## Mempool Fee Market Integrator Guide The Osmosis team recently introduced an EIP-1559 style fee market in order to mitigate blocks from being filled with invalid txs. This mechanism calculates a transaction fee each block (named `base_fee`), which is dynamic based on volume of transactions. If the blocks are consistently full, the transaction fee grows at a pre-defined rate, making invalid transaction spam less desirable from the viewpoint of the sending party. This increases until a maximum base fee is reached. Inversely, if the blocks are empty, the base fee decreases to a minium value. There are parameters for the min, max base fee, and the max rate of change. Integrators should update their fee estimation algorithm to account for this change. ### Client Side Integration As a client, to determine the transaction fee to set, query the endpoint below. ```bash curl https://lcd.osmosis.zone/osmosis/txfees/v1beta1/cur_eip_base_fee ``` Multiply the returned value by 3 for the final result to use in your application. Note, that this integration would make clients overpay txfees frequently. With the base fee multiplication by 3, we expect to have sufficient buffer to account for the times of instability. However, this is a temporary solution until a more stable implementation of the fee market is integrated into consensus. ### References Please see [this file](https://github.com/osmosis-labs/osmosis/blob/3d199dbf7eb6df019944fed3384c3a5679eae11f/x/txfees/keeper/mempool-1559/code.go#L13-L40) for more details about the current implementation.