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TSP SDK Technical specification

This document tries to focus on aspects that pertain to the SDK; i.e. how the TSP Specification impacts the design choices for the Rust SDK. Since the TSP Specification is still in the process of being finalized, however, there may be some duplication.

Protocol overview

In its core, TSP consists of "simply sending a message" between parties; except that this message is (often) encrypted, and (always) signed. In this way the parties have confidence that any messages received are always by the same entity, and trust can be built.

TSP uses Verified Identifiers to designate the sender and receiver of messages. A mechanism that is out of scope for this project (but that we will have to write some simple examples of) will allow applications to retrieve addresses and public keys for a VID.

A TSP message therefore contains at least the following information:

  • Who is the originating sender?
  • Who is the intended receiver?
  • A message payload (encrypted or unencrypted), which can either be 'simple content' or a Control Message.
  • A signature

So, a confidential message will conceptually look like this:

Ciphertext Authenticated data Non-confidential data Sender VID Receiver VID Envelope Signature

And unconfidential message, when there is no receiver VID, will look like this:

Authenticated data Non-confidential data Sender VID Envelope Signature

Modes of operation

  1. Direct mode: TSP messages can be exchanged directly between two parties via publically known VID's ("Well-Known VID's"); that gives confidentiality and authenticity but not much privacy.

  2. Nested mode: TSP messages can be exchanged as the 'payload' of another TSP message using not-publically known VID's. Such a nested connection is established via TSP Control Messages. This gives a little bit more privacy.

  3. Routed mode: TSP message can be routed through intermediaries to further hide the fact that two parties are communicating. This is done by parties first establising "nested" communication lines between every involved party, and then sending a message that spans over those nested communications lines.

High-level architecture

The SDK will consist of functions that can be called by an application to completely perform all TSP-specific operations, such as:

  • Generating/retrieving/storing VID's
  • Control operations on a private key associated with a VID
  • Obtaining transport layer address information and other metadata from a verified VID.
  • Creation and processing of TSP messages

This allows applications the flexibility to incorporate TSP in an existing set up: i.e. an application can create a TSP message but chose by itself how and when to send it.

For other use cases, the SDK will also contain some convenience functions such as "generate-and-send" for some common transport layers (such as HTTPS or QUIC) for applications that don't need this flexibility.

SDK General Requirements


_ Description Rationale Consequence
C1 Encryption primitives chosen have to be IND-CCA2 secure This is the strongest notion of security: under an adaptive chosen ciphertext attack, the attacker cannot recognize correct ciphertext. We use HPKE-Auth for encryption, a modern assymmetric "weakly authenticated" encryption standard
C2 Signature schemes have to be SUF-CMA secufre This is the strongest notion of unforgeability, meaning an attacker cannot create valid signatures themselves even if given a "signing oracle". Ed25519 will be used for creating non-repudiation signatures in TSP messages.
C3 Cryptographic code has to be reliable TSP relies heavily on cryptography being reliable, and we should not write these ourselves. For crypto "back-ends", code will come from the RustCrypto and DALEK projects. We avoid ring due to maintainance issues and libsodium since its Rust binding has been deprecated by its maintainer.
C4 TSP must be resilient against key compromise events If a private key is leaked, the goal of TSP is compromised The SDK will not have an API for providing the private key of a VID to an application. Furthermore, HPKE is used that offers more protection against KCI.


_ Description Rationale Consequence
I1 The implementation must only use third-party dependencies that are "well adopted" by the Rust community and actively maintained. This will "future proof" the SDK by reduce the chance that the SDK will rely on code that will be abandoned, or that it will be unpopular by requiring uncommon dependencies. Before taking a dependency, we check its activity status and number of downloads. In particular, we will have to write our own CESR support libraries.
I2 TSP messages must support CESR encoding CESR encoding is important for credibility in the wider Trust-over-IP community and interoperability with KERI TSP messages will be formatted using CESR
I3 TSP messages must be capable of being easily generated and parsed in wide variety of contexts TSP must be a general protocol TSP will use CESR in the "B" domain as the canonical representation that will be signed, since that reduces the impact of the choice for CESR.
I4 The TSP SDK must be usable by programs not written in Rust Rust is a secure language, but not a "lingua franca" Bindings will be written to make the SDK usable from C, Python and JavaScript.
I5 The SDK must not impose unduly restrictive limitations of use This allows for easier adoption by existing applications TSP message creation/processing and sending/receiving will be split up in different functions.

TSP Specification Conformance

_ Description Rationale Consequence
S1 TSP can be run over many different transport protocol TSP must be a flexible protocol Code will be designed so it is not tightly tied to a single transport layer.
S2 The SDK will supported "direct mode", "nested mode" and "routed mode" This is essential for achieving TSP's aims Some design discussion around control messages setting up routed mode will be needed in the future.

Verified Identifiers

_ Description Rationale Consequence
V1 VID can contain no identifying information, with the exception of "Well Known VIDs" Non-correlation of VID's is required by the TSP spec Cryptographic means and entropy means must be used for creating unpredictable "inner VIDs"
V2 VID is a probabilistically unique identifier There must be an extremely low change of two VID's being the same; but this chance cannot be made 0 An "inner VIDs" must represent at least 128 bits of entropy
V3 The specific style of VID is out of scope This is part of the TSP "support system" We need to model an interface for VID's at a sufficiently usable and abstract level; and pick a sufficiently general type of VID for the demo applicatin.
V4 A verified VID can be resolved to a pair of public encryption and public verification keys VIDs are used instead of public keys in TSP In the SDK, a known VID has been resolved to a pair of public keys
V5 A verified VID can be resolved to a "transport layer address" TSP is a communication protocol In the SDK, a known VID has been resolved to a form of resource locator such as an e-mail address or URI.
V6 A verified VID may also provide additional information ebout the entity it identifies This is what identifiers are typically used for (see DID and X509) The VID interface must support this
V7 The information about resolved VID's in the TSP SDK must be treated as confidential and securely stored This "routing information" links VIDs to addresses and public keys and can compromise the non-correlation requirement for VID's This information will be stored in a secure manner (such as in a secure wallet)
V8 TSP messages may also be "broadcast", without a designated received This is under consideration in the TSP specification Our SDK will support the creation of TSP broadcast messages.


_ Description Rationale Consequence
D1 The demo must be a good example of how to use the SDK TSP is easier to adopt if developers can 'copy code' The "trust application" side of the demo must not be fairly simple.
D2 The demo must be a demonstrate the particular features of TSP This will make it easier to understand what TSP achieves The demo must involve the three pillars of TSP: confidentiality, authenticity, and privacy.

Security properties

The goal of TSP is to provide security guarantees for

  • Authenticity
  • Confidentiality
  • Privacy

of communication between two parties.

Privacy in communication can be optionally enabled by using the "Routed" mode of the TSP protocol.

To get a high degree of confidence, a modern and well analysed cryptographic standard for signcryption is chosen. In signcryption assymetric cryptography is used to encrypt and sign the contents of a message.

Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE, RFC 9180) is a robust method of signcryption using modern cryptographic primitives [1]. It combined a "Key encapsulation Mechanism", with a "Key Derivation Function" and primitive for "Authenticated encryption with associated data" to combine assymetric with symmetric cryptography, to obtain certain security and performance characteristics. HPKE offers the highest notion of confidentiality, namely IN-CCA2.

HPKE offers the posibility to create authenticated plaintext and authenticated ciphertext in one signcryption operation. In TSP a header (containing the sender and receiver VID's) must be authenticated, but not encrypted.

Altough HPKE offers authentication and confidentiality between two parties, there are two characteristics which are not desirable for TSP:

  • HPKE is vulnerable to key compromise impersonation (KCI). Which means that if Bob's private key is leaked to Eve, Eve can impersonate Alice toward bob.
  • Altough two two parties communicating can verify the authenticity of messages, an outsider cannot verify that, for instance, the sender as specified in the header of the message really send the message. Thereby a receiver can also not proof a message was sent by a particular sender to them. This is called receiver unforgeability (RUF).

The overcome to above, an additional signature is created over both the header and the (HPKE) ciphertext of a TSP message. Since both the sender and reveiver's VID are present in the header of a message, one can always verify the message was created by the specified sender and that it was intended for the specified receiver. This is a method first proposed in [2].

The additional "outer" signature over the message header (or envelope) plus the ciphertext makes TSP secure against KCI and RUF secure.

A modern and secure public-key signature scheme is used to construct the "outer" signature, namely Ed25519 [3], based in the same elliptic-curve cryptography as HPKE. Ed25519 satisfies properties such as EUF-CMA or SUF-CMA (existentially unforgeable under chosen message attacks, strong unforgeability).

Non goals

Hiding plaintext length

By default TSP does not hide the length of plaintext messages. If the size of the plaintext is confidential, the application layer could take measures to hide the length by, for instance, always sending fixed size messages.

Bidirectional mode

TSP messages are unidirectional. There is no default way of "responing" to a TSP message, other than constructing a new unidirectional message.

Cryptographic primitives

The following underlying cryptographic primitives are chosen for the TSP.

Key Encapsulation Method:
DHKEM(X25519, HKDF-SHA256)

Key Derivation Function:

Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) Function:

Signature scheme:
Ed25519 SHA512

HPKE operation mode:


By default TSP messages are encoded using CESR [4] with a specific extension for TSP [5].

The methods the seal (encrypt, sign) and open (decrypt, verify) a message also encode and decode the message using CESR in the binary domain.

Using a determisitic and predictable binary encoding helps to reliable sign and verify a TSP message.

HPKE usage

The notation below is based on RFC 9180 [6].

We create the message header:

Envelope = ConcatCESR(
    [VID sender, VID receiver, Additional header data]

We perform a HPKE Seal operation using the single-shot API in Auth mode:

Ciphertext = SealAuth(
    skS = Sender private key,
    pkR = Receiver public key,
    aad = Envelope,
    pt = Message plaintext

We sign the header information together with the ciphertext and encapsulated key:

Signature = Sign(
    skS = Sender private key,
    msg = Concat<CESR>(Envelope, Ciphertext),

We construct the final message:

Ciphertext Message = ConcatCESR(
    [Envelope, Ciphertext, Signature]

The receiver performs verification and decryption as follows.

Parse the CESR encoded message:

[Envelope, Ciphertext, Signature] = SplitCESR(Ciphertext Message)

[VID sender, VID receiver, Additional header data] = SplitCESR(Envelope)

Verify the outer signature:

    pkS = Sender public key,
    msg = ConcatCESR(Envelope, Ciphertext)

We perform a HPKE Open operation using the single-shot API in Auth mode:

Message plaintext = OpenAuth(
    pkS = Sender public key,
    skR = Receiver private key,
    aad = Envelope,
    ct = Ciphertext

Streaming mode

HPKE allows sealing a stream of messages efficiently by only using symmetric cryptography for subsequent messages. We could extend TSP to allow such a streaming mode by setting up a sender and a receiver context. This context hold the key material for the current stream or "session", as described in session 5.1 of RFC 9180. When using a streaming mode in TSP, only the first message contains the full header and the outer signature.

Note that KCI is not a problem for this mode, since the first message still contains the outer signature (created using the senders private key). However, naively implemeting streaming mode using HPKE breaks RUF for sebsequent messages. One could include a hash of the next message in each streaming message, and thereby securly links each message back to the initial, signed TSP message. In that case RUF still holds.

API overview

The rust-tsp library should allow users to seal and open TSP messages. Note that the provided code is pseudo-Rust code; we abstract away from some implementation details.

Create a VID database and context

A VID database allows the user to store VID / public key pairs and optionally metadata related to the VID, like a name or transport specification.

We do not yet make assumptions on the type of database (whether on disk, in memory or a relational database, or in a wallet), except that it must be treated as confidential data.

/// Create a new VID database
pub fn createDatabase() -> Result<VidDatabase, Error>;

/// Open an exsisting VID database
pub fn openDatabase(...) -> Result<VidDatabase, Error>;

/// Persist a VID database (might only be available for on-disk databases)
pub fn persistDatabase(..., db: &VidDatabase) -> Result<(), Error>;

struct PublicIdentity {
    public_key: PublicKey,
    resource: TransportDestination,
    info: Option<Metadata>,
    vid: Vid,

// Resolve a VID: verify the vid and resolve a public key
// and possibly a transport method
pub fn resolveVid(db: &mut VidDatabase, vid: &Vid) -> Result<PublicIdentity, Error>;

A context provides a place to store the sender/receiver key material and VID. Note that a sender/receiver could have multiple VID's and thereby multiple contexts.

struct PrivateIdentity {
    private_key: PrivateKey,
    public_key: PublicKey,
    vid: Vid,

/// Create a new context
pub fn createContext(identity: &Identity, db: &VidDatabase) -> Result<Context, Error>;

Seal and open a TSP message

Seal means encrypting, authenticating, signing and encoding a message, open is the reverse operation. Note that the Header type may contain additional authenticated data. The sender and receiver VID are added to the header by this method.

/// Encrypt, authenticate and sign and CESR encode a TSP message
/// The `header` parameter is added to the message header,
/// the header data is not encrypted, only authenticated
pub fn seal(ctx: &Context, receiver_vid: &Vid, header: &Header, message: &[u8]) -> Result<TspConfidentialMessage, Error>;

/// Decode a CESR Authentic Confidential Message, verify the signature and decrypt its contents
/// Returns the header, receiver VID and message contents
/// Returns an error if the receiver VID did not match the current context
pub fn open(ctx: &Context, message: &TspMessage) -> Result<(Header, Vid, Vec<u8>), Error>;

/// Inspect the header of a message, return the header data, the sender and optional receiver VID
pub fn peekHeader(message: &TspMessage) -> Result<(Header, Vid, Option<Vid>), Error>;

Sign messages

The following methods allow encoding and signing a message, without an encrypted payload.

/// Construct and sign a non-confidential TSP message, the receiver VID is optional
pub fn sign(ctx: &Context, header: &Header, message: &[u8]) -> Result<TspNonconfidentialMessage, Error>;

/// Decode a CESR Authentic Non-Confidential Message, verify the signature and return its contents
/// Returns the header, optional receiver VID and message contents
/// Returns an error if the receiver VID was defined and did not match the current context
pub fn verify(ctx: &Context, message: &TspMessage) -> Result<(Header, Option<Vid>, Vec<u8>), Error>;

Managing VID's

The following methods will be supported on Verified Identifiers and Secret Keys:

/// Generates a new keypair for an existing VID; returns the key bytes from the old private key as an indication
/// That this key is now essentially compromised. The new public key must be communicated to the (out of scope)
/// support system in a support-system dependent manner by the caller (but see Milestone 5)
pub fn rotateKey(db: &mut VidDatabase, identity: &mut PrivateIdentity) -> Result<Vec<u8>, Error>;

/// Removes a Vid from the database; this can be a public, hidden, or a Vid owned by a `PrivateIdentity`
pub fn forgetVid(db: &mut VidDatabase, vid: &Vid) -> Result<(), Error>;

Also see Milestone 5; where this interface will probably need to be expanded.

Extended API

The previous section described API's that can be used to send and receive messages in "Direct Mode", see Modes of operation.

Note that addtional API methods are neccecary to enable the other modes. These will be added as part of Milestone 2.

TSP should also allow a "streaming" mode, in which a stream of messages is encrypted in an efficient manner. The methods for this mode will also be added in a later milestone.

Library architecture


A software library offering security operations is very prone to mistakes / bugs that compromise the seurity of the cryptographic protocol as a whole in operation.

One of the ways to reduce the amount of code, and thereby reduce the amonth of possible security bugs is reducing the number of dependencies on other libraries.

The dependencies that are included should adhere to our quality standards, that is, we should have confidence in the authors and the library must not be abandoned and must have enough active users, i.e. must be popular.

We intend to use the following Rust crates (library dependencies) in our implementaion:

  • rand: Random number generators and other randomness functionality.
  • hpke: An implementation of the HPKE hybrid encryption standard (RFC 9180) in pure Rust
  • ed25519-dalek: Fast and efficient Rust implementation of ed25519 key generation, signing, and verification.


The library should be usable in other languages. We therefore design the API in a way that allows the use within:

  • C
  • Python
  • Javascript


The first demo for TSP will consists of a simple messaging application, which has as a benefit that it closely follows the TSP message architecture. To give insight in the privacy-protecting features, this chat application will consists of at least 3 "intermediaries". A simulated mode will also be provided, where simulated users can be added that establish TSP channels with each other, and the demo itself can produce a log of all interactions that happen between each node. The VID type for this demo will be relatively simple, but support for a second, more realistic VID type will be added, so TSP messages can be exchanged both within the simulated environment as well as with the 'outside world'.

This satisfies the benefits that it will give insight into how TSP preserves privacy (that is achieves confidentiality and authenticity is better understood), as well as being reasonably "simple" enough that the example itself will not distract any future developers from how to apply the TSP SDK.


2014-02-012014-03-012014-04-012014-05-012014-06-012014-07-012014-08-01Requirements      Direct+Nested mode Routed mode       Library usability Demo application  VID support       Transport support Milestone 0Milestone 1Milestone 2Milestone 3Milestone 4Milestone 5Milestone 6rust-tsp

Updates to the planning: since libsodium could not be used (since its Rust wrapper, sodiumoxide, is deprecated), and we find it necessary to write our own CESR report, these tasks have to be explicitly added to the planning. For the cryptography selection, that work has been already been done in M0.

The CESR implementation will be explicitly added to M1. This will take the place of "a few demo cases", which will be moved to the next milestone after that (M2)

For the latter two milestones (which in the SOW were left rather open as "Meet Additional Requirements"), these have been tentatively taken up by areas that we expect will be important at that time, namely more support for handling various types of VID's and Transport Layer support.

  • A functional requirements & high-level design document, including very strong security requirements, that clarifies details and dependencies of the protocol implementation (e.g. Rust development environment, testbed, encoding, cryptographic libs, Github and other dependencies).
  • Update the estimate and plan as necessary.
  • Create Github repos and CI configuration.
  • Implementation of TSP Direct Mode as documented in the draft spec Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, with references to others. Set up a testing framework.
  • Implement the (subset of) CESR encoding/decoding neccesary for at least direct mode.
  • Implementation of basic SDK and simple README docs.
  • Make Github repo public. Enable and support external software reviews and bug reports/fixes in the open-source repos.
  • Implementation of Routed Mode as documented in the draft spec Section 7, Multi-Recipient in Section 8, with references to other sections in the spec.
  • Implement some demo cases / examples
  • Enhance the testing framework, docs, etc to support Routed Mode.
  • Usable, documented and tested protocol library ready for external software developers to use.
  • Ready for accepting open source contributions with documented SDK interfaces. Establish necessary security policy, community standards etc.
  • Conduct performance benchmarks.
  • Fix critical-level bugs.
  • Develop a real-life example application (for example a chat application but may depend on community inputs).
  • Security analysis by external party. Technical report on privacy and security properties of the implementation.
  • Fix critical & high-priority level bugs.
  • Add more support for specific types of VID. Even though this is originally out-of-scope, this is an important part of the overall TSP infrastructure. We could work together with an external party for this.
  • Expose rust-tsp in other programming language.
  • We expect that TSP will need various alternative transport layers (Quic, HTTPS, E-Mail, etc.), due to its transport-agnostic nature.
  • Add rust-tsp support to additional languages.


  1. Richard Barnes and Karthikeyan Bhargavan and Benjamin Lipp and Christopher A. Wood, 2022, "Hybrid Public Key Encryption", ↩︎

  2. Jee Hea An, 2001, "Authenticated Encryption in the Public-Key Setting: Security Notions and Analyses", ↩︎

  3. Simon Josefsson and Ilari Liusvaara, 2017, "Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)", ↩︎

  4. Samuel M. Smith, 2021, "Composable Event Streaming Representation (CESR)", ↩︎

  5. ↩︎

  6. ↩︎