## 4th Evaluation (TBD) ## 3rd Evaluation (TBD) ## 2nd Evaluation (3.Jun 2024) **How many interviews have you conducted in the last 2 months? With whom? What have you learned from your ecosystem? Are you facing any challenges in organizing interviews?** We have conducted 15 interviews in the last 2 months (and have now 17 interviews overall). Interview dates and participants: * 2024-04-11 Ministry of Finance (Martin Semberger, Markus Adametz, Alexander Banfield): setup of an EU recognized Data Intermedary * 2024-04-12 University Burgenland (Christoph Klikovits): Data Ecosystems and Digital Product Passports * 2024-04-16 Madaster (Werner Weingraber): Material databases vs EPDs in construction industry and quantifying carbon footprint * 2024-04-19 Kybernos (Sebastian Haas): Know-your-business, Know-your-customer processs in construction industry * 2024-04-23 Sphereon (Niels Klomp): collaboration with Sargasso Call 1 funded project * 2024-04-23 Post-Doc Researcher Vienna University of Technology (Goran Sibenik): Building Information Models (BIM) * 2024-04-24 Bau-EPD (Sarah Richter): certification of EPC calculation algorithms * 2024-05-03 HOLCIM (Niklas Gruber): Digital Transformation Manager at Holcim Austria and his view on EPDs * 2024-05-14 Post-Doc Research at Economic University of Vienna (Soheil Human): Business Models in construction industry * 20204-05-15 Building Digital Twin Assocation (Tulay Ozlu, Eduard Loscos, Emre Yontem): Spanish and UK construction market * 20204-05-21 Wofpinger (Philip Ramprecht): candidate concrete company in Austria to use our solution * 20204-05-23 Structural Engineer (Michael Härtel): technical applicability and algorithms for calculating concrete strength * 2024-05-27 Civil Engineering Office Romm (Andreea Crudici): KPI review and adjustments * 2024-05-28 Sphereon (Sebastian Boender): implementation of first Use Case based on Sphereon Wallet * 2024-05-31 Data Village (Philippe HAENEBALCKE and Quentin FELICE): data governance and possible collaborations with Data Intermediary in Belgium Initially, it was hard to find contacts but now we receive 1-3 new recommendations for follow-up contacts per interview. **Did building your BMC (Business Model Canvas) support you in defining your Business Plan? Have you encountered any challenges?** Building our Business Model Canvas (BMC) in a flipped classroom exercise significantly supported us in defining our Business Plan. After developing the initial version, our team met to refine the content, which helped clarify our ideas. We then had two very productive sessions with our coach, who guided us in shaping the final version. Using the BMC in an interview with a business expert, we received positive feedback, affirming its effectiveness. However, we did face challenges, particularly in aligning everyone’s vision and ensuring all key components were thoroughly addressed. Despite these hurdles, the BMC was instrumental in structuring our business plan. **How relevant were the video lectures on the Acceleration App?** Relevant **On a scale of 0 to 10, please evaluate your engagement in the Inspirational Talk. Offer a brief rationale for your rating.** 9 - very good inputs overall, some topics already know (but still a good refresher!) **How would you rate the relevance of the activities conducted this month? (Options: Very relevant, Relevant, Neutral, Somewhat relevant, Not relevant)** Relevant **Maximizing Your Marketing Impact: Tips and Tactics** Relevant **GDPR Made Simple** Very relevant **Impacts of AI on Communication** Very relevant **How to tackle public funding** Relevant **Pitch Practice** Relevant **Provide a brief justification for your rating.** Overall the quality of the webinars was very good and we enjoyed participating. **Please share your feedback about your coach.** Our coach provided an exceptional experience, creating a very friendly atmosphere that made us feel comfortable and supported. We received super positive feedback throughout our sessions, which was incredibly motivating. Additionally, our coach was quick to respond to messages, especially when we needed to reschedule a meeting, demonstrating flexibility and understanding. Overall, the guidance and support we received were invaluable in shaping our project. **How close are you to achieving your Individual KPIs by Stage 3? Are you facing any challenges? Please provide a brief update by KPI.** We have defined 5 KPIs to be achieved by the end of Stage 3: KPI #1 due 10-June-2024: Requirements and Design Document - document written and in review KPI #2 due 15-June-2024: Use Case #0 demonstrating simple handling of a Digital Product Passport for an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) - almost done KPI #3 due 15-July-2024: Data Intermediary and DPP Platform setup - in progress KPI #4 due 30-August-2024: Test & Evaluation Plan of our solution - succession document of Requirements & Design KPI #5 due 30-August-2024: ZKP based proof of correct EPD calculation - technical work already started and is ongoing Overall, we still have significant work ahead for KPIs 3-5 but we are confident to complete it in time. **Share your feedback on the effectiveness of your coaching sessions. (Options: Very relevant, Relevant, Neutral, Somewhat relevant, Not relevant)** Very relevant ## 1st Evaluation (4.Apr 2024) ### How would you rate the relevance of the activities conducted this month? (Options: Very relevant, Relevant, Neutral, Somewhat relevant, Not relevant) **Setting the foundations of your start-up team:** Relevant **Open Source and Standardisation:** Neutral **How to protect the knowledge and results of innovation? Intellectual Property:** Neutral **How to take the most from events - Tips for trade shows and networking:** Relevant **On a scale of 0 to 10, please assess your participation in the Flipped Classroom. Provide a brief explanation for your rating.** 9 - this was very helpful to create the Business Model Canvas and we had the opportunity to present our canvas and received immediate feedback **On a scale of 0 to 10, please evaluate your engagement in the Inspirational Talk. Offer a brief rationale for your rating.** 8 - very nice story telling on the history of the internet & good list of recommendations for reading; also the activity to put our project into a general context and create an awareness of our projects positioning was great **How many interviews did you conduct last month, and with whom? What insights did you gain from your interactions with your ecosystem? Are you encountering any challenges in organizing these interviews?** only 2 interviews so far: - Mark de Colvenaer: Consultant and founder of DC Venturing in Antwerp; main learning: aligning DPPs with business needs - Thomas Romm: Architect in Austria; main learning: self-generation of EPD (Environmental Product Declarations) main challenges: preparing and executing the interviews but we have a plan to catch up in April :-) **Share your thoughts on the effectiveness of your coaching sessions. (Options: Very relevant, Relevant, Neutral, Somewhat relevant, Not relevant)** Very relevant **Provide a brief justification for your rating. (300 words minimum)** The engagement of a coach in a research project significantly enhances the quality and depth of the research, bringing invaluable insights and fostering a culture of critical thinking and continuous improvement. Our coach's interaction, characterized by very good questions and feedback, serves as a cornerstone for this enriching process. This justification delves into the pivotal role such engagement plays in the research endeavor. Firstly, the ability of our coach to pose very good questions underscores their expertise and understanding of the research domain. These questions are not merely inquiries about the state of our work but are designed to push the boundaries of our understanding, encouraging us to think more deeply about our research questions, methodologies, and the implications of our findings. This level of questioning stimulates intellectual curiosity and drives the research team to explore innovative approaches and solutions, thereby enhancing the research's originality and significance. Secondly, the feedback provided by our coach is an invaluable asset to the research process. Constructive feedback helps in identifying gaps in the research, offers new perspectives, and provides suggestions for improvement. It acts as a mechanism for quality control, ensuring that the research adheres to the highest standards of rigor and integrity. Through iterative cycles of feedback and revisions, the research evolves into a more polished and robust work, capable of making a meaningful contribution to the field. Moreover, the interaction with our coach cultivates a collaborative learning environment. The exchange of ideas and feedback fosters a sense of community among the research team, encouraging open dialogue and mutual support. This collaborative spirit is essential for interdisciplinary research projects, where diverse perspectives and expertise converge to tackle complex research questions. In conclusion, the engagement of our coach, characterized by their insightful questions and constructive feedback, is instrumental in enhancing the quality, depth, and impact of our research. This interaction not only facilitates the achievement of the project's objectives but also contributes to the personal and professional growth of the research team members, embodying the essence of a transformative research experience. **Please share your feedback about your coach. (200 words minimum)** Our coach has been an exceptional asset to our research project, demonstrating an openness and commitment that has greatly contributed to the progress and development of our team. The willingness to share personal contact details for potential last-minute changes, although not yet needed, instills confidence in the team, ensuring that we have direct access to guidance should any urgent situations arise. This proactive approach is greatly appreciated and highlights the coach's dedication to the project's success. The assistance provided in reviewing and finalizing the initial mentoring plan has been invaluable. The coach's insights and suggestions have helped in shaping a robust framework for our research, ensuring that we have a strong foundation from which to build. This level of involvement not only aids in the project's organizational aspects but also in aligning our goals and expectations. Furthermore, the tough yet insightful questions posed during our three meetings have been pivotal. These inquiries challenge us to think critically and deeply about our work, encouraging a thorough examination of our methodologies, assumptions, and conclusions. This rigorous questioning fosters an environment of continuous improvement and learning, pushing us to strive for excellence in our research endeavors. In sum, the coach's openness, helpfulness in planning, and challenging questions have been crucial in driving our project forward. We are grateful for the steadfast support and guidance provided, which has undoubtedly enriched our research experience. **What aspects have you found appealing, and what aspects have not met your expectations? Do you have any suggestions for improvement of the OnCampus Programme** We (OwnYourData) have already participated in a few previous NGI projects and NGI Sargasso is for us the most intensive experience in regard to the number of webinars and interviews that requires additional time beyond our core goals we have described in the proposal. After 1 month it is hard to tell how much those activities will contribute to the overall project success. A first recommendation would be to spread out the OnCampus programme over 6 months instead of packing everything into the first 2 1/2 months.