# SKYPAPER: The Skygazers white paper ## Skygazers main concept Skygazers is an experiment of scifi-fantasy world-building through collaboration. The goal is to create and maintain a fictional narrative as a community using web3-technology. The base components of the universe are the main characters (Monk, Warrior-Princess, Scientist, Droid) and the locations and situations. Out of these components, a collection of adventures and lore will be created by a self-governing community. The sum of all of this will be the world we know as Skygazers. ## Collaborative world-building The Skygazers-project aims to do worldbuilding in a collaborative effort. The goal is to create a scifi-universe, where the main characters go on adventures, and all components of the universe have rich backgstories and internal relations. The way this universe will be experienced is determined by its contributors. Two components make up the foundation of the experience: - the collection of *Adventures*, on which the main characters go - the *Lore*, describing backstories, overarching concepts, misc. side information... The structure of the collaborative effort will be as follows: - the **founders** supply the base elements of the universe (characters, locations and situations) in the form of artwork attached to the [Skygazers-NFTs](#Skygazers-NFT) - the **narrators** [write their story](#Owning-a-Skygazers-NFT) next to their NFT and submit it to be accepted as Adventure. - the [Skygazers-DAO](#Skygazers-DAO) **accept or reject** each single Adventure into the collection (which is presented on the website, open to all readers/visitors) - the [Skygazers-DAO](#Skygazers-DAO) manage the **lore** by proposing and voting on changes (additions or edits) - the necessary **tools** (for instance, writing the Adventures, acting in the Skygazers-DAO, ...) are initially supplied by the [founders](#Founders) ![](https://i.imgur.com/bwCxtzG.png) ## Skygazers-NFT Each Skygazers-NFT is composed out of handdrawn artwork, and depicts a composition of: - one of the main **characters** - a **location** in which this character finds itself - a **situation** in the sky that this character is witnessing ![](https://i.imgur.com/Q2DzZAG.png) These 3 ingredients are key to a story, therefore each composition can be seen as a potential still from a story. The owner of the NFT has the ability to [write out this story](#Owning-a-Skygazers-NFT) and submit it to be accepted or rejected as an Adventure, and thus be added to the collection of Adventures. The NFT owner also has exclusive rights to creative works based on the NFT through the Unique Ownership Model. ### NFT quick facts - Network: Ethereum mainnet - 9997 NFTs in total - no presale - launched in 4 rounds - holding an NFT makes you eligible to receive $TIME tokens ### Obtaining your Skygazers-NFT Skygazers will be minted in 4 separate rounds: 1 round for each of the 4 characters (Monk, Warrior-princess, Scientist, Droid). Each round has a different amount available for minting. ### NFT economics Mint price will follow a predetermined curve called "Curve Sale Minter" There is an initial price point for each NFT. The order in which they are minted determines the price of the NFT. Here you can see the curve for the Monk NFTs: ![](https://i.imgur.com/G7QkbOm.png) The curve is exponential, so we do not anticipate our collection to ever sell out, but it will stick to a fair market price, where it is either more economic to buy an existing NFT on a secondary market or it makes more sense to mint the next NFT. This allows for price discovery that changes over time. The starting price of each collection is as follows | Character | Starting price | NFTs | | -------- | -------- | -------- | | Monk | 0.12 ETH | 3000 | | Warrior-princess | tdb | 300 | | Scientist | tdb | 1500 | | Droid | tdb | 5697 | ### Owning a Skygazers-NFT When holding a Skygazers-NFT, one will: - have the ability to **write its story** and submit it for acceptance to the collection of Adventures - will **receive Timetokens ( )**, a token used in some aspects of the governance of the Skygazers-DAO - be the potential receiver of **revenue generated** by a Derived Product based on (the Adventure attached to) that NFT #### Writing its story Each Skygazers-NFT visualises a composition of one of the main characters in a situation (witnessing something in the sky) in a location, and can therefore be seen as a still from a story. As **owner** of a Skygazers-NFT, you have the ability to actually **write out that story**, the story that you imagine belonging to this still. Those who write out stories are called **Narrators**. The owner of the NFT will also have the ability to **submit their story** to be accepted or rejected to the collection of Adventures. It is then up to the Skygazers-DAO to accept or reject the story to be added to the collection of Adventures through a vote. If accepted, thus added to the collection, the story will be called an **Adventure** and can be read by any visitor of the Skygazers-website. The collection of Adventures is **open to the public**. Each Adventure will have its own dedicated page (showing the artwork on top and the story below) and visitors of the Skygazers-website will be able to browse through and read all the Adventures in the Skygazers universe. Adventures that are part of the collection can also potentially be used for Derived Products e.g. graphic novels, tv-series, merchandise,... which can benefit the owner through revenue it generates. To write and submit their story, owners can use the Skygazers-Dapp, a tool created by the [founders](#Founders). #### Receiving TimeTokens According to the emitance-rate (see [Tokenomics](#Tokenomics)), Skygazers Timetokens (STT) will be earned by owning a Skygazers-NFT. STT will be for voting in the [Skygazers-DAO](#Skygazers-DAO), where proposals are created and voted on. #### Generating revenue When a story is submitted and accepted to the collection, we call it an Adventure. Adventures can be the subject of a Derived Product and therefore generate revenue (read more about [Derived Products](#Derived-products) ). The owner of NFT can potentially be the receiver of said revenue, in a percentage determined in the [Derived-Product-Proposal](#Derived-Product-Proposal-DPP). When the ownership is transfered, from then on the new owner will receive the revenue. The following examples illustrate this concept: *Example 1* - The Skygazers-DAO wants to create and produce a graphic novel of one of the adventures of the Warrior-Princess, and sell these at the next Eth-conference. - As a DAO, they vote on which story will be used, and they choose Adventure #448, attached to NFT #448 - They also vote on the details of the project: the budget for production of the graphic novel, the production company, the comic-artist for creating the artwork, the selling price of the graphic novel, etc. One of these details is which % of the revenue generated from the sales will go to the owner of NFT #448, with the actual Warrior-Princess story/adventure used for this graphic novel - Revenue comes in and budget is divided according to the details agreed upon and the current owner of NFT #448 receives his share. *Example 2* - The Skygazers-DAO wants to create and produce a publication of 3 Skygazers-adventures bound together in a hardcover book, and sell this online - They vote on which stories will be used: Adventure #112, Adventure #315, Adventure #997 - They vote on the details of the project, including the % of the incoming revenue that will go to the owner of the Adventure #112, the owner of Adventure #315, and the owner of Adventure #997 - Revenue comes in, and budget is divided according to the details agreed upon - Owner of Adventure #315 decide to sell their NFT: the new owner will now, from this point on, receive the incoming revenue for Adventure #315 according to the details agreed upon. *Example 3* - A movie studio is interested in creating a movie-script from one specific Skygazers-adventure - They approach the current owner of the NFT to which this story is attached. They make arrangements soley with this owner, since the owner of the NFT is also the sole owner of the story attached, regardless of being the creator of this story. - Should the owner sells the NFT later, then the incoming revenue goes to the new owner from that moment on The concept of the Unique owner model follows the web3-ethos of being rewarded for the value you add, and owning this value. One could buy an NFT and by increase its value by writing a story of high quality: it might generate actual revenue (as seen in the examples), or the original buyer might sell this NFT at a higher price to someone who sees the potential revenue this NFT will make, due to the quality of the story. ## The NFT as value-vessel When an NFT-owner writes out the story that belongs to their NFT and submits it using the Skygazers-Dapp, it attaches this content (and its IP) to the NFT. If the NFT now transfers ownership, the story (and its IP) also transfers to the new owner, whether in the form of a draft or an Adventure that belongs to the collection. The new owner now owns both the actual NFT and any draft or Adventure that is attached to it. This unique approach makes it so that an one can own an NFT and potentially increase its overall value by adding their own input to it. The NFT will function as a sort of container, holding the total value: the sum of the NFT's own value + the value of the story/Adventure that is attached to it + the potential revenue this generates. If the NFT has an Adventure attached to it, it can potentially generate revenue of a Derived Product (read more about [Derived Products](#Derived-products) ) ## Skygazers-DAO Everyone holding a Skygazers NFT is a member of the Skygazers-DAO. The goal of the Skygazers-DAO is to ever expand the Skygazers-universe, focusing its efforts on: - managing the collection of Adventures - managing the Skygazers-lore - initiating derived products The Skygazers-DAO aims to become selfsustainable, by creating derived products that can generate revenue for both owners of Skygazers-NFTs and the Skygazers-DAO itself. ### The collection of Adventures The stories written by the owners of the Skygazers-NFT will be submitted for consideration to the collection of Adventures: it is up to the Skygazers-DAO to vote on accepting or rejecting each story to the collection, thus making it an Adventure. Informally, the Skygazers-DAO will take a few questions into account when considering a story: - Does this story comply with the Skygazers-lore? - Is the story compatible with the concept that the characters can start a new Adventure after they finish this one (cfr. each episode of The Simpsons starts on the couch again, no matter what they experienced in the previous episode)? - Is this story suitable for the Skygazers-audience? #### Voting on "Adventure accept" If you are the owner of a Skygazers-NFT, you can submit an "Adventure accept", meaning that the story you wrote next to your Skygazers-NFT will be accepted or rejected to the official collection of Adventures, the core of the Skygazers-universe. When you submit your story for "Adventure accept", the Skygazers-DAO will vote on it, with following rules: - To be able to vote on an "Adventure accept"-proposal, a member needs at least 1 Skygazers-NFT. - A story is accepted to the collection of Adventures, thus becomes an Adventure, if the quorom is reached during the vote. - The quorum is 51%, which means that if 51% of the total amount of votes 'accept', then the vote passes and the story in question becomes an Adventures: it is now part of the collection of Adventures. - Initially, the founders have access to changing the quorum via the Skygazers multisig. (This can be transfered to the community in a later phase.) - If needed, the community can partake in a snapshot voting to determine a new quorum, which is then executed by the founders via the Skygazers multisig. ### Skygazers-lore The Skygazers-lore will enrich the overall experience of the Skygazers-universe. It can inspire stories, add depths to conversations and motivate characters. It will be the overarching concepts that tie the Adventures together on a meta-level. The Skygazers-DAO will create the Skygazers-lore as a collaborative effort. Each member can propose pieces of lore to be added (or suggest an existing piece to be edited), upon which the Skygazers-DAO votes for that proposal to pass, adjusting the Skygazers-lore as proposed. The Skygazers-DAO will therefore fully determine the direction and the complexity of the Skygazers-lore. ### Derived products Due to its structure, Skygazers has great potential for a lot of derived projects and products. They can be build upon the key-elements of Skygazers (e.g. stickers of the characters, illustrated map of one of the worlds) or on the stories created by the owners (e.g. a movie-script based on a specific story, a publication of a selection of the stories). Derived products can generate revenue for both NFT-owners and the Skygazers-DAO, with the potential to make the latter self-sustaining. A derived product comes into being as follows: - Only Adventures, meaning: stories who are accepted to the collection (A) are available for derived products. - A member of the Skygazers-DAO selects an Adventure (B) of which he has a derived product in mind with the wish to realize this. - This member creates a [Derived-Product-Proposal](#Derived-Product-Proposal) or DPP (C ) and submits this to the Skygazers-DAO for voting. - The Skygazers-DAO reviews the DPP (D.1) and if found acceptable, the DAO accepts the proposal (D.2). - Upon accepting, two actions are executed: - The requested funds are transfered to the creator of this DPP (E.1). - The Derived-Product-Contract-Factory creates and deploys a new Derived-Product-Contract or DPC (E.2) with the details of the DPP as parameters. - With these funds, the DPP-creator is now responsible to deliver the product (F) as described in the DPP, including the described distribution- and revenue-model. - Any revenue that this product receives (G.1) is payed directly to the Derived-Product-Contract or DPC (G.2). - When the payout-function in the DPC is triggered, the DPC (G.2) will distribute the funds, according what is defined in its parameters, to: - The owner of the NFT of the Adventure used for this derived product (H.1) - The Skygazers-DAO (H.2) - The DPP-creator (H.3) - The [Community-distribution-pool](#Community-distribution-pool) (H.4) ![](https://i.imgur.com/TX2yae9.png) #### Derived-Product-Proposal (DPP) The first step in creating a derived product is creating a Derived-Product-Proposal (DPP). Only members of the Skygazers-DAO can create a DPP. When a member of the Skygazers-DAO creates a DPP, he states his intentions about creating this derived product and describe it as clear as possible. He is held responsible for this derived product. A DPP has to contain the following details: 1. **description of the project**: At the very least this is a description of the product, but it could potentially also include a revenue-plan, distribution-plan, description of the creator of the DPP,... the clearer and more detailed this is, the better chances are of passing the vote. 2. **projects cost**: This is a total cost of the project, revenue not included. It is the exact amount of money that the DPP-creator requests from the Skygazers-DAO to realize the project. 3. **revenue distribution**: This is how the revenue generated by this derived product will be distributed, best defined in percentages. These percentages will be used as parameters in the DPC (if the DPP is accepted in voting). For these percentages, the DPP-creator can use the defaults of a DPP, or adjust these. The default percentages of a DPP are: - 80% to the owner of the NFT of the Adventure used for this derived product - 10% to the Skygazers-DAO - 5% to the DPP-creator - 5% to the [Community-distribution-pool](#Community-distribution-pool) #### Derived-Product-Contract (DPC) When a DPP is passed in voting by the Skygazers-DAO, the Derived-Product-Contract-Factory deploys a new Derived-Product-Contract (DPC). This DPC holds the details of the passed DPP, and uses the details about revenue distribution to set the parameters of its Payout-function. When the derived product is sold or generates revenue, the payment should be done directly to the DPC. This way each derived product holds its own revenue in its own designated contract, making distribution of this revenue easier and more transparent. Anyone who is willing to pay the gasfees of the transactions, can trigger the Payout-function in the DPC, distributing the funds held by the DPC. #### Community-distribution-pool The Community-distribution-pool is used as a way for all Skygazers-NFT-owners to benefit from the revenue generated by the numerous derived products. The Community-distribution-pool can receive funds from a DPC, as defined in each DPC. A monthly payout is defined done in following steps: - A hash is calculated off-chain, saying which addresses can claim funds from the Community-distribution-pool and the amount they can claim. This hash takes into account the current state of the Community-distribution-pool. - This hash is submitted to the contract on the 20th day of each month by a designated multi-sig. - In the following 10 days, no claims can be made yet: in this time, the Skygazers-DAO is responsible for double-checking the submitted hash. They have the possibility for revoking this hash, restarting the process. - If the hash is not revoked by the Skygazers-DAO in this 10-day-period, the claim-function becomes enabled. - Addresses that are entitled to funds can now claim them from the Community-distribution-pool, by executing the claim-function and paying the gasfee for this transaction. ## $TIME token tokenomics Central to the governance of the Skygazers-DAO is the $TIME token. TIME token has a fixed supply and is distributed over a period of 5 years to owners of Skygazer-NFTs. TIME tokens give the right to create proposals and vote in the Skygazers-DAO. ### Rewards for owning Skygazer-NFTs During the time that you hold a Skygazer-NFT, your wallet will automatically receive $TIME tokens. You don't need to redeem them - they will automagically appear in your wallet. When you transfer your Skygazers-NFT, the newly emitted TIME tokens will go to the new owner of your Skygazers-NFT, but the already earned TIME tokens remain in your wallet. This way, you are effectively rewarded for HODLing your Skygazers-NFT. ### Emmitance rate and NFT scarcity There is a fixed amount of TIME tokens emitted per type of Skygazers-NFT. Because some Skygazers-NFTs are more scarce than others owning a more rare Skygazers-NFT earns you more TIME tokens per unit of time. ![](https://i.imgur.com/cWvrxt8.png) Example: a Warrior-Princess will earn you more time tokens than holding a Monk, Scientist or Droid. ### Total tokens, distribution and mint There will be a fixed total supply of 225,397,910 TIME tokens created after 5 years, after which the minting of TIME tokens permanently stops. The founders wish to keep in control of the DAO during the first 6 months after the minting of the first NFT. So we will pre-mint an equivalent of 6 months of issuance that is distributed amongs the founders. After 6 months the emitted tokens will reach parity with the founders' tokens and the DAO members have a majority vote versus the founders. The months and years that follow, the founders's TIME token percentage will ever decrease to finally reach around 17% of the total supply. The final distribution of TIME tokens is as follows. ![](https://i.imgur.com/vaP5oCb.png) ### $TIME token TL;DR - issued over time to NFT owners - tokens give voting rights in the Skygazers-DAO - fixed supply : 225,397,910 tokens max - pre-minted : 17.1% of supply - the first 6 months are the most valuable to earn TIME tokens by HODLing one or more Skygazer NFTs ## Project budget distribution All incoming revenue of the sale of the Skygazers-NFTs will be distributed directly upon receival: - 60% to the Skygazers-DAO (address) - 40% to the founders, as founders fee (address,address) ## Founders The founders of the Skygazers-project are: - Bennisan: art & concept - Stefaan Ponnet: tech & tokenomics