# Hack For Freedom Submission [Hack For Freedom](https://gitcoin.co/issue/aragonone/hack-for-freedom/7/100023345/) ## Name of Project *Distributed Town* ## Project Description Distributed Town is a Social DAO that lets local communities self-organize, and manage their skills and resources collectively. Fully autonomous from government approvals and slow, bureaucratic red-tape. Our project uses a mutual credit system and geo-location to build "self-sustainable community hubs". 1. The idea is to build self-sustainable (non-sovereign) community-hubs for locals to exchange skills and tools/resources in these times of isolation. 2. Each contributor (in skills or resources) has a unique Skill-Wallet, with the credits they have earned. 3. Each community has a "scarcity score" for each skill/resource, that will automatically send a "signal" to the closest neighborhoods when they have excess/lack of one of them. 4. Near-communities can scale together by sharing the resources/skills more needed, following a "one-step random walk" model. With our project we are bringing Aragon's ease of use to local communities through a simple registration system, and an intuitive UI that mimics the urban environment. On one side, Neighbors/Members will have more mobility and access, both while traveling and while living in their own building. While on the other, neighborhoods/communities will have the chance to attract the skills and the resources they need, using a mutual credit system, rather than tiring and bureaucratic processes to attract grants and external expertise. ## Org Template: ### 1. Token Design & Credit System **Community-Template**: Reputation **Token-Type**: (1) Governance Token. (2) Transferable **Token-Properties**: (1) Voting + Reputation (2) Reward/Payment for service **Community-Creation**: Users can easily create new communities. Each community is created identical to the other, following the *DiTo-Community Template* ### DiTo-Community Template: **Community Funds (initVault)**: 96 000 DiTo **Members Cap (memCount)**: 6-24 members / community* **New-User Membership (lowCount)**: Each DistributedTown’s User will receive 2000 DiTo (initVault/48) when they join their first Community. **Members TOT. Credit (diCount)**: in the range [2000 (lowCount), 3840 (upCount)] **lowCount**: initVault/48 **upCount**: initVault/25 **diCount**: 2000 ≥ diCount ≤ 3840 ### 2. Skills & Gigs Management **Skills (Types & Values):** (1) Community Life (each skill) ==> 12 DiTo (defSkill) (2) At Home (each skill) ==> 6 DiTo (defSkill) (3) Professional (each skill) ==> 24 DiTo (defSkill) defSkill * XP = skillValue Initial diCount / Member: lowCount + sum skillValue * **“Gig” / Tasks / Rewards:** Members of a community can post tasks/gigs/helps that they need from others. They work as “open bounties” - where publishers specify (1) label (skill needed), (2+3) Title & Description of help needed, (4) reward amount in DiTo. For basic wallet administration and transactions: 1. lowCount = 2000 DiTo = min DiTo ownable per member 2. upCount = 3840 DiTo = max DiTo ownable per member 3. initCount = the amount of DiTo a user owns at the time of initiating a transaction 4. newCount = initCount - the cost for that action / interaction ==> newCount = initCount - Cost - For a Gig to be published, a transaction (diTx) needs to be valid ==> diTx = True if newCount > lowCount ### 3. Voting Power & Approval Rate - Voting Power (repCount) = diCount - **Approval Rate**: - To be approved, a proposal needs to have 50% + 1 of the votes ==> majQuota = (votCount / 2) + 1 - Each member can vote only once. Vote’s value = voter diCount ==> voteSum = Σ diCount(1→votCount) - At least 50% + 1 of the community (memCount) must vote ==> ==> votCount > (memCount/2) + 1 - The total amount of the voters need to hold at least the 25% of the total repCount assigned (diRep) ==> ==> voteSum ≥ diRep / 4 ## Project Team - **Alex (@jabyl)**: Governance, Math, Org Template, System Design & Interaction Flow - **Rachit (@rachit2501)**: React Native app, Smart Contracts, Aragon Connect Integration - **Yutong (@cllu29)**: UI, Design, User Interviews & Website ## A prototype (code or no-code)* **Interactive Prototype**: http://tiny.cc/DiTo-prototype **GitHub**: https://github.com/rachit2501/DistributedTown-Hack-For-Freedom ## Beta-product page + lead capture url *[htts://distributed.town](htts://distributed.town)* ## Pitch-deck http://tiny.cc/DiTo-Pitch