# SKYGAZERS meeting notes ## 20 dec 2023 - w Mano and Ben - styling --> gave feedback and also more in detail in later phase - why price only when connected —> Ben foresees Infura ID for fetching price - pagination with numbers —> Mano will look at it - —> can we change price on Goerli? - —> Ben sends over webfont Gatwick - —> s3 bucket! - -> for design: blank state for 'no draft' *, and design full grid of home 'all gazers' + pagination * NEXT STEPS: - pagination Mano - setup MongoDB - Ben Infura ID to Mano (to complete flow for mint) - Reduced price from Mano - Ben designs things w * ## 8 jan 2024 - Mint process is done - topnav fixed - design details in last pass - but width thing is fixed! - next step for Mano: create detail gazer page + logic of writing story - after that functionality, design pass as last - Ben setup s3 - Ben thinks about: setup vercel/move repo? ## 12 jan 2024 - IPFS hash on goerli contract isn't right, should be: QmP56v7jD7ozSPJi9L8xreW45YS2ZJe4uNgfJP14vout2U - Ben adds 'resolve story'-btn - Ben adds FAQ expand designs + content - Ben adds char limit in design and lets Mano know - Ben adds blank state to detail page, also in edit mode ## 22 jan 2024 - Final round in sight! - todo on detail page: - image is placeholder > replace w real image of NFT - make UI of editmode etc to design (as discussed) - preview/edit mode switcher only there if it's your NFT - switcher have orange colour - Design details homepage: - no underline on btns:hover (of topnav) - btns 'bottomline' should be the same as 'bottomline' of logo - inlog-btn etc as in design - bg of 'no-draft' label: #D9D9D9 at 30% opacity - 'ALL GAZERS'-title, colour: #59342B at 50% ## 01 feb 2024 - Almost there: just only filters in mobile modal - then we put it live! --> Invite Mano to Discord for setup - Mano adds security: ask for signature upon clicking save-btn - Mano will invite Ben for dashboard db - Ben will look at making top stuff sticky ## 08 mar 2024 - create list of platform/people talking about us NEXT TUESDAY - Think about interesting talking points, experiences, insights, ... about Skygazers: perspective -> about other NFT projects; IP; social aspect: