# update cocaopods for flutter devs to run appboxo # TODO: check version `pod --version` if it shows `1.9.1` or less than `1.10.0.rc.1` [(candidate release as of September 15, 2020)](https://rubygems.org/gems/cocoapods/versions/1.10.0.rc.1) ## you need to update version to update version you can try To get the latest stable version: `sudo gem install cocoapods` Add --pre to get the latest pre release: `sudo gem install cocoapods --pre` no matter which command you use make sure that after install `pod --versions` show greater than `1.10.0.rc.1` ### *if it updated version you can re-run your app with appboxo lib* ### *else if after update `pod --version` is giving old versiony* the reason it migh not updating pod is because $ sudo gem which cocoapods /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/cocoapods-1.10.0.rc.1/lib/cocoapods.rb $ which pod /usr/local/bin/pod ### therefore you can try solution [from stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/a/51103633/6133329) `sudo gem install cocoapods -n/usr/local/bin` or `sudo gem install cocoapods --pre -n/usr/local/bin` now `pod --version` should give you lates version and you can try run appboxo again