# Things you absolutely <span style="color:red;">SHOULD NOT </span>do:
As with any kind of modding, there are some things you should just generally be careful about, so, I've condensed some of that into this list here :)
- Don't flash ROMs which aren't made for your device, you will end up Soft bricking the device or worse
- Don't flash .zip files or anything else if you don't trust whoever is distributing them!
- never flash stuff like voltefix.zip, pubgfix.zip, or anything similar without investigating first.
Usually, these are made to troll people, and they are known to Hard Brick devices by overwriting the entire storage or removing criticial partitions
- <span style="color: red;">Do not run `fastboot erase abl`!
"abl" stands for "++A++ndroid ++B++oot++l++oader", erasing it makes your device practically useless, as it would then be ***Hard Bricked***</span>
- Do not erase or overwrite partitions with Fastboot that you don't know what they are!
So please don't run commands like `fastboot flash system`,`fastboot flash boot.img` etc if you don't know what they do, and if you don't trust the person giving you things to flash!