# Onboarding Ideas ## 1 sentence explainer: GoGoPool is building a decentralized staking protocol for Avalanche subnets. ## Mission/Vision/Purpose Our current mission is to be the easiest way to stake AVAX. Our vision to build out the Subnet Economy, and our purpose is to create the "wordpress" moment for web3. **Write down any questions you have while going through this in a doc!** ## Avalanche - [ ] Learn more about Avalanche - [ ] https://docs.avax.network/learn/platform-overview/ - [ ] [Whitepapers](https://www.avalabs.org/whitepapers) - [ ] Learn about current Avalanche limitations - [ ] [smart contracts cant move money onto p chain](https://discord.com/channels/578992315641626624/620646692802265099/930553165747748865) - [ ] Learn more about subnets - [ ] [current state of avalanche + subnets](https://www.figment.io/resources/scalability-on-avalanche) - [ ] [what is a subnet?](https://support.avax.network/en/articles/4064861-what-is-a-subnet#:~:text=A%20Subnet%2C%20or%20Subnetwork%2C%20is,of%20a%20set%20of%20blockchains.&text=There%20is%20a%20special%20Subnet,member%20of%20the%20Primary%20Network.) - [ ] [(semi) Deep Dive on subnets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhRkkr_tIkY) - [ ] Learn basics of Avalanche - [ ] [step through avalanche smart contract tutorials](https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/smart-contracts/) (probably start with the Hardhat one, and skip the Truffle one) - [ ] Create a [local test network](https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/platform/create-a-local-test-network) - [ ] Do any of the Avalanche tutorials that sounds fun to you ([link](https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/)) - [ ] [Set up Avalanche node on testnet](https://docs.avax.network/build/tutorials/nodes-and-staking/run-avalanche-node) ## Community ### Join Discord - [ ] Join/Check out any of these Discords - [ ] Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/KJWTwkJ6nP) + msg Steven/Chandler/Julie for access to team channels - [ ] [Avalanche](https://discord.com/invite/RwXY7P6) - [ ] [Rocket Pool](https://discord.gg/rocketpool) - [ ] [Lido](https://discord.gg/vgdPfhZ) - [ ] [Snowball DAO](https://discord.gg/BGpEHvehMz) - [ ] (optional) Adjust notification settings -- I mute all of them, notifications get can spammy ### Set up Twitter Twitter is used as the front page of crypto and web3. Half of our job is to maintain a presence on Twitter and join in the conversations happening. - [ ] Make a Twitter account - [ ] Tag @wgteller in Discord to make you a GoGo profile picture - [ ] Example twitters: - [ ] [Steven](https://twitter.com/stvngts) - [ ] [GoGoPool](https://twitter.com/gogopool_) - [ ] [Breevie](https://twitter.com/breeviegotrekt) - [ ] [Mikey](https://twitter.com/mike_kinkoph) - [ ] Follow/check out these people on Twitter - [ ] [Emin Gun Sirer](https://twitter.com/el33th4xor/), founder of Avalanche - [ ] [Vitalik Buterin](https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin), founder of Ethereum Foundation - [ ] [cryptofish](https://twitter.com/cryptofishx), cofounder of Trader Joe - [ ] Can scrub through this growing list of notable people we are creating: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P2xERqmM93EI8PVkssDaGUoK8ptRcHOFe9Vg5tsOmv8/edit#gid=0 ## Liquid Staking - [ ] [Watch what is liquid staking video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YD5cAbatOc) - [ ] Learn more about Rocket Pool - [ ] Explainer series ([text](https://docs.rocketpool.net/overview/explainer-series/)) ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uytfJlMfdyc)) - [ ] [Another video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su95xgmvIho) - [ ] Security audit for diagrams ([Consensys](https://consensys.net/diligence/audits/2021/04/rocketpool/), [Sigma Prime](https://rocketpool.net/files/sigma-prime-audit.pdf), [Trail of Bits](https://github.com/trailofbits/publications/blob/master/reviews/RocketPool.pdf)) - [ ] [Run Rocket Pool on eth testnet](https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/testnet/overview.html#configuring-the-testnet) - [ ] Learn about Lido - [ ] [Primer](https://lido.fi/static/Lido:Ethereum-Liquid-Staking.pdf) - [ ] Main difference Lido vs Rocket Pool: RP has decentralized hardware. Lido has a list of 8 companies they work with to provide hardware (centralized) - [ ] Bonus: Look up rocketpool dev wallet (hint: search for 'dev wallet' in their Discord for the start of the trail) (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R6L_qEuBV0xyhl90QQxjbGjMe9Yr7RiOVDMy63SMP2o/edit?usp=sharing) ## Twitter - Make a twitter and follow everyone on our "notable people in crypto" list: - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P2xERqmM93EI8PVkssDaGUoK8ptRcHOFe9Vg5tsOmv8/edit#gid=0 ## GoGoPool Culture We are all-remote. - [ ] Peruse GitLab's [all remote handbook](https://about.gitlab.com/company/culture/all-remote/guide) section list for things you find interesting - [ ] Steve's personal [favorite section](https://about.gitlab.com/company/culture/all-remote/guide/#non-linear-workday) ([direct link](https://about.gitlab.com/company/culture/all-remote/non-linear-workday/) to non linear work day) If curious, can check out Chandler's [personal knowledge base](https://multisig-labs.gitbook.io/public-knowledge-base/) he created when onboarding.