# Discarded draft... ## Practical info - links to materials - updated agenda - Code of Conduct - Ask questions at the very bottom of this page! - Separate pageg for days 2 and 3 (linked) ## Code of Conduct We strive to follow the Code of Conduct developed by The Carpentries organisation to foster a welcoming environment for everyone (see https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/policies/code-of-conduct.html). In short: - Use welcoming and inclusive language - Be respectful of different viewpoints and experiences - Gracefully accept constructive criticism - Focus on what is best for the community - Show courtesy and respect towards other community members ## Introductions Name, interests, something about *you* TBC :::info :bulb: **Hint:** You can also apply styling from the toolbar at the top :arrow_upper_left: of the editing area. ![](https://i.imgur.com/Cnle9f9.png) ::: > Drag-n-drop image from your file system to the editor to paste it! ### Step 3: Invite your team to collaborate! Click on the <i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i> **Sharing** menu :arrow_upper_right: and invite your team to collaborate on this note! ![permalink setting demo](https://i.imgur.com/PjUhQBB.gif) - [ ] Register and sign-in to HackMD (to use advanced features :tada: ) - [ ] Set Permalink for this note - [ ] Copy and share the link with your team :::info :pushpin: Want to learn more? ➜ [HackMD Tutorials](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials) ::: --- ## BONUS: More cool ways to HackMD! - Table | Features | Tutorials | | ----------------- |:----------------------- | | GitHub Sync | [:link:][GitHub-Sync] | | Browser Extension | [:link:][HackMD-it] | | Book Mode | [:link:][Book-mode] | | Slide Mode | [:link:][Slide-mode] | | Share & Publish | [:link:][Share-Publish] | [GitHub-Sync]: https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Flink-with-github [HackMD-it]: https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Fhackmd-it [Book-mode]: https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Fhow-to-create-book [Slide-mode]: https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Fhow-to-create-slide-deck [Share-Publish]: https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials/%2Fs%2Fhow-to-publish-note - LaTeX for formulas $$ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a} $$ - Code block with color and line numbers: ```javascript=16 var s = "JavaScript syntax highlighting"; alert(s); ``` - UML diagrams ```sequence Alice->Bob: Hello Bob, how are you? Note right of Bob: Bob thinks Bob-->Alice: I am good thanks! Note left of Alice: Alice responds Alice->Bob: Where have you been? ``` - Auto-generated Table of Content [ToC] > Leave in-line comments! [color=#3b75c6] - Embed YouTube Videos {%youtube PJuNmlE74BQ %} > Put your cursor right behind an empty bracket {} :arrow_left: and see all your choices. - And MORE ➜ [HackMD Tutorials](https://hackmd.io/c/tutorials)