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# Standard for Public Code
Licens: [CC 0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.sv)
## [Jan Ainali](https://publiccode.net/team/jan-ainali.html)
[Foundation for Public Code](https://publiccode.net)
<!-- The Foundation for Public Code is a member-driven, member-funded and member-governed association of public organizations.
We work to enable open and collaborative public-purpose software for public organizations internationally.
The Foundation for Public Code supports software at the codebase level through codebase stewardship and by publishing the Standard for Public Code. -->
## Vad är Public Code? <!-- What is Public Code? -->
<!-- Public code is both computer source code (such as software and algorithms) and public policy executed in a public context, by humans or machines. Public code is explicitly distinct from regular software because it operates under fundamentally different circumstances and expectations. -->
## Varför behövs en Standard? <!-- Why is a Standard needed? -->
<!-- More than one answer. Best practices to know what to do. Signaling value so that others realize your ambition to collaborate. One thing to just be openly licensed, and one to invite people to submit PRs. -->
## Vad innehåller den? <!-- What does it contain? -->
<!-- A collection of good practices. Ambition to cover entire development lifecycle process. Criteria, requirement levels, why this is important, what this does not do, how to test, guidance for policymakers/managers/developers/designers, further reading. Not supposed to be novel, you are probably already doing most of it, and possibly even wish that you were doing the things you are not complying with yet. -->
## Vad kommer Standarden att hjälpa dig med? <!-- What will the Standard help you with? -->
<!-- Give you a path on what is left to do, after a gap analysis. Make collaboration easier by being explicit on how you want to do it. Give you possibility to point to answers on basic questions. -->
## Vad gör den inte åt dig? <!-- What will it not do for you? -->
<!-- Make people automatically; show up, agree on everything, prioritize your issues. -->
## Vem använder den? <!-- Who are using it? -->
[![OpenZaak](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-zaak/open-zaak-website/2ad4ffd797e7190bd7b0856c42a47bed27097201/src/images/openzaaklogo.svg =200x200)](https://github.com/open-zaak/open-zaak/blob/master/docs/introduction/open-source/public_code.md) [![Signalen](https://github.com/Signalen/signalen.org/blob/master/src/images/logo.png?raw=true =200x200)](https://github.com/Amsterdam/signals/blob/master/docs/topics/signalen-and-standard-for-public-code.md)
[openzaak.org](https://openzaak.org) [signalen.org](https://signalen.org)
## Var finns den? <!-- Where is it? -->
<!-- You can get printed copies, contact me afterwards and we will send you them. We appreciate feedback! Community calls first Thursday of the month. -->
## De kommer en kurs <!-- A course is coming -->
<!-- Launches on Thurday. The course wll be open and freely licensed. -->
# Tack!
🐦 [@Jan_Ainali](https://twitter.com/Jan_Ainali)
📨 [jan@publiccode.net](mailto:jan@publiccode.net)
🌐 [publiccode.net](https://publiccode.net)
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