### September 8, 2023 | Version: **What's New**: 1. **Customize Your Code**: * Now, with the "Enter the Code" task, you have the flexibility to customize and modify the code at the system level. * Note that technical intervention may be required for adjustments. 2. **Streamlined Mobile Wallet Linking**: * We've made UI adjustments to the mobile wallet linking process. The MetaMask wallet link option is now hidden, guiding users to use the Wallet Connect option for seamless wallet linking. --- ### September 12, 2023 | Version: **What's New**: 1. **Optional Task Status**: * In our quest for flexibility, all tasks in the "create a campaign" section can now be set as optional (excluding the "Follow AKI Twitter" task in Main Campaign). * Tasks marked as optional in the campaign info section are considered voluntary tasks. Users can choose whether or not to complete these optional tasks, and their completion status won't affect the normal submission of the campaign. 2. **Reward Boost for Optional Tasks**: * Optional tasks now come with Reward Boost coefficients. * Clients can set the Reward Boost coefficient for tasks marked as optional in the "create a campaign" section. * In the campaign info section, each additional completed optional task will weigh its Reward Boost coefficient as an additional winning probability factor. 3. **Introducing Quiz Tasks**: * Say hello to Quiz tasks! Quiz tasks are now available as optional tasks in "create a campaign." * These tasks are preset as optional and unchangeable, offering single-choice questions as the initial question type. * In the campaign info section, each Quiz task can be submitted only once, and after submission, it cannot be completed again. * The Reward Boost coefficient for Quiz tasks is determined non-linearly based on user correctness. 4. **UI Adjustments**: * As always, we're refining our user interface and text styles for a smoother user experience. --- ### September 15, 2023 | Version: **What's New**: 1. **Simplified Landing Page Animation**: * We've streamlined the landing page animation for a smoother experience and resolved occasional scrolling issues. 2. **Mobile Font Size Adjustments**: * To prevent text overflow on mobile screens, we've adjusted the font size for some page titles. 3. **UI and Text Tweaks**: * We continue to enhance our user interface and make refinements to text elements for clarity. --- ### September 22, 2023 | Version:* **What's New**: 1. **Campaign Duration Display Update**: * We've made modifications to how the duration is displayed for improved clarity. 2. **Reward Pool Enhancements**: * To accommodate lengthy reward pool content, we've replaced line breaks with hover-scroll functionality. 3. **Mobile Layout for Sub-Campaigns**: * We've adapted the layout of sub-campaigns for better compatibility with mobile devices. 4. **Starmap Recommendations**: * We've hidden the "Recommendation" section in Starmap. 5. **Updated Twitter Logo**: * Our Twitter logo has been refreshed, featuring the latest version with the new "X." 6. **IP Location Recording**: * For submitted campaigns, we now record the IP geolocation of users. --- ### Note Keep an eye out for further updates as we continuously enhance your Aki Network experience. --- To learn more about Aki Protocol, please visit: Website | https://akiprotocol.io/ Twitter | https://twitter.com/aki_protocol Twitter (Japanese) | https://twitter.com/AkiNetworkJapan Telegram | https://t.me/akiprotocol Discord | https://discord.com/invite/akinetwork Medium | https://medium.com/@aki-network General Whitepaper | https://aki-network.gitbook.io/aki-general-whitepaper/ Technical Doc | https://hackmd.io/@Aki-Protocol/B1rfOmF0c