# VPS Linux re-build後設定 :house: [回筆記首頁](https://www.mirai.tw) ###### tags: `server` `Ngix` `vps` `Linux` 1. hostnamectl :檢查vps的狀態 ``` Static hostname: server2 Icon name: computer-vm Chassis: vm 🖴 Machine ID: bc0a3908a261d1fdecb5bcbd8b9032bc Boot ID: 44791200de3046fdbd210cfa8dea6242 Virtualization: kvm Operating System: AlmaLinux 9.0 (Emerald Puma) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:almalinux:almalinux:9::baseos Kernel: Linux 5.14.0-70.30.1.el9_0.x86_64 Architecture: x86-64 Hardware Vendor: Red Hat Hardware Model: KVM ``` 命令:curl -sL yabs.sh | bash ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script v2023-09-06 https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 2. date :vps系統時間 3. timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Taipei 4. 檢查更新 apt update (如果是 centos或amalinux請將apt改成yum,以下也一樣) 5. 系統更新 apt upgrade 6. 安裝nano編輯器 apt install nano (下面指令安裝網路相關的小程式) 7. apt -y install net-tools 8. apt install wget 9. apt -y install lynx 10. 新增 PPA 個人套件庫 先安裝 add-apt-repository,如果系統裡已經有了,跳過這步驟 apt install software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable 如果是centos: 安裝Epel擴充資源庫(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) yum install epel-release yum install yum-utils 11. 安裝 htop: apt install htop 12. 安裝nginx: apt install nginx systemctl enable nginx systemctl start nginx <如果有需要關聯式資料庫可繼續安裝> 13. 安裝 mariaDB apt -y install mariadb-server systemctl enable mariadb systemctl start mariadb 接著馬上更改 mariadb的密碼 mysql_secure_installation <如果有需要php-fpm可繼續安裝> 14. 安裝 php-fpm * 讓Nginx可以支援PHP,先安裝PHP套件 ```bash apt -y install php php-fpm php-common php-pear php-mbstring ``` * 啟用PHP-FPM ```bash systemctl enable php7.3-fpm systemctl start php7.3-fpm ``` * 編輯設定檔 ```bash nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default ``` * 在server{}中加入 ```bash location ~ \.php$ { include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf; fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock; } ``` * 重啟PHP-FPM及nginx ```bash systemctl restart php7.3-fpm nginx ``` * 建立測試檔案 ```bash nano /var/www/html/index.php <?php phpinfo(); ?> ```
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