Intent is a hot topic and everyone is talking about it but what is Intent and why we need it? Is it just a new topic for vc's to cash grab?
If you have questions like this, you have found the right place for your answers.
So yes, Here is a list of Intent resources.
Intents From Paradigm Research
SUAVE, Anoma, Shared Sequencers, & Super Builders From Jon Charbonneau
An Overview of Anoma’s Architecture From Anoma Team
The Little Transaction that Could: Sequencers, MEV, Intents, and more From Archetype
Data & Function Privacy Architectures From zkValidator (more focused for Namada's architecture)
Anoma Whitepaper
Anoma Vission Paper
Gud Thread From Apriori
Gud Thread From Hal2001
Gud Thread From Khushii
Gud Thread From Kobi Gurkan
Adrian Brink - Intent-centric (intent-solver pattern) architectures for fully decentralized dApps
Christopher Goes - Anoma: an intent-centric
Realizing Intents with a Resource Model - Christopher Goes
Are Intents, SUAVE, Account Abstraction, & Cross-Chain Bridging all the same thing? - Uma Roy