# 介係詞分類技巧 介係詞分類小技巧 整理一下可以發現一些相近意思的字會用一樣的介係詞 可以把他們分成小組幫助記憶 遇到不確定的題目也可以這樣猜 注意這個分類只是概略的 沒辦法100%適用到每一個組合 遇到無法分類的狀況還是請硬記起來 1. 貢獻、致力於 * be committed to * be devoted to * be dedicated to * contribute to 2. 禁止、遠離(負面事物)、分離、區別 * keep someone from * stop someone from * prohibit someone from * hide from * rescue from * recover from * escape from * be divorced from * protect someone from * prevent someone from * separate from * distinguish from 4. 害怕 * be afraid of * be scared of * be terrified of * be frightened of 5. 組成 * be composed of * be consist of * be made of 6. 充滿、擠滿、蓋滿、塞滿 * be covered with * be filled with * be crowded with * be cluttered with 8. 習慣 * be accustomed to * be used to 9. 滿足、滿意 * be content with * be satisfied with * be pleased with 10. 感謝 * be grateful for * be thankful for