NGI Sargasso (Call 2) DPP-CRC project (online: # Use Case #0 - Inital Tech Demo ### Description This initial use case demonstrates creating a digital representation of an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) compliant with DPP (Digital Product Passport) platform. It includes the following technical components: <details><summary><strong>Private Data Store</strong> of a Concrete Producer: stores data to generate an EPD</summary> URL: ```bash # Credentials APP_KEY: 5mdPuiwt-H50Ixl2rWRKVPKQMhfdYw5LngK6RwBwZ5c APP_SECRET: EFV6OgfmFj73XmAI-4ncU41MLjOACwvIU5jtlWXpFtA ``` Github Repo: Docker Image: </details> <details><summary><strong>Data Intermediary</strong>: stores proof (Verifiable Presentation) for Concrete DPP</summary> URL: ```bash # Credentials APP_KEY: nENk5CBuUIQy0e24bewN-WJx8w-FkPUekG9oQtx9N-4 APP_SECRET: 1oiPZTxbnQyQnl48QsRR9LlsAPFUUVTV5o4aaqZdOIg ``` Github Repo: Docker Image: </details> <details><summary><strong>EPD Calc Tool</strong>: computes EPD and accompanying Zero-Knowledge Proof</summary> URL: Github Repo: Docker Image: *Steps for manual testing:* * Create EPD: ```bash= echo '{"description":"C 25/30/B1","cement":15,"gravel":20,"water":25,"additives":30,"material":"super starker Eco++","factory":"Eggendorf"}' | \ curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- \ -X POST ``` * Verify EPD: ```bash= echo '{"description":"C 25/30/B1","factory":"Eggendorf","A13_gwp":165.4,"zkp":"1234abcd"}' | \ curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- \ -X POST ``` </details> <details><summary><strong>Sphereon Mobile Wallet</strong>: signs Verifiable Credential with private key in wallet</summary> General information: Github: </details> &nbsp; **Trust Triangle and Identities** Description of the Triangle of Trust: [Wikipedia]( <details><summary><em>Concrete Producer (CP, holder)</em> enters data and signs DPP</summary> <ul> <li>uses Sphereon Mobile Wallet for signing data</li> <li>DID: <code>did:oyd:zQmaS7yYwARSEw3ZEzi5wyfiz78hiBCS9UFaxWstueXxvNU</code><br>(note: will differ based on DID in wallet)</li> <li>command: <code>echo '' | oydid create --doc-pwd cppwd --rev-pwd cprev -z 1</code></li> </ul> </details> <details><summary><em>Trusted EPD Authority (TA, issuer)</em> calculates EPD and provides ZKP</summary> <ul> <li>DID: <code>did:oyd:zQmT26WrFJhgLGsDj2gmWtimAtgvuxpaLuYv3yM9srLqZyL</code><br>(note: will differ based on DID in wallet)</li> <li>command: <code>echo '' | oydid create --doc-pwd tapwd --rev-pwd tarev -z 1</code></li> </ul> </details> <details><summary><em>Building Owner (BO, verifier)</em> verifies concrete producer's claims in DPP</summary> <ul> <li>DID: <code>did:oyd:zQmYsEgetRcnZiAjdChXZcHnUD4YDgVPquEZpAE14Xq55Hh</code></li> <li>command: <code>echo '' | oydid create --doc-pwd cspwd --rev-pwd csrev -z 1</code></li> </ul> </details> <details><summary><em>Data Intermediary (DI, public repository)</em> stores data, DIDs, VCs, VPs, DPPs</summary> <ul> <li>DID: <code>did:oyd:zQmSAxAeWkGDN1xm9eKWq547DTfdFYkgJGjpBs54Q5BqLx8</code></li> <li>command: <code>echo '' | oydid create --doc-pwd dipwd --rev-pwd direv -z 1</code></li> </ul> </details> &nbsp; **Data Models** * [`ConcreteMixture`]( - private record stored locally ([edit]( | [example]( * [`zkEPD`]( - Zero-Knowledge Proof for an EPD ([edit]( | [example]( * [`ConcreteDPP`]( - record with all data to generate DPP ([edit]( | [example]( ## Walk-Through Video recording: ### Sequence Diagram ```plantuml @startuml actor "Concrete\nProducer" as cp participant "Mobile\nWallet" as wallet database "Data\nIntermediary" as disp database "Private\nStore" as store collections "EPD\nCalculator" as epd actor "Building\nOwner" as owner cp -> store: enter ConcreteMixture cp --> store: trigger EPD calculation store -> epd: send ConcreteMixture epd -> store: store zkEPD cp --> store: trigger DPP creation cp o//-- store: show QR code cp --> wallet: scan QR code wallet -> store: request ConcreteDPP VC wallet -> wallet: prepare ConcreteDPP VP cp --> wallet: confirm signature wallet -> store: provide signature for ConcreteDPP VP store -> store: create DPP from EPD\nsigned by CP store -> disp: publish DPP & VP store --> cp: make DID for DPP available cp --> owner: share DID owner -> disp: request ConcreteDPP from DID owner -> epd: validate zkEPD\n(from ConcreteDPP) @enduml ``` ### Steps 1) CP logs into private data store * url: App Key: `5mdPuiwt-H50Ixl2rWRKVPKQMhfdYw5LngK6RwBwZ5c` App Secret: `EFV6OgfmFj73XmAI-4ncU41MLjOACwvIU5jtlWXpFtA` 2) CP creates new record for a `ConcreteMixture` * **output:** new record example link: 3) CP triggers "Generate EPD" for a "ConcreteMixture" record * **input:** record of structure `ConcreteMixture`<br><br> * **output:** `zkEPD` record example link: * **output:** `ConcreteDPP` record example link: 4) CP triggers "Publish DPP" for an "ConcreteDPP" record * **input:** record of structure `ConcreteDPP` * enter date+volume * click "Publish DPP" to show page with QR Code * CP scans QR Code (referencing EPD-VC) with wallet * CP clicks "show Digital Product Passport" * display page with DID<br><br> * **outptut:** updated `ConcreteDPP` record with DID and link to VP example link: * DID: [`did:oyd:zQmQht8RJD6vx7nDvqjL8fdYPrTBJvDJui5oQVbW6cYJTw3`]( * Verifiable Presentation: <br><span style="font-size:11px">[``](</span> 5) BO verifies DPP * resolve DID and download data from service endpoint * perform the following checks: * integrity of Verifiable Presentation ```bash= curl -s | \ oydid vp-verify ``` * proof of correct calculation of GWP (global warming potential) using ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proof) ```bash= curl -s| \ jq '.verifiableCredential[0].credentialSubject.epd' | \ curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- \ -X POST ``` ## Learnings & Planned Improvements **Domain-specific Findings** * check input data for correct units and format --> demo to domain experts * review algorithm to calculate GWP (global warming potential) --> use demo in upcoming interviews to validate and improve algorithm * User Interface for data management is a prototype and too technical --> planned integration with Sphereon's Online Wallet & DPP Platform **Technical Findings** * increase number of testers that run use case --> provide Sphereon Wallet via APK for Android and via TestFlight for iPhone * building the customized Sphereon Wallet with `did:oyd` support is hard --> add `did:oyd` support to Veramo ([PR available]( and subsequently to Sphereon Wallet * ZKP Calculation is slow and needs better integration into the overall process --> redesign interface to invoke and retrieve result from OYD infrastructure * access to data stores through key & secret is not user-friendly --> support OID4VP to login via QR Code and Credential in mobile wallet * current DPP representation is bare minimum with only reference to VP --> research more elaborate versions from other existing DPP solutions