# r/Europe EU4 Ruleset Campaign 10
## 1. META
Sundays from 18:00 - 22:00 CE(S)T
1st Session January 23rd
If any scenario arises that is not covered by these rules, or a conflict occurs due to unclear or open-ended rules, the administrators reserve the right to make a ruling at their own discretion. That ruling is final.
### 1.3 Beginning of Session
We will start on time, the lobby will be open from 17:50 CE(S)T, please make sure beforehand that your checksum is correct and that everything is working properly. If you encounter severe problems with your game, please notify a mod that participates in the campaign. If you are late we will start without you and you will not get save edits if your AI screws you over.
We are using Nakama Crossplay option
### 1.4 REHOSTS
Rehosts happen at the host’s or moderators’ discretion, in situations such as the game bugging or the host crashing. The players are required to join back as soon as they can in case the game is rehosted.
#### Hotjoins
Regular hotjoins will happen after each rehosts to catch lobby bugs, and then every hour into the game, exceptional hotjoins might happen if important players disconnect during wars. All players are expected to set their AI settings in the event they crash.
Hotjoins will also be allowed at any time for players that either are involved in an important player war or in case an ally is attacked and your AI wouldn't join the defensive war (in this case you should hotjoin **before** the attack starts on the defending country)
#### Resettling of dead players
If your nation dies before the break you will get the chance to join again during the break on a vacant nation, please inform the mods if you wish to do so.
### 1.5 PAUSES
Only host, moderators and players who have unconditionally surrendered reserve the right to pause the game. We **do not pause automatically for surrenders**. Only the player who surrendered can request a pause. The game will be paused in the event of a mid session break and allowing lagging players to catch up, or resolving conflicts that may arise.
We do not pause for a 99% warscore.
In the event of a pause because a player who surrendered requested it, the winning side is required to sent a peace deal as fast as possible.
There will be a 15 minute break around half time (20:00 CEST). Please stay in the game and don’t leave so we don’t have to rehost.
In the event of a dispute, the involved parties may be asked to join a separate Discord channel to allow quick administrator arbitration.
### 1.7 GAME SPEED
Every player is expected to be able to maintain the minimum of speed 2. While some players may be allowed to catch up if they fall behind on rare occasions, repeated offenses of lagging and falling behind even at speed 2 may lead to the player being asked to leave the campaign.
Punishments for breaking any rules will be carried out on a case by case basis at the admin team’s discretion.
If moderators deem your actions unhealthy for the campaign, you will be banned.
### 1.9 RESPECT
Be respectful to other players and show sportsmanship. EU4 is a game above all else, and we want to have fun. There is no winner in this campaign and everyone can set out their own goals. Please do not launch personal attacks against other players or make gameplay decisions based on strong feelings for the player. If you lost a war, please accept that you lost rather than ruin your nation to drag down the other player.
For the sake of game balance, the following nations cannot be picked by any player:
- The main nation a player played in the previous campaign.
Players will submit a list of nations they wish to play. The mods will hand pick players for the nations we consider to be majors. Non major nations will be assigned randomly. You may only pick 3 nations per continent, in total you have to pick 5 nations.
A maximum of 2 majors are allowed in your picks. The following nations are considered majors:
- England, France, Castile, Burgundy, Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, Muscovy, Ottomans, Mamluks, Timurids, Bahmanis, Vijayanagar, Bengal, Jaunpur, Oirat.
Submissions with no valid Discord or Steam name will be ignored. Make sure to create a Discord account as that’s where most of the organisation happens.
Signing up with a friend and signing up for neighboring countries to ally each other the entire game is strongly discouraged. While we are casual group stuff like that messes up the balance of power immensely.
It is **NOT** first come first serve.
### 2.3 NEW WORLD
New World Natives will be allowed to be played.
Moving your Capital to the new world (exodus) **is allowed**.
- Independent countries with their Capital in the new world may not expand into more than 2 Colonial regions until 1600, 3 if they started as New World Natives (including their starting region).
- You may not release nations from a native player that hasn't yet reformed
- If you want to play as your CN you have to choose "play as" the moment it forms, also ruining your previous country prior to doing so is not allowed
- Wars declared for subject land have to be announced so at start and when they have 99% warscore on the subject at any point 4 years after start of the war, including ticking warscore from the overlord, the overlord has to accept peace for the occupied subject land, subject war score is visible in the subjects diplo screen (**also applies to AI subjects**).
- Giving away player subjects land is not allowed.
- If a player subject started an independence war and did not gain independence, they have to leave the nation.
- You may still pick a country that starts as a subject but you have to declare or negotiate independence within the first 15 years, otherwise you must leave.
- **Crimea** and **Moldova**, if played by a player, have to choose the "stay independent" option.
- If a player wins a subjugation or enforce Personal Union cb war against another player, the loser has 10 years after the truce ended to declare/negotiate independence, otherwise they must leave.
- banned
- banned
- banned
- banned
- not allowed, forcing someone to be a tributary also not allowed
Any nation that has not been picked by a player or that had its previous player drop out is considered VACANT, If you want to play a vacant nation moderator approval is required.
In the event that a player misses one or more sessions, they can have another player substitute for their nation. A substitute can only play with the overlords approval. Exception to that rule applies in the case of the overlord not being able to find a sub - then mods may place players who are willing to sub on that nation, even if the overlord declines that sub.
A substitute player is subject to the original player’s will and must follow their ideas and plans as close as they can.
A substitute from a nearby nation needs to be approved by the moderators.
- If a player cannot make it to a session and can’t find a substitute, they can ask the admins for protection. A protected nation cannot be declared war upon and if it finds itself in a war as a secondary participant, it must be white peaced.
- A player can only be granted protection 1 time. Protection cannot be granted in the first session or after 1600.
- If a player crashes mid session, they will be granted protection until they join back or the remainder of the session. If they are able to join back within the next 20 minutes, this will not count towards the protection limit.
- If a player doesn’t have any more protection and crashes mid session, they will only be protected for 20 minutes.
- If there is suspicion of a player intentionally dropping out to avoid wars, they may not be granted protection at the admins’ discretion.
- **It is recommended to set AI settings to not declare wars, seek fast peace and keep allies and rivals. If you did not set your AI settings to seek fast peace, players are allowed to take land. If your AI declares war on another player, you are liable to lose land in the final peace deal regardless of protected status.**
- Protected Nations may not be called into offensive wars against other players.
- If a player drops and wants to hotjoin, you may not declare war on any ally that player has if the dropped players AI **wouldn't** join the defensive war
- Moderators reserve the right to grant any nation protection at any point.
If a player has suffered major setbacks and feels like they cannot make a comeback, they can ask the admins to switch nations at the following rehost. They must pick something at a reasonable distance away from your original country. (e.g. You cannot switch from Austria to Milan). Make sure you have tried every diplomatic option available before giving up on your country, as leaving prematurely can create huge imbalances. Purposely ruining your country by taking up useless loans, deleting your army, giving out your provinces or releasing vassals before switching is not allowed.
After switching nations, the player’s original country becomes VACANT.
If a player does not show up for a session without telling the admins beforehand, their nation will be granted protection for the first 15 minutes of playtime. This nation may be protected for the whole session based on moderator discression. If the player has still not contacted the admins after the break, the nation becomes VACANT.
### 3.1 WARS
- Neither the defender nor the attacker can use “A Call to Arms!” to call in new allies in a player war that has already started (you may call in allies you already had before the war started, but not to avoid them being co-belligerents).
- In the event of an unconditional surrender: The game will be paused at surrendering side's request. The winners will be given time (at moderator’s discretion) to prepare the peace deal. Winners may only send peace offers to the player who surrendered.
- If the warleader in a war is at negative 99% warscore, they must accept any peace deal for their occupied land from the winning side. Also, in rare special cases, the moderators may reserve the right to force a surrender on a nation to prevent abuses.
- "Enforce Peace” is not allowed to be used without the main defender’s consent.
- “GP Intervention” is not allowed without permission from the alliance leader.
- Players may only send Condottieri once per war.
- You can only demand provinces that you occupy in a forced peace deal (stab hit, unconditional surrender and 99%)
- If the defeated side agrees, you can gain unoccupied provinces
- You may not declare wars on players for mana farm or power projection
- In case of the emperor of the HRE being called to arms, only they themselves may join, they can not call in their allies
- You may not ally an AI mid war
- You may not use the subjugation CB to vassalize a player nation unless the warscore cost for the entire nation is 100% or less
- No mothballing forts of someone who surrendered.
### 3.2 Alliances
- Players may ally as many AI as they want. (except if the AI is at war with another player)
- Players start with 4 alliance slots. National ideas, regular ideas and governments can increase this if they give relation slots, temporary modifers like from events, missions or estates do not count. HRE Emperor and privileges are viewed as temporary. (Basically, other countries must be able to tell what the limit is)
- Top 8 countries by dev or GP score cost 2 slots
- Top 3 countries by dev or GP score cost 3 slots
- Top 3 countries by dev or GP score can't ally each other
- when in doubt, unmodified GP score visible in GP mapmode
- Other countries can ally only 1 of the top 3
- Guaranteeing players is not allowed.
Example: France starts with 4 slots, since the privilege doesn't count. Once they have unlocked their first NI, they have 5. If they pick Diplomatic ideas and unlock the 2nd idea, that brings them up to 6 alliance slots. France is GP #4 and decides to ally GP #3 Ottomans. They can no longer ally GP#1 Mamluks and GP #2 England. With just the Ottoman alliance, they are now at 3/6 alliance slots. They also ally GP#5 Castile, bringing them to 5/6 alliance slots. They also ally Brittany and Venice, bringing them to 7/6 alliance slots while using 4 relation slots. This is illegal and they must break an alliance. They break with Brittany and ally AI Trier instead, which costs no Alliance slot.
Example 2: Hungary allies GP#1 Mamluks. They are now at 3/4 alliance slots, meaning they must now decide who their 2nd and final ally is going to be.
Example 3: Vijayanagar is at 4/4 Alliance slots, but their ruler withdraws in contemplation, reducing its relation slots by 1. They dont have to unally anyone as this is a temporary modifier.
Nation Ruining, defined as carrying out actions that hurt your nation with no real benefit, and cannot be satisfactorily explained to an admin, is not allowed. Examples of nation ruining include:
Releasing all available vassals, declaring war on a nation with the sole intention to give away land or enter vassalage, deleting armies / navies before switching nation or leaving the game, taking out the maximum amount of loans to give the money away without purpose.
Giving away a significant portion of your nation.
This list is not exhaustive and administrators reserve the right to call out nation ruining behaviour on the spirit of the rule.
### 3.4 Cheating and Exploits
Cheating and usage of exploits is not allowed. In general, exploits are making use of game mechanics in a way that is not their intended purpose and gaining an unfair advantage over other players. GMs reserve the right to determine what counts as an exploit and what doesn’t. If you’re unsure, please check with a GM. If you know an exploit not listed here, please inform us. We are deliberately not listing some exploits since they're hard to track. Examples of exploits include, but are not limited to:
#### Loan Size Exploit
Methods and actions that artificially increase the loan size or cap are not allowed.
#### Foreign Debt
Players may not take on foreign debt before they bankrupt with the sole purpose of wiping away someones debt for nothing (since they were going to bankrupt anyway)
#### Manpower Farm
Queuing units and canceling one before it finishes to “bank” manpower is not allowed. Additionally any other methods that intentionally generate manpower far over the cap are also banned. Subject to moderation
#### Professionalism farm
Drilling 0 strenght regiments to get to gain professionalism without paying for troops.
#### Neutral Transports
The use of using neutral transports to evade enemy fleets is banned
#### Garrison Armies
Merging Sallied out Garrison armies with the rest of your armies after battle is banned.
**Monarch Points + Other**
#### Mission spamming
In the event that a mission exists that has spammable potential (monarch points or other), I.E. multiple clicking, this is banned.
#### Autosave spam
Related to this, any other action which can be abused by repeatedly clicking it during an autosave to create multiple instances like adding provinces to the HRE for Imperial authority are also banned.
#### Estate Abuse
Abusing estate interactions as such that you gain monarch points, gold or manpower, then switching estates (common example is Muslim nations in India) to either avoid Estate Disasters or to extort a new fresh set of estates and thus circumventing cooldowns is banned.
This include swapping religion just to get rid of your estates
#### Estate Contribution Exploit
Receiving subsidies for a month to raise your total income so that when you use the sell titles interaction, you receive a larger sum than you should.
#### AI vassals to increase FL late game
Using a lot of vassals late game combined with policies and ideas to get a huge boost to your FL is not allowed, therefore a max of 8 AI vassals are allowed.
#### Coalition
A player may not join a coalition with the intent to white peace or give land away from AI, letting the target of said coalition avoid the consequences of aggressive expansion or potentially profit from it.
A full war must be fought. Subject to moderation
#### Coalition 2
No spamming and revoking Guarantees to avoid coalitions.
#### AI Ally Lands
In the same principle as the coalition rule, allying AI and calling them in against player nations, and intentionally giving up AI land to said players is banned.
#### Revolution target
A player may not declare on the revolutionary target and immediately peace out or stay in a ‘fake war’ to avoid the revolutionary malus or gain score. A full war must be fought or the player/s who agreed to fake war will subject to punishment.
### 3.5 Bug prevention
#### Even gold mines
To prevent a bug with goldmines you must always dip develop them to an even number. Failing to do so will result in deduction of diplo points.