![](https://i.imgur.com/JyZaUfV.png) Meeting Minutes OSIP Meeting June 28, 2022 === :::info - **Attendees:** *OSIP members* Stefan Scherbaum, Alexander Strobel, Anja Kräplin, Anne Gärtner, Christoph Scheffel, Gundula Thiele, Jens Helmert, Jens Strehle, Josephine Zerna, Judith Herbers, Judith Josupeit, Kathrin Fucke, Oliver Grenke, Ulrike Senftleben, Michael Höfler *Guests and associated members* Vincent Zipper, Finn Lübber, Henri M Deda, Loreen Pogrzeba, Maria Seidel, Theresa Wirkus - **Minutes:** Vincent Zipper - **Presentation:** Daniel Leising **Topics** 1. Scilink AI `30min` > [name=Franziska Korb, Henri M Deda ] 2. OSI Lübeck `30min` > [name= Anne Gärtner, Finn Lübber] 3. Planning of the OSIP Birthday `30min` > [name= Kathrin Fucke, René Dutschke] ::: ## Scilink AI > [name= Franziska Korb, Henri M Deda] Franziska is currently alpha testing a new AI tool for scientists. The tool, called Scilink.ai, is accessible at https://scilink.ai/app/. The primary purpose of Scilink.ai is to provide scientists with comprehensive answers to scientific questions. Scilink.ai also provides suggestions for further questions, enhancing the user's research process. One notable feature is the inclusion of real citations to support the answers provided. Currently, the tool has implemented publications from pubmed for citation retrieval. The developers are actively looking for support to further develop the tool. They are interested in hearing from users who can provide insights into how they use Scilink.ai and what improvements they believe are necessary. They aim to keep the tool as open as possible and plan to offer free use of most features. One of the unique aspects of Scilink.ai is its ability to integrate findings from multiple papers into a single sentence. This sets it apart from other tools, such as elicit.org, which require users to elicit information from various papers separately. --- ## OSI Lübeck > [name= Anne Gärtner, Finn Lübber] Finn Lübber provided an explanation of how their initiative is structured. The initiative makes use of working groups that operate independently.The entire group convenes every two months for collective meetings. Ideally, representatives from each working group attend these meetings to provide updates. However, there are instances where no updates are available for 2-3 consecutive meetings. Acquiring new members for OSI Lübeck is challenging. There is little turnover, with the same members being involved since the initiative's inception 2.5 years ago. OSI Lübeck does not have a specific strategy for managing various tasks. Cooperation among team members is prioritized to handle the workload efficiently. The university funds a 50% position for the initiative, which contributes to the management of tasks. Variation of open science problems across fields: Open Access is a shared concern across different disciplines. However, Open Data presents different challenges, especially regarding the scale of data, such as genomic data. It is beneficial to have 2-3 individuals within the initiative who have a comprehensive overview of the different aspects and activities. These individuals can help ensure effective coordination and understanding of the initiatives overall goals and progress. --- ## Planning of the OSIP Birthday > [name= Kathrin Fucke, René Dutschke] Party in the evening will be held at Bärenzwinger. Kaminzimmer: * Rental fee depending on availability, preferably around €200.00 - €300.00 * Drinks will be sold at the bar at retail prices. Vouchers, tokens, and limits are all possible. * The Kaminzimmer has a disco music system, projector, screen, and fireplace available for use. * Optional: €250.00 - €300.00 for a technician for the live band (alternative: the band brings their own equipment). Do we have enough money? Denise has some ideas for financing. René presents ideas for potential panel discussions. ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyxL1htuh.png) --- The next OSIP meeting is sheduled for July 19 at 1:30 pm. The link to will be sent out via the mailing list about one week before the meeting. All OSIPs are welcome to propose topics.