![](https://i.imgur.com/JyZaUfV.png) Meeting Minutes OSIP Meeting May 3, 2023 === :::info - **Attendees:** *OSIP members* Michael Höfler, Alexander Strobel, Anja Kräplin, Anne Gärtner, Christoph Scheffel, Denise Dörfel, Gundula Thiele, Jens Helmert, Josephine Zerna, Kathrin Fucke, René Dutschke, Stefan Scherbaum, Matthias Rudolf, Oliver Grenke, Jens Strehle, Franziska Korb, Judith Herbers *Guests and associated members* Vincent Zipper - **Minutes:** Vincent Zipper - **Presentation:** Anne Gärtner, Vincent Zipper **Topics** 1. News `20min` 2. Strategic Orientation of OSIP `65min` 3. Miscellaneous `5min` ::: ## News - The DGPs commission report on abuse of power is to be published. Many journalists are already contacting the DGPs who will read the report and report on it. To avoid the assumption that it is only a psychology problem, a press release will be written to show that it is a systemic problem and that not only the TU Dresden has a problem with abuse of power. - Due to a scheduling conflict, there was a new poll for our OSIP birthday. The new date is November 15. It will be an afternoon/evening event. - So far, no one has been there at the open science consultation hours. It is unclear if there is no need or if it is not known enough. We want to proactively approach working groups and advertise it. --- ## Strategic Orientation of OSIP We meet, exchange ideas, give each other tips, but there is currently little strategic work of OSIP. So there is now an open exchange about whether we want to change that. Are there goals that we want to continue to pursue strategically or do we stay with the current structure? Do we want to get more professors to engage with OSIP? At the moment, mainly non-professorial academic staff participate in the meetings. Opinions - Compared to other initiatives, we have at least a few professors who can present our topics to the faculty board. With the current faculty leadership, it should be hand-in-hand rather than working against each other. - University-wide pushes fall flat (e.g., OS in supervision agreements), focus on faculty makes more sense. - Consolidation: we don't have to do the same as all the other initiatives and reinvent the wheel. Contribute via NOSI? - A perennial topic: why should the Mittelbau take charge of it and push for action? They leave the system faster than profs. - We should make more visible what we are already doing (work on abuse of power; data management...). - It's good that we get along without hierarchies, but a bit more structure would be useful. - Example: [OSI Lübeck Teams](https://osi-luebeck.de/team/) Anne invites Sören Krach for a chat where we can ask about experiences (is the structure really as great/useful as it looks on the website?). Possible structure with different taskforces - Node/Hub with overview - Mission statement - Website - Talks and exchange - Award - Network - Consulting - Teaching - Public Relations - Celebrations and birthday ## --> [Please fill in the table located in our Cloudstore](https://cloudstore.zih.tu-dresden.de/index.php/s/ocY8mCpngGSBXP6) so we can discuss it at our next meeting ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rkAuVdIN3.png) - Character of OSIP: Once an exchange, now political? The number of members is stagnating. Should we try to recruit new members? - So much has developed from the loose meeting that it is clear that a next step is structuring. It is a process. OSIP is no longer something new in the sense of "this has to be established", but just more of a "this is OSIP, it exists". However, OSIP can only exists if new members participate. - There was a big hurdle to come to a meeting. It is unclear what constitutes OSIP, because one can also do OS without being a member here. Taskforce topics can help find access points to OSIP. - We scare "the others": "If I go there, I, and everyone else, will find out what I'm doing wrong". - OS is discussed here with a haevy focus on methods, but it can also be done in completely different ways. E.g. inlinguistics: Citizen Science. OS can also simply be exchange. Maybe that is appealing for others. - Should we separate strategic from peer exchange meetings? --- ## Miscellaneous - Tilman Reitz will talk about recent developments with WissZeitVG. 16.5., 6 pm, location tba - OSIP Open Science Award: who wants to be part of the award commission? --> next OSIP meeting --- The next OSIP meeting is sheduled for June 28 at 1:30 pm. The link to will be sent out via the mailing list about one week before the meeting. All OSIPs are welcome to propose topics.