PHP 物件導向

tags: php

物件和類別 Objects and Classes

這可以讓程式保持遵守 不重複原則 “don’t repeat yourself” (DRY),更容易維護。

  • class 類別:可以比喻作一個建築的藍圖。類別是將房子的樣式設計出來。
  • object 物件:依照藍圖蓋出來的房子。物件是類別的實例。
  • data 資料:就像是鋼筋、水泥,用來蓋房子的材料。


建立類別 Class

class MyClass
    // 類別的屬性和方法在大括號裡面宣告

$obj = new MyClass;

  • new 關鍵字在建立類別之後,實例化一個類別,並將它存到一個變數上。

  • var_dump() 來印出變數的相關訊息於螢幕上。


object(MyClass)#1 (0) { }



使用屬性(Property),也稱 Class的變數(Variable) 來把 Data 存入一個 Class 裡面。


class MyClass
  public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

$obj = new MyClass;
  • public 此為屬性的關鍵字,用來決定屬性的可視性(Visibility)。


echo $obj->prop1; // Output the property
  • ->(對象運算符): 在 PHP 物件中,用來存取物件的屬性(Property)和方法(Methods)。
  • ::(雙冒號): 用來訪問靜態屬性。


I'm a class property!



建立一個方法來設定與讀取屬性 $prop1 的值

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

$obj = new MyClass;
echo $obj->getProperty(); // 得到原始的屬性值

$obj->setProperty("I'm a new property value!"); // 設定新的屬性值
echo $obj->getProperty(); // 得到新的屬性值
  • $this : 物件透過 $this 關鍵字來參考自己,物件使用 $this 就如同你直接使用物件名稱來指定物件。

  • $this 寫在 class 內部

  • 使用這些含有 $this 的方法之前,記得先要實例化這些方法的物件。

    ​​myClass->prop1; // 兩者的意義相同


I'm a class property! I'm a new property value!

接著再 new 一個新的 class

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

// 將兩個物件實例化
$obj = new MyClass;
$obj2 = new MyClass;

// 取得兩個物件的屬性變數 $prop1
echo $obj->getProperty();
echo $obj2->getProperty();

// 將兩個物件設定新的屬性值
$obj->setProperty("I'm a new property value!");
$obj2->setProperty("I belong to the second instance!");

// 輸出兩個物件的新屬性值
echo $obj->getProperty();
echo $obj2->getProperty();


I'm a class property! I'm a class property! I'm a new property value! I belong
to the second instance!
  • 物件導向將 object 視為獨立的個體,依照藍圖蓋出來的房子,每一間都是獨立的。


  • 可以把類別中始終保持不變的值,定義為常數。
class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    const constant = "value";

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

    function showConstant() {
        echo  self::constant . "<br />";

// 將物件實例化
$obj = new MyClass;

// 取得物件的常數
echo $obj->showConstant();
echo MyClass::constant;


value value

封裝 Encapsulation


PHP 魔術函數

__construct() 建構式

  • __construct() : 當一個物件建立的時候會 首先 被呼叫。
  • __CLASS__ : 會回傳被呼叫的類別名稱。
class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

// 實例化一個物件
$obj = new MyClass;

// 取得屬性 $prop1 的值
echo $obj->getProperty();

// 在生命週期的最後加上
echo "End of file.<br />";


The class "MyClass" was initiated! I'm a class property! End of file.

__destruct() 解構式

  • __destruct() : 可以清除物件,例如:關閉資料庫連線。
class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

// 實例化一個新的物件
$obj = new MyClass;

// 取得屬性 $prop1 的值
echo $obj->getProperty();

// 在生命週期的最後加上
echo "End of file.<br />";


The class "MyClass" was initiated! I'm a class property! End of file. The class
"MyClass" was destroyed.
  • 當物件使用完畢,PHP 會自動釋放記憶體。


  • unset() : 此方法可以更明確觸發 __destruct() 魔術函數。
class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

// 將一個物件實例化
$obj = new MyClass;

// 取得變數 $prop1
echo $obj->getProperty();

// 清除物件

// 生命週期結束後回傳
echo "End of file.<br />";


The class "MyClass" was initiated! I'm a class property! The class "MyClass" was
destroyed. End of file.


  • __toString : 將物件轉換為字串。


// 實例化一個新的物件
$obj = new MyClass;

// 將物件輸出為字串
echo $obj;


The class "MyClass" was initiated! Catchable fatal error: Object of class
MyClass could not be converted to string

加入 __toString 函數,來做轉換處理。

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

// 實例化一個新的物件
$obj = new MyClass;

// 回傳物件為字串
echo $obj;

// 清除這個物件

// 在生命周期結束後輸出
echo "End of file.<br />";

當物件試圖轉換成字串時,會觸發 __toString 函數,再由 __toString 函數呼叫 getProperty() 方法。

The class "MyClass" was initiated! Using the toString method: I'm a class
property! The class "MyClass" was destroyed. End of file.

__get __set 強制封裝

  • __get() 只會回傳屬性變數的值
  • __set() 指派一個新的值給屬性變數
class className
    private $attribute

    function __get($name)
        return $this->$name;

    function __set($name, $value)
        $this->$name = $value;


$a = new className();
//使用public時,不會用到__get(), __set()屬性

$a->attribute = 5;

  • 優點:藉由單一的存取處,可以自由地修改底層的實作


  • extend : 此關鍵字可以讓類別繼承其他類別的方法屬性
  • 子類別只能繼承一個父類別。

建立一個新的 class 並繼承 MyClass

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
    public function newMethod()
        echo "From a new method in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

// 實例化一個新的物件
$newobj = new MyOtherClass;

// 回傳此類別的方法
echo $newobj->newMethod();

// 回傳父層類別的方法
echo $newobj->getProperty();


The class "MyClass" was initiated! From a new method in MyOtherClass. I'm a
class property! The class "MyClass" was destroyed.

覆寫(Override) 繼承的方法和屬性


class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
    public function __construct()
        echo "A new constructor in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function newMethod()
        echo "From a new method in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

// 實例化一個新的物件
$newobj = new MyOtherClass;

// 回傳新類別的方法
echo $newobj->newMethod();

// 回傳父層類別的方法
echo $newobj->getProperty();

在新類別中,覆寫 __construct 方法的輸出結果

A new constructor in MyOtherClass. From a new method in MyOtherClass. I'm a
class property! The class "MyClass" was destroyed.

final 避免被覆寫

  • 方法前加入 final 避免被覆寫
class A
    public $attribute = 'default value';

    final function operation()
        echo 'Something<br />';
        echo 'The value of $attribute is'.$this->attribute.'<br />';
final class A


範圍解析運算子(scope resolution operator)


  • 範圍解析運算子依然會受到可視性的限制。

新增一個改寫父層類別的函數,並使用 範圍解析運算子::,來調用父類別被覆寫的函數

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    public function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct(); // 調用來自父層的 construct 功能
        echo "A new constructor in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function newMethod()
        echo "From a new method in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

// 實例化一個新物件
$newobj = new MyOtherClass;

// 將物件輸出成字串
echo $newobj->newMethod();

// 使用來自父層的方法
echo $newobj->getProperty();


The class "MyClass" was initiated! A new constructor in MyOtherClass. From a new
method in MyOtherClass. I'm a class property! The class "MyClass" was destroyed.


  • static : 不用將類別實例化,即可調用。
  • public : 方法及屬性可以在類別之外被存取。
  • protected : 該屬性或方法只能在類別以及子類別的內部存取。
  • private : 該屬性或方法只能在定義它們的類別內存取。

Protected 受保護的

將 MyClass 的 getProperty() 方法的可視性宣告為 protected,並且嘗試從外面呼叫這個方法


class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    protected function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
    public function __construct()
        echo "A new constructor in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function newMethod()
        echo "From a new method in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

// 實例化一個新物件
$newobj = new MyOtherClass;

// 嘗試調用父層的 protected 方法
echo $newobj->getProperty();


The class "MyClass" was initiated! A new constructor in MyOtherClass. Fatal
error: Call to protected method MyClass::getProperty() from context ''

在子類別 MyOtherClass 中新增一個方法來調用父層的 protected getProperty() 方法

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    protected function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
    public function __construct()
        echo "A new constructor in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function newMethod()
        echo "From a new method in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function callProtected()
        return $this->getProperty();

// 實例化一個新的物件
$newobj = new MyOtherClass;

// 用子類別的 public 方法調用父層的 protected 方法
echo $newobj->callProtected();


The class "MyClass" was initiated! A new constructor in MyOtherClass. I'm a
class property! The class "MyClass" was destroyed.

Private 隱私的

將父層 MyClass 的 getProperty() 方法的宣告為 private,並且使用 MyOtherClass 的 callProtected() 方法來調用 getProperty() 方法。

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    private function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
    public function __construct()
        echo "A new constructor in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function newMethod()
        echo "From a new method in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function callProtected()
        return $this->getProperty();

// 實例化一個新的物件
$newobj = new MyOtherClass;

// 調用父層的方法
echo $newobj->callProtected();


The class "MyClass" was initiated! A new constructor in MyOtherClass. Fatal
error: Call to private method MyClass::getProperty() from context 'MyOtherClass'

Static 靜態的

在 MyClass 加入一個 static 變數與方法: $countplusOne()
在類別的外面使用 do…while 迴圈增加 $count 的值。

class MyClass
    public $prop1 = "I'm a class property!";

    public static $count = 0;

    public function __construct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was initiated!<br />';

    public function __destruct()
        echo 'The class "', __CLASS__, '" was destroyed.<br />';

    public function __toString()
        echo "Using the toString method: ";
        return $this->getProperty();

    public function setProperty($newval)
        $this->prop1 = $newval;

    private function getProperty()
        return $this->prop1 . "<br />";

    public static function plusOne()
        return "The count is " . ++self::$count . ".<br />";

class MyOtherClass extends MyClass
    public function __construct()
        echo "A new constructor in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function newMethod()
        echo "From a new method in " . __CLASS__ . ".<br />";

    public function callProtected()
        return $this->getProperty();

// 在沒有實例化 MyClass 之下,範圍解析運算子調用 plusOne 方法
do {
    echo MyClass::plusOne();
} while (
    MyClass::$count < 10
  • 當使用範圍解析運算子存取 static 屬性時,屬性名稱前面加上錢字號 $


The count is 1. The count is 2. The count is 3. The count is 4. The count is 5.
The count is 6. The count is 7. The count is 8. The count is 9. The count is 10.



  • implements關鍵字 : 執行介面
  • 定義功能名稱,但交由執行的類別去實作功能
  • 執行介面的類別一定要實作介面的方法。
  • 介面可以繼承其他的介面。
  • 類別可以同時執行多個介面。


  interface Bark
    public function bark();


  interface Swim
    public function swim();


  include "Bark.php";
  include "Swim.php";

  class Human implements Bark, Swim
    public function bark()
      echo "人類叫聲...是在叫什麼啦!!";

    public function swim()
      echo "人類在游泳...不是在洗澡嗎?";


  include "Human.php";
  $man = new Human();
  echo $man->bark();
  echo $man->swim();

介面的使用時機 : 當「多個類別(Class)」之間有共同的方法(function),但方法實做的方式有差異,可以將這些共用「方法」寫成「介面(Interface)」,讓其他的「子類別(Class)」去實做這個介面


  • 父類別若不想實作介面方法,子類別又需要定義介面功能,可以將父類別抽象化,即可不用實作介面方法。
  • 子類別繼承抽象父類別之後,必須要實作父類別的介面方法。


include "Bark.php";
abstract class dog implements Bark
   // 設定狗的屬性
   public $name;
   public $color;
   public $style;

   public function __construct($name,$color,$style)
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->color = $color;
     $this->style = $style;

   public function dogRun()
     echo "狗狗跑步中...";

   // 修改狗叫的功能
   public function Bark()

   public function __destruct()
     echo "狗狗回家了...";


include "dog.php";

class Poodle extends dog
  protected $size;

  public function __construct($name,$color,$style,$size)
    $this->size = $size;

  // 實作父類別的狗叫 function
  public function Bark()
    echo "狗叫...但小聲....";
    //呼叫父類別的 dogBark()


  include "Poodle.php";

  $mydog = new Poodle("Windy","白色","貴賓狗",30);

  echo $mydog->Bark();

抽象類別的使用時機 : 當「多個類別(Class)」之間有共同的方法(function)或屬性(attribute)時,可以將這些共用的地方寫成「抽象類別(Abstract Class)」,讓其他的「子類別(Class)」去繼承

trait 的應用

簡化 Class 功能複用

class Man
    public function walk() { // ... }
    public function run() { // ... }

class Woman
    public function walk() { // ... }
    public function run() { // ... }

當兩個 class 都有類似的內容(property 或 method),用 trait 簡化

trait Moveable
    public function walk() { // ... }
    public function run() { // ... }

class Man
    use Moveable;

class Woman
    use Moveable;


trait CountAge
    protected $age;

    public function getAge(): int { return $this->age; }
    public function setAge(int $age): void { $this->age = $age; }

class Child
    use CountAge;

    protected $age = 10;

因為 CountAge 與 Child 中都存在 $age 這個屬性,此時便會產生

PHP Fatal error: Child and CountAge define the same property ($age) in the
composition of Child. However, the definition differs and is considered

在使用這個 traitclass 都可以使用其所定義的方法。trait 中定義的方法為共有的。

trait CheckAdult
    private function getAge(): int
        return $this->age;

    public function isAdult(): bool
        return $this->getAge() >= 18;

class Human
    use CheckAdult;

    protected $age = 18;

    public function canAccessPornHub(): bool
        return $this->isAdult();

    public function canAccessGayTube(): bool
         public $this->getAge() >= 18;
  • 只要 use CheckAdult,就可以使用 isAdult()getAge()

trait 之間不可以具有相同名稱的方法,否則會丟出 Fatal Error。

trait USD
    public function getBalance() {  }

trait TWD
    public function getBalance() {  }

class Wallet
    use USD;
    use TWD;

若將函式設為 private 也同樣會出現衝突。

trait USD
    private function convert(string $to) { // ... }
    public function getUSDBalance(): int { return $this->convert('USD'); }

trait TWD
    private function convert(string $to) { // ... }
    public function getTWDBalance(): int { return $this->convert('TWD'); }

class Wallet
    use USD;
    use TWD;


後端 PHP+Laravel新手實戰日記