# Sarah / Erik - GKE upgrades 2024-05-08 Prep: - Install kubectl 1.28.9 Planned work: 1. Update one cluster 2. Check that generated resource requests will still work (there isn't any margin if something has changed) 3. Update all clusters - at least to some degree in parallell Updating a cluster: 1. identify available GKE versions 2. control plane bump from 1.27 -> 1.28, then 1.28 -> 1.29 3. update the core node pool and let it do a rolling upgrade 4. update user node pools - for empty user nodes: update it straight away - for non-empty user nodes: - add a new node pool with `-b` suffix or remove an existing `-b` suffix - taint the old nodes (see https://github.com/2i2c-org/infrastructure/pull/3447) - kubectl taint node -l cloud.google.com/gke-nodepool=n2-highmem-4 rolling-phaseout:NoSchedule - return later and hopefully be able to delete the old node pool, hopefully not having received new users