Meeting Minutes OSIP Meeting April 24, 2024
- **Attendees:**
OSIP members and guests
- **Presentation & Minutes:** Vincent Zipper
1. Mathias Kuhnt: There are Alternatives. Models for sustainable employment structures in the German system of higher education `75min`
> [name=Mathias Kuhnt]
2. Miscellaneous `15min`
## Mathias Kuhnt: There are Alternatives. Models for sustainable employment structures in the German system of higher education
> [name= Mathias Kuhnt]
Here you can download the [video recording](https://tu-dresden.de/mn/psychologie/osip/ressourcen/dateien/vortraege-und-workshops/Mathias-Kuhnt-There-are-Alternatives.mp4) and the [presentation slides](https://tu-dresden.de/mn/psychologie/osip/ressourcen/dateien/vortraege-und-workshops/04_24_Mathias-Kuhnt-Personalmodelle.pdf).
## Miscellaneous
* Franziska Korb will introduce OSIP at the Meeting of the Research Associates [Mittelbauversammlung]
* Adrian Zimmermann gives an update on [insightformer](https://insightformer.com/), a chat-based AI research assistant. You can [contact Adrian](mailto:adrian.zimmermann@mailbox.tu-dresden.de) if you want to try it out.
* Dudle for the OSIP Retreat day: https://dud-poll.inf.tu-dresden.de/OSIPretreatDay/
* Dudle for summer meetings: https://dud-poll.inf.tu-dresden.de/OSIPSommer24/
The next OSIP meeting is sheduled for May 15 at 2:30 pm. The link to will be sent out via the mailing list about one week before the meeting. All OSIPs are welcome to propose topics.