# POKT.network V2 ## Context In this V2 of the Pokt website, we use the opportunity to build further on work done in V1. We want lean even more into the new branding concept and finetune the overall experience of the website, which is for many the first contact point with the Pokt network. ## Approach The change we propose of making are situated on a two main aspects of the website: - [Navigation & pages](#Navigation-&-pages) - [Home page](#Home-page) We will elaborate on each aspect. On the bottom of this document, a [sketch](#Sketch) is attached of what this V2 could look like. Everything on this sketch is explained in detail in the following paragraphs. ### Navigation & pages #### Topnav In the current version, the topnavigation consist of: - "home" - "about" - "blog" - "documentation" We want to question the fact that these links are the things that will send people on the right path, finding the information they need or that Pokt wants to display. This is after all the function of top navigation. *It's important to notice that we're talking strictly about the topnavigation here. The footer can hold a secondary navigation, that holds all the links to all of the pages on the site, similar to a sitemap.* We believe that the topnavigation can be optimised by changing it to consist of: - "Home" - "Documentation" - Discord-logo (link to Pokt Discord) - "Get RPC" (link to new page "/get-rpc") These minimals options make it easier on the user to make a choice. They also directly tell something about Pokt: **Pokt has a Discord (thus is a community), and Pokt can serve me, the users, an RPC**. This is, we believe, more valuable than putting an "about" link, and a link to the blog in the topnav. #### New page: 'Get RPC' We would propose creating an extra page dedicated to getting an RPC, in which both options ('Grove' and 'nodiesDLB') get some attention, and a link to their homepages (which are now on the homepage). We believe it is of great importance to make the idea/concept of "getting an RPC" bigger than on the current version. Especially since we (rightfully) announce Pokt as "The RPC Base Layer". ### Home page On the homepage, there are a few improvements we suggest: - Redesign top part - Diversify information presentation - Make copy more direct #### Redesign top part We suggest to design the top part with the copy on the left (as was suggested on a call by Adz). Below the main title "The RPC Base Layer", we find the subtitle "Web3 Infrastructure with high uptime, cost-effective access, and low latency" On the right we see the visual of the RPCs, which we can animate in a minimal way: not neccessarily based on some data input, but rather a constant loop of the same basic animation, indicating the network's liveness. Below this visual, we see the large number of live relays (Live Relay Counter). This number *is* dependant on data input and so it will change as you are looking at it, playing together nicely with the visual. ### Diversify information presentation As a general rule, we want to diversify the way the different section present their information. Everything should keep the same vibe and branding, but still have its own layout, to keep things interesting for the user. Different options have been sketched out (see sketch), each taylored to its communication needs. We also want to introduce the visual concept that some sections will be white on black background, and some will be white on black background (see sketch). ### Make copy more direct Another general adjustement we want to apply is to make all the copy more direct. For example: instead of saying "WANT TO BUILD THE FUTURE OF THE POKT NETWORK?" + "Build"-title, we would rather make 1 title for this section saying "BUILD POKT", next to a section having the title "GOVERN POKT". There is no need for these questions and they require extra attention of the user to receive the message that's being conveyed. Another example: instead of "WANT TO BUILD WITH PERFORMANT COST-EFFECTIVE RPC?" + subtitle "Use a POKT Network Gateway."+ titles for each solution, we'd rather say "USE A POKT GATEWAY" as a big title, (with a *much* smaller subtitle "for performant, cost-effective RPC") as this speaks to the user in a much more direct way. ## Sketch ![Pokt_v2-sketch](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJ4uXEXvp.png)