## Boundries and constraints For the purpose of this Spike, we consider there are none. This will be discussed as part of https://github.com/yuvipanda/jupyterhub-fancy-profiles/issues/37 - no fancy profile and clasical binderhub UI on the same hub - yes on the same cluster ### When using BinderHub UI with a JupyterHub... The jupyterhub is dedicated to be ephemeral (no persistent home dirs). Hub will be dedicated to binderhub launching ## Enable the binderhub UI with binderhub-service - binderhub server software needs to be aware about: - domain names - needs both local and public in order to redirect the user from web frontend - have an jupyterhub api token - autogenerated and exposed in a Secret that we can mount assuming its in the same namespace - Z2JH should define a service for binderhub - this needs additional work in binderhub-service - we are constrained by binderhubs UI in how we can use the UI - it currently builds, push, and launch all in one - this implies we don't get to tune machine types to launch in etc from the UI - only jupyterhub will care about dask, binderhub will be decoupled by it - [BinderSpawnerMixin](https://github.com/jupyterhub/binderhub/blob/c6c5dc8fe73f81ca538c47b420b33f317c3aa8ae/binderhub/binderspawner_mixin.py#L24) needs to be in the hub image