# Tellor branding inspiration This doc is made to help you discussing the Tellor brand. It's a flow of a few exercises that can help get the juices flowing and get all the information out and on the table, to be able to do a thourough job when creating something new. The idea is to do a little "diverge-and-converge" action, where each individual comes up with a broad range of answers and insigts to these questions (diverge), and then you throw them all together and see what matches (converges), what can be used. Maybe a useful discussion is followed by putting these answers together. ## 1. Define the audience Who is the targeted audience for the brand? - age - occupation - location - motivation - values - ... This information can result in creating a few clear personas, if needed. ## 2. Current brand evaluation Here we look at the brand how it currently is and was in the past. We can filter out what works and what didn't work. If you have marketing research, this can be useful, if not this is just gut-feel. - What is the reasoning or story behind Tellor’s current brand? Name, visuals, values, anything you consider relevant. - What do you like about your current brand? - What don’t you like? - What has worked good for the brand regarding brand visibility? - What has worked good for the brand regarding getting the message across? ## 3. Setting the Brand Context This is to help see the brand in its context, in its 'real-life situation' if you will. - What feelings do you want your users to have when they think of Tellor? - What associations do you want to avoid? - Which brands do you want to be associated with? - Which do you want to stand out from? - Who do you consider Tellor’s competitors? - What does Tellor offer that is unique from competitors? ## 4. More ‘This’ than ‘That’ Maybe the most challenging exercise: we fill in the blanks saying that 'Tellor is more [blank] than [blank]'. F.i.: - More sharp than slick - More Apple than Reebok - More minimal than decorative - More dark than light - ... ## 5. Tellor, the person An exercise that summarizes a lot of the ideas and concepts from above is to try and describe the Tellor branding as if it was a person: - how old? - what is it wearing? - male/female/...? - hobbies, interests? - way of speaking, eating, ...?