--- title: 問面試官問題 - 技術、專案、流程等怎麼詢問 --- :::info [TOC] ::: ## 三、問面試官問題 ### **【個人】** 1. Does the company offer a xxx visa? 2. Is it possible to work from home? 3. How can I improve myself in this interview? 4. Are there any qualifications that you think I am missing? 5. What’s the working time, do I need to punch in and out? <br/> ### **【職缺相關】** 1. Could you tell me more details about this position? 2. What kind of challenges do you think this position will face? 3. What is the most important consideration for this position? 4. What goals you excepted me to achieve in first 1 – 3 months? 5. If I get hired, What’s the training process? 6. How company evaluate the performance? 7. What people I will cooperate with? <br/> ### **【技術和專案流程】** 1. What technology and software does the company use? 2. Does the team write unit tests? For front-end or back-end? 3. Does the team have code review or pair programming? 4. Could you describe the deployment process? 5. Who is responsible for doing deployment? How often do you deploy? 6. What is the working process when a person gets a task? 7. How about there are a big issue occurs, what’s your team solving issue’s process? <br/> ### **【團隊】** 1. What’s the team structured? 2. How many front-end and back-end developers? 3. How does internal communication work? 4. How do your team deal with the conflict? 5. Do you run the scrum? Please describe how to run it. 6. What’s the thing that you think your team can be improved? 7. How/when do developers talk to non-developers? 8. How frequently do you work overtime? Mostly in what situation? 9. How often are there emergencies or times when people have to work extra hours? <br/> ### **【文化】** 1. What’s the management’s style? 2. How are technical decisions made and communicated? 3. How often do you have meetings? Are there any scheduled/standing meetings? 4. How do you determine if someone is a poor fit for your company? 5. Describe a time you encountered conflicts with the manager? 6. Would I need to be on call? How often? <br/> ### **【工作環境】** 1. Does company offer equipments, what is that? 2. How’s the office? Is an open room or isolation office and quite enough to work? 3. Is there a sales or customer service team near the team? <br/> ### **【營運類】** 1. What is the next goal of the company? 2. Compare to the competitor, what’s the strength of company? <br/> ### **【休假】** 1. How many annual leaves does the company offers? <br/> ### **【其他】** 1. What do you wish you had known when you joined this company? 2. What’s your favourite part about working here? <br/> --- Created by Yi-Shiuan Chen Mail : yschen25@gmail.com Blog : https://yschen25.blogspot.com/ LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/yschen25 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yschen25/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/yschen25