title: 常見 Behavior questions 問題蒐集 - 面試官想知道什麼和如何回答的提示
[面試國外工程師超詳細超過 100 道題目蒐集、分類歸納與準備](https://yschen25.blogspot.com/2021/01/programmer-interview-question-collection-preparation.html)
這邊是擷取文章中片段,主要專注於 Behavior Question 題目的蒐集、分類及面試官想知道的事。
網路上 google 搜集好題目後,把題目按照不同類型分類,
以下是我個人針對搜集的題型所做的分類 :
## 一、Behavior Questions
### **【必問題】**
<span class="question">1. What do you know about our company?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
他們同時也是在看你是不是個會自行搜尋、查找與整理資料的人,希望應徵的人是知道怎麼問出個好問題,具有好奇心,且知道如何找到答案,這樣可以稍微了解你在工作遇到 task 是怎麼去面對的。
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* Who - 老闆是誰?公司隸屬於哪個集團?
* What - 公司主推的業務、產品或研發內容? 之後的目標是什麼?
* Where - 主攻哪個市場? 有沒有想擴展版圖?
* When - 公司成立多久? 是新創還是大公司?
* Why - 創立公司的理由? 有什麼和其他公司不同之處?
* How - 公司如何營運?
* 工作的職缺描述
* LinkedIn 公司首頁
* 公司官網上的關於我們、發展歷史
* GlassDoor上面試的評價和回饋
* 社群帳號發文如 Facebook、twitter、Instagram等
* 新聞媒體報導
* 是否有人也在這間公司工作,詢問相關訊息,不管是不是在社交圈內都可以去嘗試詢問
* 在 Twitter 上搜尋公司的名字,通常可以找到該公司的員工,如果對方所在的團隊跟自己尋找的職缺相符,可以直接 PM 看有沒有機會聊聊,關於在該公司的工作經驗&文化,建立個人 Networking,以交朋友的方式閒聊即可。[name=Nyo]
<span class="question"> 2. Why are you interested in this company?
3. What attracted you to our company?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 事先調查這間公司的特殊之處,比如這間公司是因為什麼原因而成立的,是哪一點吸引你,把這點連結到你個人的故事敘述出來
* 你的經驗如何提升該公司的核心價值、產品或服務,如果有想到營運相關的提案可以運用在這間公司也可以提出來
* 利用提及自己跟貴公司的某個團隊的成員聊過的經驗當作上述兩點的佐證。[name=Nyo]
* 要表現出會選擇該公司並非是海投履歷的結果,而是要表現是對該公司的熱情。[name=Ben]
><span class="title">Example</span>
What I’m looking for is a company that where I could join a strong team with their amazing product.
___ looks like a good company fit me.[name=蔡祥霖]
<span class="question">4. Why do you want this job?
5. What do you want to earn from this job?
6. What challenges are you looking for in this position?
7. What are you looking for in this job?
8. What are the most important factors in looking for a new job?
9. Describe your ideal job.
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 評估這間公司的文化、工作環境是否適合你
* 衡量錄用你之後會不會因為公司不符合其中幾個條件不滿意而離職
* 你是否對於工作內容和公司有一定程度了解
* 你有什麼技術、個人特質和這份職缺是有相關的
* 團隊文化是否相符你的期望。[name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
利用 <span class="question">What do you know about our company?</span> 這邊蒐集到的相關資訊和你的目標結合,切中要點的說明為什麼你適合這份職缺,並提到公司和職缺什麼地方最吸引你,你的經驗、技術可以為公司另外帶來什麼利益,比如你運用什麼方式為前家公司帶來營收,那你也可以講出來並提到說在這家公司你會怎麼做來增加營收。
<span class="question">10. Tell me about yourself. </span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 個人背景和經驗
* 你這個人能為公司帶來怎樣的益處? 有什麼經驗可以貢獻?
* 你的個人特質&氣場 [name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
首先在面試前我會上 LinkedIn 查詢這個人是什麼職位,或是在剛開始面試前通常對方會先自我介紹,然後按照不同職位的人講不同的自我介紹內容,同時也準備 3 分鐘和 5 分鐘的版本。
如果是面對 HR
* 偏重個性描述,連結自我介紹和這份工作的內容
* 了解這公司開這職缺所需要的原因是什麼,提出可以為公司帶來什麼
* 偏重技術描述,簡單的介紹自己過去經驗
* 為了解決什麼問題,所以使用什麼技術,連結自己技術和這份工作的職缺關鍵字
* 了解這公司開這職缺所需要的原因是什麼,提出可以為公司帶來什麼?
> <span class="title">Example</span>
My name is ___.
I have been doing _ for _ years.
I specialise in helping companies develop their high standard product.
In the last _ years, I have helped many clients to increase their product quality in many different industries.
That what I am passionate about.
My strength is my ability to deliver high quality code and design extendable architecture.
Turn messily code bases into successful project. [name=蔡祥霖]
> Hi I'm John Doe and now working with X company. Have worked as a front-end engineer for N years. My favourite framework is React, tried Angular but just don't like the two way binding stuff. Have worked in big firms and also start-ups, still prefer bigger/smaller companies like [the company you apply for]. I'm into front-end since love making things looks pretty and amazing, if possible I would love to add some transitation animation to [the company you apply for]'s current website since it looks a bit dated compared to other competitors. [name=Nyo]
<span class="question"> 11. Why should we hire you?
12. What can you do for this company?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
他們其實是在問為什麼你是最適合這份工作的人? 為什麼要選擇錄用你而不是其他人?
<span class="title">Tips</span>
列出這份工作的職缺關鍵字,比如需要溝通能力很好、需要特定某某技術、公司特別看重什麼部份,你在<span class="question"> What do you know about our company? </span>的時候蒐集的資料就可以拿出來用;在敘述時連結你的個性、技術與經驗如何應用到這個職位,你可以為公司做到什麼,或是他們網站目前缺少什麼技術你可以導入、你覺得這間公司還可以朝什麼方向發展、增加什麼營運或業務邏輯等。
> 如果公司問這個問題就代表他們很雷 我面試的沒被問過這個問題
> My strength is my ability to deliver high quality code and design extendable architecture.
Turn messily code bases into successful project. Helping companies develop their high standard product.[name=蔡祥霖]
<span class="question"> 13. What is your plan after hiring you?
14. If we hire you, what’s your plan?
15. Where do you see yourself in three, five, ten years? </span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你會不會很快就離職
* 是否清楚自己未來的計劃
* 如何在公司發展你的專業,並承擔工作相關的責任
* 公司是否有能力提供你想要的給你。[name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 你的回答應專注在應徵的工作內容做結合,且強調你想把這份工作當成長期目標
* 如你之後後想當主管,主導公司決策
* 為了什麼目的,想要學習某某相關技術,以利之後用在公司的什麼方面
### **【個人經歷】**
* 你待過的公司主要是提供什麼服務?
* 工作經歷中間有斷層會問原因,為什麼離開前一份工作
* 負責的職務、使用的技術、產品的部屬流程、工作的流程、團隊的組成、有沒有和其他人合作的經驗、在履歷上你提到的相關貢獻是使用什麼技術、如何達成,產生什麼結果
* 對方如果是新創公司會很愛問你是否有待過新創,感想是什麼?
* 開發流程如果有提到跑敏捷,面試官往往都很有興趣問那你們是怎麼跑的
<span class="question"> 16. What are your responsibilities at your current job (or previous job)?
17. Describe your current position.</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你在公司是負責什麼職務,這些經驗和技能是否能為公司所用?
* 你在你的團隊中是扮演什麼樣的角色? 你是一個 Problem solver? leader ?
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 敘述你負責的項目,有沒有特別傑出可以拿出來講的,比如得過麼獎項、運用什麼技術來增進網站效能、改進什麼業務邏輯增進公司利益,並運用數據去支援你的範例
* 回想你平常在團隊所擔任的角色,有沒有改善工作流程、環境、引進或分享技術,大家有問題時會向你請教嗎?
<span class="question"> 18. Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your job </span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 想知道你是不是被資遣或裁員的
* 會不會再因為同樣的因素提出辭呈
<span class="title">Tips</span>
<span class="question">19. What are your strengths (pros) and weaknesses (cons)? </span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你是否熟知自己的優點及知道如何發揮
* 你是否了解自己的缺點並有實際行為去改善
<span class="title">Tips</span>
> 舉例自己的缺點,如何克服
> <span class="title">Example</span>
I was difficult to delegate tasks to other people.
I want to do all by myself.
But when I join a good company.
I realise most people are trustable and reliable.
Then I can delegate task to them and trust them.
<span class="question">20. You like to work at startup or big company and why?
21. If you can choose to work at big company or startup, which one do you prefer?
22. What are the differences you think work at a small team or big team?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你是否待過新創或大公司
* 你對新創和大公司的想法
* 團隊合作的經驗,是否有做過 project with dependencies 的相關經歷。[name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
> I think it depends how do you define the team size big or small, for example if you're in a 100 people team but actually your dailiy jobs only involves 10 people, am I in a small or big team? Says I work with same 10 people daily, then its' a small team which usaully works agile and can ship feature quciker, if we're all self working without any dependenceies. However, if our team need to work with other 90 people from time to time, which means we have quite lots dependencies, then the difference is that we would need to create contracts and reach agreement from time to time. Also we need to align on our roadmap and try not to be each other's blockers, its' the most difficult part and this would frequently slow things down and make feature shippment way slower.
I personally would prefer to work in a smaller team since everything goes faster and we can experiment more features/ I would prefer to work in a larger team since larger team usually can ship larger impactful projects. [name=Nyo]
### **【衝突處理】**
<span class="question">23. Describe a time when your boss was wrong. How did you handle the situation?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
> 最好是準備一兩個小故事
> <span class="title">Example</span>
> When I entered a new company.
> The company wasn’t have enough unit test for their product.
I will tell him my opinion and advice. We should write more tests to make product stable.
We both want to make a good decision for the company.
If he insists, and I respect him.
He is the boss, he has responsibility for the consequence and the company.
### **【壓力處理】**
<span class="question">24. Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on, and how did you get through it?
25. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
26. Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
27. How did you handle meeting a tight deadline?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 不要否認你從未遇過壓力,舉出實例解釋你如何處理,不要花太多時間在抱怨說你感受到多大的壓力,你是如何去處理且把這件事變成你的優勢。
* 舉例時需注意不要和職缺有相衝到,比如這份工作需要你同時做很多專案,你又說你對於同時做很多專案感到壓力,會讓人覺得你不適合這份工作。
><span class="title">Example</span>
>One time, I was asked to build a new app from scratch in tight deadline.
I worked hard stay late for severals weeks. Finally finished the app before the deadline.
In that severals weeks. I only care about two things enough sleep time make sure my body stay healthy and the app’s quality.
I can work hard all day, but I don’t put any risk on my body health.
I can dedicate all of my time to achieve the goal, except my body health.
### **【環境適應】**
<span class="question">28. How well do you handle change? </span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
<span class="question">29. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work and how you dealt with it.
30. Describe a complex situation you encountered and how you solved it
31. Have you handled a difficult situation? How?
32. How do you handle a challenge? Give an example.
33. Tell me the most difficult issue you encountered.</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 可以先反問面試官,是要舉工作上還是生活上的案例
* 舉出實例說明你遇到什麼事情,中途遇到什麼困難、如何解決、有沒有與別人求助、有沒有團隊合作等。
> <span class="title">Example</span>
> One day, my colleague wrote a custom label with padding space.
He used an extension to override the default label draw function.
I don’t agree with him. It against to the open close principle. We should create a subclass.
I show him the layouts of the default label all broken after he override the draw function.
Then he compromise with create a subclass.
> [name=蔡祥霖]
### **【工作倫理】**
<span class="question">34. What do you like the most and least of your current job?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 工作倫理相關,如何應對工作上令你感到不舒適的狀況。
* 該公司是否也會有相同的文化或流程會讓你感到開心或不開心。[name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
### **【失敗處理】**
<span class="question">35. Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with the situation?
36. Have you ever made a mistake? How did you handle it?
37. When have you suffered a setback?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 不要找藉口或怪罪別人
* 舉出實例說明,但不要是頻繁發生的問題,顯示你是個粗心的人,或是很嚴重比如損失好幾萬的訂單
* 顯示你從中學到什麼,然後如何運用在之後的事情上
> <span class="title">Example 1</span>
> I delivered a new feature in my app and without test it properly.
I haven’t learn to test in that time.
It cause a bug. I tried to find a way to prevent the same mistake again.
I started learning more about testing.
TDD, then I became a better developer.
Test is very important part to make app robust. [name=蔡祥霖]
><span class="title">Example 2</span>
One day the backend team changed the api json output format.
Our decode component can’t decode this json data.
Therefore the app can’t display article.
Then I wrote a test for the decode component to prevent this happen again. [name=蔡祥霖]
### **【組內合作】**
<span class="question">38. Do You Prefer Working Independently or on a Team?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
<span class="question">39. Describe a time when you struggled to build a relationship with someone important. How did you eventually overcome that?
40. Talk about a time when you had to work closely with someone whose personality was very different from yours.
41. Give an example of how you worked on a team.</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
<span class="question">42. Have you ever had a conflict with a product manager or designer?
43. Tell me about a time you disagreed with a decision. What did you do?
44. What do you do if you disagree with your boss?
45. If there is a disagreement at work, how do you solve the conflict?
46. Can you give me an example when you handled some conflict in the work environment? What is your typical way of dealing with conflicts?
48. Did you solve any problem by communicating?
49. How to deal with the diversity of the culture?
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 在人際相處的時候,與人討論或產生衝突,是否能有自己主見且願意與人溝通,及如何和同事在此情況下達成共識。
* 團隊可能會有一個團隊 10 個人共來自 5 個不同的國家,對於文化上的不同是否有溝通上相關的經驗。[name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
<span class="question">50. Have you ever needed to say something serious, how did you do that?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
<span class="question">51. Do you attend to solve the problem alone or ask other programmers?
52. How could you communicate with the product manager that you can’t finish the product before the deadline?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 說明現在遇到的狀況,需要多少時間才能解決,必要時請求他人協助。
* 怎麼避免下次遇到同樣的狀況,比如在預估時程的時候給予寬鬆一點的時間線 [name=Nyo]
### **【面對挑戰】**
<span class="question">53. Tell us about a time when you demonstrated a particular quality?
54. What achievements are you most proud of?
55. Tell us about a recent achievement?
56. Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
57. At your current job, what are you most proud of?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你提到的經驗是否是對公司有幫助的事。
* 瞭解你這個人對於什麼事情會感到有成就感,這個職缺的工作內容是否能讓你感到相同的感受。[name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
* 提出你工作上曾經做過最困難的事,使用什麼技術,運用數據達成什麼結果;試圖連接這件事和你要應徵的職缺的關聯性,讓對方知道你這些經驗和技術能帶來公司運用。
* 誠實地提出你自己最自豪的 project,比如 ship 了 xyz projects,或是協助團隊更改了什麼流程,比如建立了團隊的 working agreement 以利長期與其他團隊的合作。[name=Nyo]
### **【決策】**
<span class="question">58. Did you ever make a risky decision? Why? How did you handle it?
59. Did you ever postpone making a decision? Why?
60. Describe a decision you made that wasn’t popular and how you handled implementing it.
61. Tell me about a difficult decision you’ve made in the last year.
62. Do you always make decisions on your own without the help of others?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你做了什麼樣的決定,你是按照什麼邏輯去做出這個決定的?
* 你有沒有做過什麼決定是可能會危害公司的?
* 處理問題的流程,有沒有跟 Stakeholders 溝通過,是否有留下相關文件紀錄並經過 review 才進行 implmentation [name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
> Can you give us an example when you had to adapt your approach due to shifting priorities?
> 工作有先後順序,遇到需要變換工作優先順序時,分析當下的情況做出決策
> <span class="title">Example</span>
> One day we received a bug from user.
> It’s a bug can broke the app’s layout.
> But it can not crash the app.
> It influenced a user's experience.
> I had to make sure our app layout properly without any defects.
> I care about every corner in the app and every users.
> Giving a better user’s experience make users can trust us and stay with us.
> So I notice the project manager I need to fix this bug to deliver a > perfect layout app to earn the user trust.
> He agreed with me.
> Then I postpone the other tasks create a hot fix branch to fix it.
> We care about our users, we deliver the best, high standard product.
> We care about stable, high standard product.
> That's the reason that our company is the biggest and best educational content platform in the country.
>> [name=蔡祥霖]
### **【領導】**
<span class="question">63. Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead.</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你是個主動的人嗎?
* 有沒有當主管或領導的資質?
* 你能想出新提案去解決問題嗎?
* 你可以發現有事情需要改進,且規劃並執行嗎?
<span class="title">Tips</span>
> Share an example of how you were able to motivate employees or co-workers.
> 如何鼓勵同事,讓缺乏成就感的同事感覺到被需要,賦予成就感
> I motivate others by complimenting their work, asking them their opinion, and making them feel like a value part of the team.
> I found the xyz feature has a flaw on the user experinece side, I thus wrote an one pager and scheduled a quick sync with Design and PM to discuss whether we could improve on it and what's the cost and impact. After reaching an agreement I wrote a short techinal and experiment documenet, and asked for review. Ran a short half month then do a metric anaylysis consulting with DS. The metrics was good/bad so we eventually we ship/did not ship the feature. The impact was that we gain +0.8% mDAU/we learned xzy blablabla from the experiment. [name=Nyo]
<span class="question">64. If you were a boss, what kind of things would you like to do for the company?
65. According to the answer, why is the company willing to do that?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 你期望公司為你做到什麼事情?
* 對公司營運或團隊管理的眼界。[name=Nyo]
<span class="title">Tips</span>
> If the interviewer ask Q64, ask them to refined the question: "What's the level of the boss, the CEO of the company? head or the engieering or just EM of a 10 people team?"
> (If the give the refined definition, then answer accordingly, if not then just pick random one.)[name=Nyo]
### **【其他】**
<span class="question">66. How would your former boss describe you?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
* 在同事或主管眼中擁有什麼樣的特質
* 你是否擁有此工作所需之特質
<span class="title">Tips</span>
<span class="question">67. How does you deal with your colleague give you bad feedback?</span>
<span class="title">What They Want to Know</span>
<span class="title">Tips</span>
Created by Yi-Shiuan Chen
Mail : yschen25@gmail.com
Blog : https://yschen25.blogspot.com/
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/yschen25
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/yschen25
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