# Submission Template :bookmark_tabs: ###### tags: `tealgarden` `ethturin` `self-management` Cool that you're having a deeper look into our track. This template explains the submission format requirements for the deora.earth /teal.garden track. If you have any questions reach out to us over the [discord channel](https://discord.gg/T5NU2q5). You can always check our more in-depth explainer [here](https://github.com/deora-earth/tealgarden/blob/track/docs/teal-basics.md). --- :writing_hand: :`Please enter your input here` --- Mail: name@mail.com Address: `0x...` Required for TEAL airdrop ## 1. Practice / Process ID :::spoiler Info What is the title of the practice you want to share? :::info :bulb: Please use **simple title** as input. ::: :writing_hand: : `Input here` ## 2. Category :::spoiler Info Choose one or multiple of the categories provided here or find your own most fitting one. Still unsure? Check the categories of the [wiki](https://reinventingorganizationswiki.com/Main_Page). ![](https://i.imgur.com/nzCLS3s.png) Also choose the organisation size or level where the practice fits best: - Partnership - Crew - Organisation - Community - Regional - National - International / Global Coordination - Crowd :::info :bulb: Please only **category & size** as input. Emojis in **unicode** (MAC: ⌘ + ⌃ + SPACE) are very welcome :smirk: ::: :writing_hand: : ## 3. Summary :::spoiler Info Give a total overview about your process in an absract ==(max wordcount: )==. With the text you should answer the following questions: - What does the process unlock for the org? / its partners? - Which building blocks is it composed of? Policies, roles, tools? - How do the building blocks interact? *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/NDC1h4v.png) :::info :bulb: Please use **markdown** as input. ::: :writing_hand: : ## 4. Benefits :::spoiler Info Point out the biggest benefits of you practice in a few bullets. *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/xovHgXV.png) :::info :bulb: Please use **bulletpoints** as input. ::: :writing_hand: : ## 5. Adoption Requirements :::spoiler Info What is required and needs to be in place to fully unleash the potential of your practice? Fill out the following points or **even add new ones(!)**. You don't need to fill every requirement category. ::: ### 5.1 :globe_with_meridians: Org Structure :::spoiler Info Tell us the organisational structure, format or style of governance that is needed to adapt the practice. You can choose of Holacracy / Sociocracy or any other type of constitution. *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/ufot2Cx.png) :::info :bulb: Please use **markdown** as input. ::: :writing_hand: : ### 5.2 :scroll: Policies :::spoiler Info What policies and frameworks are used in this practice? What rules are required for everyone to agree on? These can be individualized based on the organisation’s need and background. *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/UmW3nFC.png) :::info :bulb: Please use **markdown** as input. ::: :writing_hand: : ### 5.3 :performing_arts: Roles :::spoiler Info Do you create any roles or are any roles affected by this practice. Plese read our [explainer](https://github.com/deora-earth/tealgarden/blob/track/docs/teal-basics.md) for more info about roles. *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/IZYlTn7.png) :::info :bulb: Please use **bullet points** or **markdown** as input and the following **structure**. Make use of emojis in **unicode** (MAC: ⌘ + ⌃ + SPACE). ::: :writing_hand: : *Role Title* (...) *Purpose* (...) *Domains* (...) *Accountabilities* (...) ### 5.4 :hammer_and_wrench: Tools :::spoiler Info What tools are used to realize this process? Where do you need an account or have the infrastructure? Also think of web-3 tools or wallets. *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/7bcZ7Sr.png) :::info :bulb: Please only provide **Title** // **Short Discription** // **Link** ::: :writing_hand: : ### 5.5 :heart: Values :::spoiler Info Values drive the organisation towards a common purpose. What do people need to understand not only with their brain but also their heart in order to be fully aware. ![](https://i.imgur.com/T3oHACd.png) :::info :bulb: Please use **markdown** as input. You can also use emojis in **unicode** (MAC: ⌘ + ⌃ + SPACE). ::: :writing_hand: : ## 6. Integration Steps / Instructions :::spoiler Info Give the community instructions on how your practice works, step-by-step. Which tool do you use how and why? Please make use of any format **markdown** is supporting: **image, gifs, video, audio, text, tables, lists, links (downloads)** etc. Helper tools: [GIF link creator](https://gifyu.com/) [Screen capture gif](https://www.cockos.com/licecap/) *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/VPaZynS.png) :::info :bulb: Please use **markdown** on all discription within the action. ::: ### 6.1 "Title of First Step" :::spoiler Info Give a small title that summs up your first step. :::info :bulb: Please use a **small title** max. 3-4 words. ::: :writing_hand: : #### A. "First Action" :::spoiler Info Give a title and a discrption about your first action that is needed within a tool or practice. *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/5zHSDGQ.png) :::info :bulb: Please use a **small title** and **markdown** as description. ::: :writing_hand: : #### B. "Second Action" :::spoiler Info Give a title and discription about your second action that is needed within a tool or practice. *Output Example:* ![](https://i.imgur.com/8afax4T.png) :::info :bulb: Please use a **small title** and **markdown** as description. ::: :writing_hand: : #### C. "Third Sub-Action" :writing_hand: : :::success :point_down: Please **add** or **remove** as many steps or actions you need for your practice ::: > ### 6.2 "Title of Second Step" >:writing_hand: : > >#### A. "First Action" > >:writing_hand: : > >#### B. "Second Action" > >:writing_hand: : > ## (...)