![](https://i.imgur.com/JyZaUfV.png) OSIP Meeting Minutes September 20, 2023 === :::info - **Attendees:** *OSIP members* Judith Herbers, René Dutschke, Alexander Strobel, Kathrin Fucke, Josephine Zerna, Denise Dörfel, Anja Kräplin, Christoph Scheffel, Kristina Herzog, Ulrike Senftleben, Jens Strehle *Guests and associated members* Philipp Graffe - **Minutes:** Judith Herbers - **Presentation:** René Dutschke **Topics** 1. News `15min` > [name=Anja Kräplin, Christoph Scheffel] 2. OSIP Website`15min` > [name=René Dutschke] > 3. OSIP Birthday `15min` > [name= Denise Dörfel, René Dutschke] 4. OSIP Award `5min` > [name= Anja Kräplin] 5. Talks `10min` > [name= Rene Dutschke] 6. OSIP on Twitter/ X `10min` > [name= Denise Dörfel] 7. D2:C2 Project `10min` > [name= Anja Kräplin] ::: ## News > [name=Anja Kräplin] Anja and a team will develop a FAQ for Open Science in Clinical Psychology, especially in regard to Open Data. It will likely be published via DGPs. > [name=Christoph Scheffel] Lately, an article on Open Science and replication studies in Expras was published in Psychologische Rundschau, see [here](https://doi.org/10.1026/0033-3042/a000643) --- ## OSIP Website > [name= René Dutschke] Gundula and Vincent are working on the relaunch of [OSIP's website](https://tu-dresden.de/mn/psychologie/osip). René presents the current status of the revision. We invite all OSIP members to make suggestions for design and content. A number of publications have already emerged from within OSIP. These should be linked on the website. Vincent asks that links to publications be sent to openscience@mailbox.tu-dresden.de. --- ## OSIP Birthday > [name= Denise Dörfel, René Dutschke] Organization is ongoing thanks to Denise, René and Katrin. Denise currently organizes catering for the afternoom. We would prefer an external organizer to reduce organizational load, however, self-organized catering is possible as a back-up plan. --- ## OSIP Award > [name= Anja Kräplin] So far, there are only two submissions for the OSIP Award. Submission is open until October 15th. We will send reminder mails this week to reach persons that might have been on vacation. --- ## Talk Ideas for the next semesters * Talk from Quest Health Center Berlin? * Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement / Citizen Science - Kristina Herzog * Computational Reproducibilty * Theory Buidling ## OSIP on Twitter / X > [name=Denise Dörfel] * In light of the recent developments, does Twitter / X still work for us? Or should we switch to other platforms: Instagram, Mastodon, BlueSky... * We start a social media taskforce consisting of Franziszka, Josephine and Vincent * we will use the next OSIP meeting to review social media accounts from other initiatives and decide on our social media presence (ca. 30 min) ## D2:C2 Project > [name=Anja Kräplin] We have access to survey data from different universities in Saxony regarding Open Science at the student level. We find the results interesting but would be especially interested in the data of TU Dresden. Alex asks the data collection and analysis team for the TU Dresden data. --- ## Miscelleaneous We would like to discuss thesis supervision in the **next OSIP Meeting** (ca. 30 min) * Open Science: Preregistration (when?, where?), Analysis Code * Good Scientific Practice --- The next OSIP meeting is sheduled for October 25 at 1:30 pm. The link to will be sent out via the mailing list about one week before the meeting. All OSIPs are welcome to propose topics. Proposed topics: * PPIE / citizen science talk (Kristina Herzog, ca. 15 min) * OSIP's social media presence (ca. 30 min) * Thesis supervision (ca. 30 min)