# USEFLEDS: WP3, D3.1 - 1st Iteration **Content:** * [Partners](#Partners) * [FH Bgld](#FH-Burgenland), [4er](#4ward-Energy), [Advoodle](#Advoodle), [Campus02](#Campus02), [EnergySrv](#Energy-Services), [Kelag](#KELAG), [Nexyo](#Nexyo), [Onlim](#Onlim), [Salzburg AG](#Salzburg-AG), [Salburg Netz](#Salzburg-Netz), [Salzburg Research](#Salzburg-Research), [Scheiber](#Scheiber-Solutions), [SDA](#Sustainable-Data-Agency-Alexander-Steger), [TU Wien](#TU-Wien), [OYD](#OwnYourData) <!--* [Use Case Proposals](#Use-Cases) * [Flexible Tarifs](#Flexibe-Tarifs), [Energy Flow Optimization](#Energy-Flow-Optimization), [ESG Reporting](#ESG-Reporting)--> * [Documents](#Documents) * [Data Flow Specification](#D31-Data-Flow-Specification) * [Requirements Document](#D32-Requirements-Dokument) ### 1st round of meetings - [x] FH Burgenland: Dec 19, 2023 10:00 - [x] 4ward Energy: Dec 20, 2023 14:00 - [x] KELAG: Jan 5, 2024 10:00 - [x] Salzburg AG: Jan 8, 2024 13:00 - [x] Campus02: Jan 9, 2024 09:00 - [x] TU Wien: in-person @TUW Jan 11, 2024 9:00 - [x] Nexyo: Jan 12, 2024 10:00 - [x] Salzburg Netz: Jan 15, 2024 10:00 - [x] Energy Services: Jan 15, 2024 14:00 - [x] Salzburg Research: Jan 19, 2024 10:00 - [x] Advoodle: Jan 22, 2024 14:00 - [x] Alexander Steger, Jan 22, 2024 15:30 - [x] Onlim: Jan 26, 2024 10:00 ### Follow-up meetings - [x] Data Intermediary: Jan 23, 2024 15:30 - [x] Scheiber Solutions: Jan 24, 2024 14:00 - [x] KELAG: Jan 24, 2024 15:30 - [x] TU Wien: Jan 25, 2024 9:00 - [x] Campus02: Jan 29, 2024 11:30 -> Summary available here: https://hackmd.io/dtJS4G0cSC6clQdwR7lCWA?view -> User Stories here: https://hackmd.io/n_uO5dZqSP-U1pE556Zs9Q ## Partners ### FH Burgenland Contact: christoph.klikovits@forschung-burgenland.at (organisation: silke.palkovits-rauter@fh-burgenland.at) Role: consortium lead, WP1 lead, WP7 lead, WP8 lead Type: domain & technical partner <!-- Use Cases: * primary: Flexible Tarifs * Energy Transition (Markus P. & Christian P.) * Sustainable Innovation & Digitalisierung (Christoph K.) * Building Technology (optional) --> Data for Energy Transition (create opportunities): * Have * Need * network utilization from grid providers * Process * Interprete Stakeholder: * institutions/organisations (e.g., FH) * private person * agriculture * industry * energy provider * grid provider Data Space Tools * [Dataspace Management Vision Demonstrator](https://www.figma.com/proto/hVkvoEmzIqo33JE9KEpk4G/Dataspaces?page-id=15%3A167&node-id=15-6403&viewport=3072%2C438%2C0.16&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=15%3A6403&show-proto-sidebar=1) * [Github Link](https://github.com/eclipse-edc/MinimumViableDataspace/blob/main/Vision%20Demonstrator/Vision%20Demonstrator%20Introduction.md) Dataflow: * extisting * not yet * future * planned energy monitoring for Landesholding Burgenland * local communities (Gemeinden): Netzauslastung --> Netzausbau * PV farms, wind,... decentralised infrastructure of grid * plan for network expansion * mobility: students traveling to university * try in FH (Fachhochschule) & FB (Forschung Burgenland daughter FH) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJQrrrKd6.png) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Sy1UHBYda.png) Meetings: * 11.Nov23: SSI, partner structure, data spaces * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 19.Dez23: collect DataFlow inputs * 8.Jan24: Data Intermediaries * 23.Jan24: Data Intermediaries II ### 4ward Energy Contact: johanna.ganglbauer@4wardenergy.at (organisation: 4er@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: WP4 lead * E-Werk Franz - https://www.ewg.at/ (energy provider + distribution system operator (DSO) in Graz <- collaborate with Energy Services on Use Case * Energy Services: smart meter management, billing, trading electricity Type: research partner <!--primary Use Case: ??? (Salzburg: collaborate on use case development) --> Data: first 2 iterations for scoping and last 2 iterations focused on selected use cases (more practical) * Have * to be provided through Energy Services, might be through E-Werk Franz * already collected data from previous research projects * Need * smartMeter Data - from customers (yearly -> 15min resolution) * data only available on the next day * expected problems: internet connections to private customers * weather data: historic, now, forecasts (global irradiation -> PV), temperature, wind speed, precipitation * per consumer / better: per device: current consumption / current generation <- should be real time data (15min is too coarse grained) * including forecasts * load profile generator: https://www.loadprofilegenerator.de/ * energy tarifs: economic aspects, device data (type, specs) * current time resolution is not enough right now (example: only yearly billing) * Process * access data available in Energy Data Space * Interprete * focus is on initial selection of use cases Stakeholders: * EDA GmbH * Energy Services * providers and users of * storage (battery) * power inverter * photovoltaics * energy management system (HW+SW -> Loxone: https://www.loxone.com/) * E-charging stations * heat pumps * distribution grid operators (200+ in Austria) * customers / private households <- are they data provider or do they only consent to providing data? * GeoSphere Austria / "Energy & Meteo" for MET data Data Flows: * existing * EDA -> check processes: https://www.eda.at/ experts: Energy Services * GeoSphere Austria: MET * maybe: Energy & Meteo - https://www.energymeteo.com/ * read device data using MQTT, OPC-UA, REST APIs * future * live data metering (electricity, gas, heat) Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (talk after world café) * 20.Dez23: WP3-WP4 Coordination ### Advoodle Contact: andreas.boecskoer@advoodle.com (organisation: advoodle@forschung-burgenland.at) Type: domain partner + technical parts (Blockchain, AI) Role: Legal / Governance Support ("translator" between technology & law incl. visualisations) primary Use Case: ESG Reporting **Data** * European supply chains * CSRD - [Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32022L2464) * includes documentation of strategies/outlook for the future; financial & non-financial impact of individual measures * double materiality check ("Materialitätsprüfung") with regard to data exchange in the energy industry * ESRS - European Sustainability Reporting Standards ([overview: figure 3](https://kpmg.com/at/de/home/insights/2022/11/acnews/einigung-zur-csrd.html)) * Reporting: ESEF (European Single Electronic Format) standard for financial reporting (could be extended to non-financial reporting / CSRD reporting) * general Data Governance * data ownership * data protection * liability * regulatory governance **Stakeholder** * consortium is already well positioned in the area of data * individual connectors might be necessary **Data flows** * link energy data with carbon emissions (more generally: GHG - Green House Gases) * standardisation of data exchange Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 22.Jan24: 14:00 WP3 first call ### Campus02 Contact: stefanie.hatzl@campus02.at (organisation: campus02@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: WP2 lead Type: domain partner Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (co-host at table) * 9.Jan24: Co-creation Workshop Prep * 29.Jan24: Co-creation Workshop Prep II * 1-2.Feb24: Co-creation Workshop @ FH Bgld ### Energy Services Contact: Nicole.Wieser@energy-services.at (organisation: energyservices@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: WP7 lead (Aggregation & Evaluation) & collaboration with 4ward Energy **Type:** domain partner (electricity, covers all market roles: supplier, network operator, system operator, energy service provider - as defined in the law) * EDM (Energy Data Management) software is made available during the project **Use Case:** Energy Flow Optimization * end user with smartMeter / smart Devices * network operator and energy supplier ([E-Werk Franz](https://www.ewg.at/)) - also feeds in via PV system * data in EDM (in-house developed and maintained by Energy Services) **Daten:** * clear focus on all data managed by [Energiewirtschaftlicher Datenaustausch](https://www.eda.at/?lang=en) EDA.at * weather data from MetGIS (established contact with Energy Services) **Stakeholder:** * be aware that many organisations / company wear multiple hats (example: private company E-Werk Franz) **Dataflows / Prozesse** - defined through the following establied services: * data hub: https://www.eda.at/ * interfaces: https://www.ponton.de/eda-how-does-it-work * data models: https://www.ebutilities.at/schemas/ new releases twice a year as defined on https://www.ebutilities.at Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 15.Jan24: first WP3 Call ### KELAG Contact: hannes.guetler@kelag.at * Weisskircher Florian (Vertrieb) * Zwatz Florian (Handel) (organisation: kelag@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: data provider Type: domain partner Use Case: Flexible Tarifs * Requirements for energy communities (with regard to energy transition) * Example Obertauern (80% hotels) * Data sharing **Data** for Energy Transition (leverage opportunities): * L-Band Satelliten: verfügbare Schnee/Wassermenge (ENEO) * check: https://www.enveo.at/ * for predictive maintenance * problem with consumer data from smartMeter (resolution: 15min interval) reliability: if data is missing, how are replacement values generated? essential driver for day-to-day business is having all data available: relevant for every tariff that is to be billed using current SmartMeter values (especially on Austrian scale) (if a single value is missing in an energy community - then the whole system stops) * electricity generation (including heat & gas) - theoretically available in real time * Abrechnungsperiode ist 15min * Gas: Speicherstände * KELAG produces 100% from renewables; and buys 100% green electricity (i.e. electricity with certificates for green electricity) * disclaimer: only the sum of supply and the sum of consumers matches - but physically electricity may still be delivered from a caloric power plant **Stakeholders within KELAG:** Trade, Sales, Production **Dataflows** * existing * there is no existing data exchange through data spaces in KELAG yet (only data exchange with Open Data) * future * energy requirements (electricity, gas, heat) can be well estimated per year; not so easy are estimations on a more fine grained level * relevant to know is the form of heating: for a full service it would be interesting to know e.g. gas consumption * the more information about the customer is available (age, income situation, single/family, which heating system, e-mobility) the better customers can be serviced, the better tailored products can be developed * flexibility & storage: if the customer has an electric car to store electricity -> the customer has the opportunity to behave in a "system-serving" way (electricity provider manages car battery) * the desire is to start a campaign that only targets those with these capabilities addresses * data to generate personas / develop customer segments precisely * Weather data: forecasts for smaller regions (relevant for heating in winter, generating PV electricity); if I know how heating is done / what heating requirements are / the situation of the building, it has a specific profile that can be taken into account: link from existing weather data to sales profiles * with an available weatherforecast the power consumption of a heat pump can be better modeled * Data exchange for trade department * Copernicus / ESA data for risk analysis (100-year probabilities for extreme events) * Intraday trading is part of daily business * real smartMeter data would enable better planning for day-to-day business -> possible future scenario (better forecasts, less uncertainty) Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 5.Jan24: first WP3 Call * 24.Jan24: 2nd WP3 Call ### Nexyo Contact: anna.cossa@nexyo.io (CC: andreas.krimbacher@nexyo.io) (organisation: nexyo@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: data spaces, policies, governance, enable data sharing, hosting of a Data Space (check out: [Building Data Spaces in 4 Steps](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YbYkcrPeJwd-pFEpa9SEviIvRPzQb_G7/view?usp=drive_link)) Type: technology partner Use Case: ESG Reporting and support other use cases with data sharing through technology support and consulting (recommend: C4 modelling - https://c4model.com/) Input for State-of-the-art: - DTS Endreport (https://project-dts.eu/) - Champions (https://www.champi40ns.eu/en/) **Data** * power consumtion (in various granularities) * carbon footprint (in regard to ESG Reporting) * climate & weather * raw materials: calorific value, impact on (carbon) footprint * population data (Statistik Austria) * tourims: occupancy of hotels / overnight stays * power consumption of industry * transport routes * economic data (clusters for ESG reporting - SMEs not affected by ESG); also: forecasts for economic development **Stakeholders:** (beyond consortium that could be relevant) * GeoSphere (provider of climate and weather data) * ASFINAG: traffic information * mobile operator (proxy for energy consumption) * international multipliers -> how to bring the results to the European level **Data Flows** * existing: * Standardization of power consumption data * E-Control: a vailability of e-charging stations (https://www.ladestellen.at/#/electric) * future: * Consumption data for ESG reporting (Scope 1&2 data) Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 12.Jan24: collect DataFlow inputs ### Onlim Contact: ioan.toma@onlim.com (organisation: onlim@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: Conversational AI, Knowledge Graphs Type: technology partner (spin-off University of Innsbruck) Use Case: ESG Reporting <- focus Data: Onlim is data processor but not a data provider * open questions how to access relevant data * focus on real data, for testing & benchmarking also synthetic data could be possible Stakeholder: * LLM: use Azure instance from OpenAI -> with the goal to host it locally Data Flows (available tool: https://app.onlim.com/, commercial product) * modelling & describing data, mapping data from multiple data sources * data enrichment and interlinking * integrate with other data (apps & actions) to build data flows / data pipelines * flow editor to visually connect components * LLM for data extraction and extending knowledge graphs * enventually making the data accessible in conversational AI Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 26.Jan24: WP3 Dataflows ### Salzburg AG Contact: stefanie.kritzer@salzburg-ag.at (organisation: SalzburgAG@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: data provider, evaluate use case & selection of services (to be developed during project) Type: domain partner (market participant in energy market) Use Case: * economic considerations: parallel existence of Salzburg AG & Salzburg Netz * linking energy provider and networks * predictive maintenance **Data:** * external data to enrich own data * energy & heat production -> general and per plant and per hour incl. sensor data * market prices (note: sales department of Salzburg AG is not part of the project but enough know-how available through Stefanie Kritzer) * network load / grid voltage * aggregated data for each tarif group -> to answer the question "at what point do I need how much electricity?" * consumption profile data from industry customers * synthetic data from small consumers might be outdated * changes because auf PV systems * e-mobility * more / better weather data allow for better prediction on consumption * labeling of electricity * Salzburg produces about 50% -> green electricity * and buyes the rest -> grey electricity * the resulting trade with carbon certificates is static / defined legal situation * gas is still very much relevant for heat production **Stakeholder:** * energy providers * sales * sales * distribution system operators (grid providers) * major network operator in Austria: APG (Austria Power Grid) * small / medium / big consumer * synthetic profiles * ski areas - check [end report from CleanEnergy4Tourism](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ijWEcn2vFHOBlflzId9Ha57P9n1YqkmL/view?usp=drive_link) * cell phone data (A1, ...) * electricity sales data * energy storage technology **Existing Dataflows:** * E-Control * Electricity Market * EEX (European Energy Exchange): for long-term trades * EPEX (European Power Exchange): spot markets (focused on day-ahead and intrday trade) * https://www.eex-transparency.com/de/power/at/produktion/verfuegbarkeit * energy provider need to report availability of power plants and levels of water storage power plants (also to avoid insider trade) * report of all commercial transactions * timetables for power plants * weather forecasts Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 8.Jan24: WP3 Dataflows ### Salzburg Netz Contact: dorina.vogel@salzburgnetz.at (organisation: SalzburgNetz@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: data provider, evaluate use case Type: domain partner primary Use Case: Energy Flow Optimization (example: Gasteiner Tal - Anger-Tal Umspannwerk) - [ ] Dorina: end report from recent research project **Data** Comment: Salzburg Netz reserved some budget to buy external data (to show added value from linking external data and have creative/new ideas on using data in new ways) * Cellular data for better planning/predictions * Network load planning (short-term and long-term) depends on a fine-granular level on use of e-mobility, heat pumps, photovoltaic, etc. * Types/divisions in Salzburg Netz * electricity * gas * district heating * power consumption per consumer is regulated * single-family home restricted to 4kW necessary to increase for photovoltaic installation * mountain railways / ski lifts: much higher and they pay peak values instead of average consumption * smartMeter data not yet integrated in Salzburg Netz roll-out at about 80% now * load profile counters in use for companies * Salzburg Netz Subsidiaries that might provide other relevant data * Salzburg Verkehr (buses) * Schafsbergbahn * Wolfgangssee-Schifffahrt * data exchange between network provider and energy produces might be problematic since this is sensitive data example: energy provider has 400 customers but network provider has information about 700 endpoints Salzburg Netz is subject to strict monitoring, but has no competitors; nevertheless, Salzburg AG & Kelag are not allowed to benefit from the Salzburg Netz data! -> one possible solution is to make data public / available to everyone Relevant / possible stakeholder beyond consortium: * Asfinag, A1 * Google, Booking.com, Social Media (FB, X, Instagram) * weather data (also search queries from tourists might be relevant) * Public transport company (ÖBB); Ski train in Gastein Dataflows * electricity grid: network maintenance at different levels - plans for first 5s, 20s and 2minutes * E-cars as electricity storage * [ ] Dorina: reference to latest standard * better predictions through tourism data: ski tickets sales, publlic transport utilization, booking situation at hotels, traffic jams (Asfinag) Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 15.Jan24: WP3 Dataflows ### Salzburg Research **Contact:** peter.dorfinger@salzburgresearch.at (organisation: srfg@forschung-burgenland.at) **Role:** WP6 lead (AI Integration) - use case implementation / development of AI algorithms for use cases **Type:** research partner (incl. developing prototypes) focus on Salzbuzrg AG & Salzburg Netz (Salzburg cluster) **Data:** * processing, interpretation; demonstration of possibilities with AI * improve forecasts for power grid, e.g., Gasteinertal/Angertal * measures in critical siutation * evaluate if and how much improvement is possible * planned data processing from Salzburg AG, Salzburg Netz, and beyond * time series data from electricity consumption * historical power plant schedules * weather, tourism, mobile carriers * demand forecast based on consumption data (snow cannon) for edge cases; identify pivot elements based an availability and price of data * economic consideration of the whole energy system (previously only economic consideration of the individual stakeholders) **Stakeholder:** * energy providers (including private feeders, small power plants, local energy communities) * grid operators * large consumers (mountain railways, tourism companies) * weather data providers, mobile operators * mobility service providers: ÖBB, shuttle buses, taxis **Dataflows:** * existing: * EDA * future: * new forms of data exchange are necessary for our project -> establish of cross-organizational data sharing (sharing public data alone does not forn a data space) * enabling data exchange beyond established trust boundaries (through incentives, new legal frameworks) **Meetings:** * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 19.Jan24: 10 Uhr (Peter, Nina) ### Scheiber Solutions contact: [lucas.scheiber@scheiber.solutions](mailto:lucas.scheiber@scheiber.solutions) (organisation: scheibersol@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: Umsetzung von Use Cases mit Lösungen von Scheiber Solutions (KI Prognose für die nächsten 7 Tage) Type: technology partner Use Cases: * primary: Energy Flow Optimization (load management in power grids) * decentral and flexible tarifs * privacy & GDPR Data: * EDA data pool for everyone with smartMeter * data disaggregation for H0 (consumption profile for households; E0 is profile from PV production) -> Link to Salzburg AG * already use data models from FIWARE and SmartCity research projects Stakeholder: * decentralization / energy communities: focus on regional context & effects on higher levels Data flows: * local energy consumption as provided by smartMeters (averages out at a higher level) * but: in a decentralized market, energy is consumed locally, which is then suddenly no longer available at a higher level * awareness for producers about how electricity consumption is developing * automation for operating intelligent charging stations Meetings: * 24.Nov23: available products & goals * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 24.Jan24: WP3 Data Flows ### Sustainable Development Agency (Alexander Steger) Contact: [alex@sda.tirol](mailto:alex@sda.tirol) (organisation: sda@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: introduces ESG Reporting use case to consortium Type: domain partner Use Case: ESG Reporting (automated data exchange) * as introduced by European Green Deal * reduce effort to aggregate data which is relevant for ESG Reports * re-use data for similar activities (join Klimabündnis, request credit/ÖKB) **Data** (in regard to ESG Reporting use case) * currently heterogeneous input data (PDF, Excel, images) * standardised formats for energy and water consumption, ground sealing * necessary data depends heavily on customer * focus on simple scenarios to begin with * develop personas * existing ESG Hub from ÖKB **Stakeholder** * Tourism * ÖKB - Österreichische Kontrollbank, https://www.oekb.at/ (ESG Data Hub) * Consultants * WKO, DIO - for authentication * Akaryon - ESG Cockpit **Dataflows** * harmonizing input and results to avoid discrepancies (example: high variety in carbon emissions reports) * retrieve data along suplly chain (highly specified data, like country of origin, packaging, transport of goods) * expected steps 1. data collection 2. data processing and development of a strategy 3. reporting and certificates 4. implementation and improvements * overall goal: end-to-end solution of an automated consolidation and distribution tool Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 22.Jan24: WP3 Data Flows ### TU Wien Contact: thomas.preindl@tuwien.ac.at (organisation: tuwien@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: WP5 lead - ASG working group - Working on modeling and system architecture - TU Vienna - Possibly stakeholders - Buys electricity on the stock exchange - obtains heat from Vienna Energy - has many customers internally that need to be coordinated Type: technology partner Stakeholder: - ASG - Anyone who has anything to do with the energy grid - TU Vienna - Central shopping - Faculties, institutes and working groups - Network provider - Optimization service providers - Data aggregators - Data collection service providers WP3 Collaboration: * State-of-the-art * Ontologoy Visualization: https://github.com/VisualDataWeb/WebVOWL **Data** * on flexible tariffs: basic power (e.g. 3kW) is guaranteed, more needs to be paid extra * increased decentralization can lead to 2 developments * grid operator collects data and controls consumers * so called "aggregators" collect data (example: neoom.com, efriends.at) * requires more data * interesting question how to switch between aggregators * relevant data: e-car, PV, battery, heat pump, ... on different levels (have/not have -> capacity -> profile & capabilities -> live data) **Dataflows** * Data Space sense-making: [Data Space Business Alliance - Technical Convergence](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y9LPiA-Rfw7IACe5ogNpLs3zCalvP7Vf/view?usp=drive_link) * resilient architecture for decentralized planning of the schedules of small feeders -> establish energy community in Burgenland: * protocol: ModBus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modbus) and data models from Sunspec (https://sunspec.org/) * collects data and stores in FIWARE * investigate social compatibility * types of energy communities: * local (level 6 - grid behind trafostation) * regional (level 5 - grid behind substation "Umspannwerk") -> focus on economic cooperation and saving network costs * example: Neoom (https://neoom.com/) with accesses to inverters & storage to make intra-day trades Meetings: * 7.Dez23: Salzburg Kick-off (inputs on table) * 11.Jan24 9:00 @TU Wien * 25.Jan24 9:00 @TU Wien ### OwnYourData Contact: christoph.fabianek@gmail.com (organisation: ownyourdata@forschung-burgenland.at) Role: WP3 lead Type: technology partner <!-- ## Use Cases ### Flexibe Tarifs ### Energy Flow Optimization ### ESG Reporting --> ## Documents ### D3.1 Data Flow Specification 1. Introduction 2. Stakeholder 3. User Stories 4. Data Sources 5. Functional Components 6. Data Flows 7. Conclusions ### D3.2 Requirements Dokument 1. Introduction 2. Motivation and Planned Functionalities 3. Requirements * Non-functional Requirements * Functional Requirements 4. Business Aspects and Governance 5. Use Case Analysis 6. Conclusions