# Tutorial Staking-Rewards-Collector
# Setup
## Windows
Download and install the following programs.
* [Git](https://git-scm.com/download/win)
* [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
* [Yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/latest.msi)
## MacOS
* Install [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) for MacOS.
* Open the terminal app (Note: it could be that you are asked for your password which is your login-password. MacOS hides your password and does not even show that you are inserting any characters. Simply type your password and press enter):
* Install the [Brew package manager](https://brew.sh/) by copy&paste the following command (this will take a while)
* ``/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"``
Then install git and yarn from your terminal by running:
* `brew install git`
* `brew install yarn`
# Verify installations:
* Windows: Press "Windows Key" and type "cmd" and hit enter.
* MacOS: Open your terminal app.
* Insert the following commands and press Enter:
* `yarn -v`
* `git --version`
* `node -v`
* If all commands give you some version number, the programs are correctly installed.
# Download code
* Open / create your preferred folder where you want to download the script into.
* Open your terminal pointing at that folder:
* **Windows**: Right click + shift on the folder and "Open Power Shell Window Here".
* **MacOS**: Right click on the folder and "New terminal at folder
" (if this is not to find, see [here](https://lifehacker.com/launch-an-os-x-terminal-window-from-a-specific-folder-1466745514#:~:text=Head%20into%20System%20Preferences%20and,the%20folder%20you're%20in.))
* Insert the following command in the terminal and press enter:
* `git clone https://github.com/w3f/staking-rewards-collector.git`
* The files should be cloned (downloaded) into a new folder called "staking-rewards-collector".
# Initialize packages
**This has only to be done once and directly after you downloaded the script.**
* Open the terminal in the newly cloned folder "staking-rewards-collector"
* **Windows**: Shift + right click on the folder and open in the powershell.
* **MacOS**: Right click and "New terminal at folder"
* Insert `yarn` into the terminal and press enter.
* This should download all the necessary packages.
# Usage
## Adjust userInput.json
* Rename `userInput.json.sample` file in the config folder to `userInput.json`.
* Right-click and open the userInput.json file (inside the config-folder) with any text-editor (code editor is preferred). Here you can specify the necessary information (see for more info the [README](https://github.com/w3f/staking-rewards-collector) in GitHub).
* Input your addresses. Make sure that a new address is added in the following format:
name: "NAME 1",
address: "Address either of Polkadot / Kusama",
startBalance: some number (can be set to 0 for most cases),
network: "Polkadot" / "Kusama" / "Moonriver"
name: "NAME 2",
address: "Address either of Polkadot / Kusama",
startBalance: some number (can be set to 0 for most cases),
network: "Polkadot" / "Kusama" / "Moonriver"
name: "NAME 3",
address: "Address either of Polkadot / Kusama",
startBalance: some number (can be set to 0 for most cases),
network: "Polkadot" / "Kusama" / "Moonriver"
} <- NO comma if it is the last entry of your addresses
* **NOTE** The last entry should not end with a comma and the very last row of the file should end with `]}`
# Run the script
After you installed everything and set-up your config file, you can run the script to collect your rewards.
* Open the terminal pointing to your "staking-rewards-collector" folder
* Type `yarn start` and press enter.
# Updating
* In the case a new version of the script is available run the `git pull` command in your terminal (being in the script's folder).
* This might overwrite your userInput.json file so it is best to give it a new name, run `git pull` and then replace the downloaded file.
# Import the data to Excel
* Most users are mainly interested in the .csv output files. Those can be imported to Excel as follows:
* Double click the .csv file to open.
* Most likely, the data is all pushed into the first column of excel.
* Select the whole column and go to "Data" on the top and select "Text to Columns"
* Select "delimited", press next.
* Only select "Comma" as delimiter, press next.
* (Only if your operating system uses "," as a decimal delimiter):
* Go into the "advanced" tab and specify the "." as decimal delimiter and "," as thousand delimiter.
* Press finish.
* The data should now be in order and distributed across the columns.