# Tellor templates ## Goal Create a set of templates for Tellor team to use to communicate (mainly on X?). These templates make Tellor's communication consistent and also visually attractive in the fast-paced world that is online communication. We want a concept that works with or without animation (feasiblity of [animation](#Animation): see below), and that works regardless of the content of the message. ## Concept ### "Geometric Warp" For this concept, I want further on the existing concept "*Tellor, the oracle of the multi-chain world*" and the according though: "What would Telliot see out of his windshield/cockpit, when traveling from chain to chain in the multi-chain world?". It works for the Tellor msging, both current and leading up to the Layer communication, and is overall a very grateful visual direction. Other than showing the full-blown multi-chain/verse it all its glory (what we do in the EthDenver booth), we simplify and stylise the concept down: on each individual template, we want to work with a different geometrical, vectorised shape that has been warped through the chain-traveling. These geometrical shapes can be anything: sometimes abstract, sometimes supporting the actual msg. They will ofc be accompanied by other minified information: a simple sentence, a logo, some data... whatever the msg requires. For the actual design we can experiment with texture and colour (although my gut says they will work best in black and white or mono-colour, the Tellor green maybe?) ### Some examples #### Reporters report The most urgent template is ofc that of the reporters report. I think a warped grid is appropriate for this message, since it does remind of a "finish flag", sublty supporting the msg here. The grid can be just like this, black and white squares or just lines with dots at the intersection, ... lots of possibilities! ![TellorTemplates_firstsketch__reporter](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1-i2XHKT.png) #### Polka dots What originated this concept, were these polkadots! I think they can make a cool visual addition to whetever general msg we want to put next to it. They can be pulsing or "rotating" if we do end up working w anymation. ![TellorTemplates_firstsketch__generalmsg](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJ62hmrt6.png) #### ETH msging If we want to communicate about a specific chain or brand that has a well-known logo, then we can use this to create a warp... in the example some ETH-logos in a circular sequence being warped around their circular motion. ![TellorTemplates_firstsketch__ETH](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJWgAQHta.png) #### Partnership Communicating a partnership, new user or whatever that requires us to show their actual logo as is, unwarped, we can created a design were there are warped shapes/motions around the logo. Again, a lot of options here! ![TellorTemplates_firstsketch__Logo](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJtPCmSF6.png) ## Animation As mentioned before, ideally we would have these animate. The concept is very suitable for using animation, as we can already imagine each of these shapes in the sketches move, loop,... But our main goal is to create editable templates, which restrict us from using full-on animation software as f.i. After Effects. ### Figma or Canva Either has advantages: - **Canva** offers more options if we want to also play the msg-element, the sentence or the numbers or... Canva offers a sort of timeline so we can almost create what we would do in After Effects, text coming in, or maybe the shapes first do a full-view movement, then the text comes in, that sort of stuff. Downside: the free version doesn't let us use our own fonts (and I haven't even tried what it does with svg's etc). So if we want to go this route, we'll have to make sure Canva does everything we want before we pay for a subscription. - In **Figma** you can freely import a gif (read: a small animation I can make in After Effect) and export it again with the layers you add in Figma. But ofc no timeline options here, so nothing fancy other than the illustrations moving, and the static text remaining in place were it is. Downloaded this gif from Gify: ![giphy](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/B1OrbVrK6.gif) Then added a text layer in Figma, and exported: ![test2](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SJ6u-NSYT.gif)