![](https://i.imgur.com/JyZaUfV.png) Meeting Minutes OSIP Meeting February 21, 2024 === :::info - **Attendees:** *OSIP members* Christoph Scheffel, Josephine Zerna, René Dutschke, Gundula Thiele, Ulrike Senftleben *Guests and associated members* Vincent Zipper, Ulrike Pfeifer - **Minutes:** Vincent Zipper - **Presentation:** Christoph Scheffel **Topics** 1. Planning of the OSIP Retreat `30min` > [name= Christoph Scheffel] 2. News `5min` ::: --- ## OSIP Retreat > [name= Christoph Scheffel] Christoph, Oliver and Denise have already met in a working group and discussed initial topics. - It will be a full day (9am - 6pm in 2 blocks) followed by dinner. - There should be a moderator. Options: external moderation, moderator from the faculty or outside with knowledge of Open Science - Professors (founding members) should be present - Possible dates are Dies Academicus, end of September or November. The availability of the professors will be checked first. - The location is still to be determined. Suggestions: Open Science Lab, Cosmo Science Forum - The topics are narrowed down beforehand (e.g. possible goals of the day are defined beforehand; what results can actually be achieved; real decisions should be made and not just brainstorming) - First topics: What used to be the goals, what are the goals now, do we still need OSIP at all or have the goals been achieved? Leadership and management of OSIP - there should be someone who takes responsibility for planning the semester and recording the goals - Those present think about whether we know people who have actively decided not to take part in OSIP and who can be asked why. - The planning team will meet again on March 5. --- ## News - Josephine: There was someone in the OS consultation hour (Master's student, question about preregistration, could be answered) - Reprohack review: Basically they would do it again, some things did not work out as expected (software problems), some issues remain. The computational reproduction alone was time-consuming and tedious (despite preparation), they couldn't even look at the results. 5 hours was too little, but very informative. General question of how much effort you want to put into reproducibility. --- The next OSIP meeting is sheduled for April 24 at 2:30 pm. The link to will be sent out via the mailing list about one week before the meeting. All OSIPs are welcome to propose topics.