & Validation Plan](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pcPAOb6mca_f_2oVqTEZx5-vuRDoo99QrUs9SvQDnYQ/edit) * [Business Plan](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1swb9adZvRCtf4EQ3zQswgY-zeLMFZaOjZ7WzNydA2ms/edit?usp=drive_link) * [Final Report](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PGbrMQM25Wh8RAzqNzszIm5l6LLfEPbLxzSCk5_5KMA/edit?usp=drive_link) * Sargasso Programme * Interviews: 19/45 * Coachings: 7/18 * ✅ OnCampus Program * ✅ Inspirational Talks: 2/2 * ✅ Webinars: 9/9 * ✅ Flipped Classrooms * ✅ LLP Video Lectures: 10/10 ## Stages ### ✅ Stage 1 (7.Mar-7.Apr 2024) - [x] [Individual Mentoring Plan](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SqzCM9AZS63WI1GJdtrTM9VbzlE1FLYD/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=110719121455669753131&rtpof=true&sd=true) signed - [x] [Evaluation Questionnaire](https://hackmd.io/7-DSVX-JT6avzpfLKN7SpA#1st-Evaluation-4Apr-2024) ### ✅ Stage 2 (8.Apr-7.Jun 2024) - [x] [Business Model Canvas](https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVNlay1IQ=/?moveToWidget=3458764581171960717&cot=14) finalized ([PDF version on GDrive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T5wK6nsE1j1D2Dj_jJF1meMUWvNdM25n/view?usp=drive_link)) - [x] Sargasso OnCampus program completed - [x] [Evaluation Questionnaire](https://hackmd.io/7-DSVX-JT6avzpfLKN7SpA#2nd-Evaluation-3Jun-2024) ### Stage 3 (8.Jun-7.Sep 2024) - [x] KPI #1 (10-06-2024): Requirement & Design Documnet link to final document: [PDF](https://www.ownyourdata.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/KPI-01_RequirementAndDesign_v01.pdf), ongoing edits in [Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qpKbS4zAIWuTzi8JOiOWuuJDPiuMeqSFxwQv1Y7hW_U/edit?usp=drive_link) - [x] KPI #2 (15-06-2024): Use Case #0 - Initial Tech Demo link to final document: [PDF](https://www.ownyourdata.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/KPI-02_UseCase0.pdf), ongoing edits in [HackMD](https://hackmd.io/rrpChr57TlWwE3qliuzpwg?view) - [ ] KPI #3 (15-07-2024): Data Intermediary and DPP Platform Setup link to [working document](https://hackmd.io/O54aclRyTPCsQd_0ZcG_wQ?view) - completion: 80% - [ ] KPI #4 (30-08-2024): Test & Evaluation Plan Document link to [working document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pcPAOb6mca_f_2oVqTEZx5-vuRDoo99QrUs9SvQDnYQ/edit) - completion: 15% - [ ] KPI #5 (30-08-2024): ZKP based Proof of EPD Calculation link to [current implementation](https://github.com/OwnYourData/zk-epd-calc) - completion: 60% - [ ] [Evaluation Questionnaire](https://hackmd.io/7-DSVX-JT6avzpfLKN7SpA?view#3rd-Evaluation-TBD) ### Stage 4 (8.Sep-7.Dec 2024) - [ ] KPI #6 (15-09-2024): Use Case #1 - Self-generated EPD in EU link to [working document](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-1-Self-generated-EPD-in-EU) - completion: 5% - [ ] KPI #7 (25-09-2024): Use Case #2 - EPD Flexibility in Canada link to [working document](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-2-EPD-flexibility-in-Canada) - completion: 5% - [ ] KPI #8 (15-11-2024): EPD Management in Sphereon DPP Platform link to [working document](https://hackmd.io/44t8SB1OTNCbeNtxCUrWrw?view) - completion: 5% - [ ] KPI #9 (30-11-2024): Use Case #3 - EPDs for Concrete with Heated Formwork link to [working document](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-3-EPDs-for-Carbon-Reduced-Concrete-with-Heated-Formwork) - completion: 5% - [ ] KPI #10 (30-11-2024): Business Plan Document link to [working document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1swb9adZvRCtf4EQ3zQswgY-zeLMFZaOjZ7WzNydA2ms/edit?usp=drive_link) - completion: 5% - [ ] [Final Report](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bnxeSjM0anMUL9boWwncpen2k8ymkxxx/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=110719121455669753131&rtpof=true&sd=true) completion: 5% - [ ] [Evaluation Questionnaire](https://hackmd.io/7-DSVX-JT6avzpfLKN7SpA?view#4th-Evaluation-TBD) ## Domain KPIs Will be agreed with coach in Individual Mentoring Plan (Stage 1) and are basis for evaluation and payment! ([final and signed document available here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15_8Z3t2HfJ7-C3_SBShMZxhWIbhPW4Gs/view?usp=drive_link)) 1) **write a Requirements & Design Document for managing EPDs in a Data Intermediary for the construction industry** due: 10-June-2024 (Stage 3) link: [Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qpKbS4zAIWuTzi8JOiOWuuJDPiuMeqSFxwQv1Y7hW_U/edit?usp=drive_link) * well defined and measurable requirements (for test & evaluation plan) * design of overall system with components and interfaces documented * common understanding within team and associated partners in the construction industry 2) **create digital representation of an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) compliant with DPP platform** due: 15-June-2024 (Stage 3) link: [Use Case #0 description](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-0-Initial-EPD-Demo) * define data structure for an EPD to be managed in Sphereon DPP platform * define endpoints to Data Intermediary storing evidence * formulate proof and include in Credentials/Presentations of DPP 3) **setup Data Intermediary and DPP Platform** due: 15-July-2024 (Stage 3) link: [Infrastructure Setup](https://hackmd.io/omMkxJXvQdmqe3KGouar4g) * collect real / create synthetic data for use cases and store in Data Intermediary * demonstrate data governance with Data Agreements * integrate with Sphereon's DPP Platform 4) **write a Test & Evaluation Plan for the Data Intermediary in the construction industry** due: 30-August-2024 (Stage 3) link: [Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pcPAOb6mca_f_2oVqTEZx5-vuRDoo99QrUs9SvQDnYQ/edit) * software available on public GitHub repository * documents the implementation and demonstrates features with synthetic data 5) **ZKP based proof of correct EPD calculation** due: 30-August-2024 (Stage 3) * use zero-knowledge proof technology to demonstrate process conformity * integrate process compliant EPD calculation into Data Intermediary and DPP Platform 6) **Use Case #1: demonstrate self-generated EPD in EU** due: 15-September-2024 (Stage 4) link: [Use Case #1 description](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-1-Self-generated-EPD-in-EU) * covers A1-A3 7) **Use Case #2: EPD flexibility for concrete in Canada** due: 25-September-2024 (Stage 4) link: [Use Case #2 description](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-2-EPD-flexibility-in-Canada) * demonstrate flexibility with multiple EPDs available in Canada to reach lower carbon footprint * same as UC1 + governance in Canada and multifaceted EPDs available there 8) **manage building projects with multiple EPDs in Sphereon’s DPP platform** due: 15-November-2024 (Stage 4) * integrate Data Intermediary * integrate with invoicing from Sequello * dynamic EPD handling to address use of heated form work * demonstrate organisational management of EPDs for a building project 9) **Use Case #3: EPDs for carbon reduced concrete with heated formwork** due: 30-November-2024 (Stage 4) link: [Use Case #3 description](https://hackmd.io/q9lOXuWTRFCJXdWTvwohRA?view#Use-Case-3-EPDs-for-Carbon-Reduced-Concrete-with-Heated-Formwork) * complex flow that includes multiple data sources and attestations * showcasing dynamic EPDs through the fact that carbon footprint changes in phase A4-A5 based on heat formwork 10) **write Business Plan incl. go-to market strategy and video demonstrating built use cases; including dissemination on social media and workshop presenting results** due: 30-November-2024 (Stage 4) link: [Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bnxeSjM0anMUL9boWwncpen2k8ymkxxx/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=110719121455669753131&rtpof=true&sd=true) * identify launching customer * roadmap and financing * growth projections and profit margins * record video to demonstrate built use cases * dissemination workshop at TU Wien ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1-MM4t7R.png) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJxkywdAp.png) ## Hypotheses to be verified / falsified in interviews <span style="margin-left: 28px">*----Industry (focus on cement and CO2 footprint)*</span> 1) Construction industry needs digitally managed and public accessible EPDs to reach the goals of the EU Green Deal (reference to Global Warming Potential Catalogue) 2) Construction industry needs dynamic EPDs (calculated in a dynamic way) to foster innovative recipes of concrete i.e., consider dynamic in respect to adding new ingredients / using different material or changing proportions 3) Construction industry needs trusted EPDs to create a level playfield for competition (example: is wood climate-neutral? yes for Austria & Switzerland, no for Germany) <br>*----Technology* 4) New forms of digital identities (e.g. ID Austria) and proofs (digital signatures) for stakeholders and their attestation are needed for generating EPDs (improve transparency & accountability) 5) Improve trust into new forms of EPD calculation through non-technical (public information, conferences, labeling process) and technical (standardisation, certification) measures <br>*----Use Cases* 6) Add to EPDs specific values (daily updated) for dynamic calculation of phases A4-A5 on top of A1-A3 to cover flexibilities and dynamic nature of the construction process *note: Industry EPDs ("Branchen EPD") make only assumptions on A4-A5* 7) Industry will adapt trusted generation of EPDs in a contested market while ensuring secrecy of internal processes <br>*----Future* 8) BIM (Building Information Model, here: as-planned) will provide the underlying information to certify the building based on the used EPDs 9) BIM (Building Information Model, here: as-built) documents the actually used EPDs and proof compliance to certification 10) For data sharing in the construction industry Data Spaces can improve stakeholder collaboration and enhance transparency, efficiency, and decision-making processes ## 45 Interviews with Relevant Industry Agents [Interview guide](https://hackmd.io/8XfnGTVdSLm9xO2Te7XqQw?view#Template), [Design Thinking Playbook](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SI5PS5sFaWr4Zd7ALi2AGtBcQnOglP5-/view?usp=drive_link) Plan: (samt Dokument in [Interview Liste](https://hackmd.io/8XfnGTVdSLm9xO2Te7XqQw?view#Template)) - [x] Martin: Termin mit Wopfinger organisieren - [x] Thomas: Interview mit Kontakt / Fallback: Bruder - [x] Christoph: Julia um 1 Termin bitte - [x] Christoph: 3 Interviews von Mark / Fallback: Christoph K. Recommendated Interviews: * Hildegund.Figl@ibo.at * [x] Sarah Richter <- office@bau-epd.at * Hanna.Schreiber@umweltbundesamt.at * Hans Jürgen Zeiler (Wopfinger); H.Zeiler@wopfinger.com * F.Denk@wopfinger.com ### Plan <details><summary>Christoph: 21 Interviews (done: 12, planned: 5)</summary> * 1) 2024-03-20 [Mark](https://hackmd.io/8XfnGTVdSLm9xO2Te7XqQw?view#18-03-2024-Mark-de-Colvenaer-1st) * 2) 2024-04-11 Martin Semberger & team at BMF * 3) 2024-04-12 Christoph Klikovits * 4) 2024-04-16 Werner Weingraber, Madaster * 5) 2024-04-19 Sebastian Haas, Kybernos * 6) 2024-04-23 Niels Klomp, Sphereon * 7) 2024-05-03 Niklas Gruber, Holcim * 8) 2024-05-14 Soheil Human, University of Economics * 9) 2024-05-15 Tulay Ozlu, Eduard Loscos, Emre Yontem, EcoWise & BDTA Spain: construction digital twin association (Mark provides contact) * 10) 2024-05-28 Andreea Crudici - TUW Workshop * 11) 2024-05-29 Sebastian Boender, Sphereon * 12) 2024-05-31 Data Village - Philippe HAENEBALCKE and Quentin FELICE * [ ] HOLCIM Canada * [ ] Andreas Pauer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/andreas-pauer-ba41975a/ (via Email von Sebastian Haas) * [ ] Silke Palkovits-Rauter * [ ] Robert Lechner (Ökologie Institut) -> did not answer 2 emails * [ ] Peter Hellinckx, University of Antwerp -> did not answer 2 emails</details> <details><summary>Martin: 9 Interviews (done: 2, planned: 3)</summary> * 1) 2024-04-24 Sarah Richter (Bau-EPD) * 2) 2024-05-21 Philip Ramprecht (Geschäftsbereichsleiter Umwelttechnik bei Wopfinger) * [ ] Johannes Scherrer (ESG Strategy - A1) * [ ] Hans Jürgen Zeiler (Wopfinger); H.Zeiler@wopfinger.com * [ ] Wopfinger IT Chef? </details> <details><summary>Thomas: 9 Interviews (done: 3, planned: 2)</summary> * 1) 2024-04-23: Goran Sibenik (BIM-Expert) * 2) 2024-06-11: Stefan Schützenhofer (Research in EPDs) * 3) 2024-06-13: Harald Krenn (Tiefbau + EPDs) * [ ] Ralf Preindl (Wasserundurchlässiger Beton, Lieferscheine, Mischungen, usw.) * [ ] Reinhold Palla (Tiefbauspezialist, Brenner-Basis Tunner u.ä. Projekte) (No time -> maybe in summer) </details> <details><summary>Julia: 6 Interviews (done: 2, planned: 0)</summary> * 1) 2024-03-20: Thomas Romm * 2) 20204-05-23: Michael Härtel </details> ### Status ```plantuml @startuml robust "Open Interviews" as I '30 days is scaled to 50 pixels scale 2592000 as 80 pixels concise "Phase" as P P is Setup @2024/01/22 I is 0 @2024/01/23 I is 1 @2024/01/24 I is 2 @2024/01/25 I is 3 @2024/01/26 I is 4 @2024/01/27 I is 5 @2024/01/28 I is 6 @2024/01/29 I is 7 @2024/01/30 I is 8 @2024/01/31 I is 9 @2024/02/01 I is 10 @2024/02/02 I is 11 @2024/02/03 I is 12 @2024/02/04 I is 13 @2024/02/05 I is 14 @2024/02/06 I is 15 @2024/02/07 I is 16 @2024/02/08 I is 17 @2024/02/09 I is 18 @2024/02/10 I is 19 @2024/02/11 I is 20 @2024/02/12 I is 21 @2024/02/13 I is 22 @2024/02/14 I is 23 @2024/02/15 I is 24 @2024/02/16 I is 25 @2024/02/17 I is 26 @2024/02/18 I is 27 @2024/02/19 I is 28 @2024/02/20 I is 29 @2024/02/21 I is 30 @2024/02/22 I is 31 @2024/02/23 I is 32 @2024/02/24 I is 33 @2024/02/25 I is 34 @2024/02/26 I is 35 @2024/02/27 I is 36 @2024/02/28 I is 37 @2024/02/29 I is 38 @2024/03/01 I is 39 @2024/03/02 I is 40 @2024/03/03 I is 41 @2024/03/04 I is 42 @2024/03/05 I is 43 @2024/03/06 I is 44 @2024/03/07 I is 45 I@2024/03/08 -> I@2024/12/06 P is "Stage 1" @2024/03/12 I is 45 @2024/03/18 I is 44 @2024/03/20 I is 43 @2024/04/11 I is 42 @2024/04/12 I is 41 @2024/04/16 I is 40 @2024/04/19 I is 39 @2024/04/23 I is 37 @2024/04/24 I is 36 @2024/05/03 I is 35 @2024/05/14 I is 34 @2024/05/15 I is 33 @2024/05/21 I is 32 @2024/05/23 I is 31 @2024/05/27 I is 30 @2024/05/28 I is 29 @2024/05/31 I is 28 @2024/06/11 I is 27 @2024/06/13 I is 26 highlight 2024/07/04 to 2024/07/05 : now @2024/07/05 I is {hidden} @2024/04/07 P is "Stage 2: Specification" @2024/06/07 P is "Stage 3: Implementation" @2024/09/07 P is "Stage 4: Evaluation" @2024/12/06 I is 0 @2024/12/07 I is {hidden} P is Finish @enduml ``` ## ✅ OnCampus Program OnCampus Program: [PDF on GDrive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eM-WWZNzGvSxcfQx0TJvqcOkBmhqDgXa/view?usp=drive_link) ### ✅ 2 Inspirational Talks - [x] Christoph 04.04.24: Aligning Innovation with Social Justice - [x] Thomas 22.05.24: Software in the Europen Regulatory Landscape ### ✅ 9 Webinars - [x] 12.03.24: 1) Setting the foundations of your start-up team (Christoph) - [x] 18.03.24: 2) Standardisation and Open Source (Christoph & Thomas) - [x] 27.03.24: 3) How to protect the knowledge and results of innovation? (Christoph) - [x] 03.04.24: 4) Take the most from events - Tips for trade shows and networking (Christoph) - [x] 10.04.24: 5) Online pitching (Thomas) - [x] 16.04.24: 6) Maximising Your Marketing Impact: Tips and Tactics (Christoph) - [x] 17.04.24: GDPR made simple - optional (Christoph) - [x] 24.04.24: 7) Impacts of AI on Communication (Martin) - [x] 02.05.24: 8) How to tackle public funding (Martin) - [x] 15.05.24: 9) Pitch practise (Christoph) ### ✅ Flipped Classroom - [x] Christoph - 08.03.24: Business Model Canvas ### ✅ LLP Video Lectures Theory behind Lean Launch Pad (LLP) explained by Steve Blank (complete in first 6 months) Sploro Link: https://cascadefunding.sploro.eu/courses - [x] Lecture 1: What We Now Know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3QDoCvNjBA - [x] Lecture 1.5A: Business Models and Customer Development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3QDoCvNjBA - [x] Lecture 1.5B: Business Models and Customer Development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVZyYWNpTWc - [x] Lecture 2: Value Proposition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k5AB2uStE0 - [x] Lecture 3: Customer Segments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4xN6w5lrFg - [x] Lecture 4: Channels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZYumA6ThT4 - [x] Lecture 5: Customer Relationships https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2AWnTrnx7Bk - [x] Lecture 6: Revenue Model https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTxL737PHhg - [x] Lecture 7: Partners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82RfO_g56EY - [x] Lecture 8: Resources, Activities & Costs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQhVihOfq74