# Collaboration / Lightning Browser Extension Call #0 ``` ## Connectors ### LND #### Capabilities - Auth - Payments #### Setup - Import ### LNDHub* #### Capabilities - Payments #### Setup - Import - Create new ### LNBits #### Capabilities - Payments ``` ### Backlog 1. (done) Onboarding / Design Screen for choosing a connector 2. Connector / LND / Verify setup has lets encrypt and not a self signed certificate 3. Connector / LND / Verify the node is not behind a Tor connection 4. Connector / LND / Needs to have a domain name and not IP 1. Needs to be publicly available 5. (done) Enable Publisher / Default favicon and image 6. Wallet / Empty state for transaction listing 7. Account / Allow user to switch between accounts 1. Transaction list switching to account list on pop up 2. Give option to add new node connector 10. Enable Publisher / Show warning if allowance is more than X ### Low Priority 8. Get lndhub to provide a sign message api 9. Get agaloy to provide a sign message api 10. How to guide for configuring LND for LBE ## Feature Ideas #### Donations Extracting + Enhancing websites using their meta data and making it accessible through the extension. General box that says a website that the websíte supports donations. ##### ln-donate - add .ln-donate ##### podcast-index - detect podcast:value in the rss feed and enable streaming sats - show how many sats are being streamed - one off payments. - website can integrate web-ln