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Joseph's How to become an Ethereum Developer Guide -

So you want to get started in Ethereum? I get several requests for info and resources and roadmaps every week so I decided to make this collection. I hope this helps and provides some more direction and is less overwhelming than other giant lists.

There are many different ways to learn and become a dev, this is just one that I recommend.

To build a full Ethereum app from scratch you will need understanding of 3 things:

  1. Writing smart contracts for Ethereum in Solidity
  2. Reading and writing to contracts from the web using Ethers.js or Web3.js (there are other libraries but these are recommended)
  3. Creating a front-end that people can use to interact

Last updated: September 28, 2022
Contact @cupOJoseph to add something

0 -> 1 : Where to start

  1. Ask for help. So far so good!
  2. Spend 1 hour doing my most basic Solidity workshop, creating a simple token from scratch video.
  3. Complete the first 6 CryptoZombies tutorials which gets you through basic syntax for solidity: The rest of the tutorials there are exellent, but they also suggest learning the dev framework called Truffle, where I prefer to use the Hardhat framework instead.
  4. Do the free solidity course on Chainshot which will cement your understanding of smart contracts. You dont need to join their bootcamp to access it.
  5. Start writing your own simple contracts on, a simple interface. Use to make calls and share a link to a simple front end for experiments. Deploy them on a test network like Rinkeby where the coins are fake so there are no real transaction fees for experimenting
  6. To make your own front ends connected to your smart contract you may want to learn more javascript libraries like Redwood, although there are many others and if you are already a react dev you should just stick with what you already know. Here's a tutorial for that from my friend Patrick. If you have no javascript experience, go back to Chainshot or CodeAcademy.
  7. Use my site for a list of helpful resources.
  8. Come up with something you want to make to build a little portfolio, if you need inspiration check out practice projects at
  9. Figure out what knowledge you are missing to reach your goal and ask for help on

1 -> 100 : Where to go deeper

Okay, you've made some simple dapps and you understand the stack of building apps on Ethereum. Nice! Now its time to get a little deeper if you want to get a serious dev job

  1. Launch an ERC20 token using Open Zeppelin (OZ), it doesnt have to do anything, but you need to understand using OZ and token standards. Here's a 60 second tutorial I made. Experiment with some other standards, like ERC721, and 1155
  2. To create any significant dapp other people need an API to index transactions happening and track stuff. Use theGraph to create a subgraph for your token
  3. Join a hackathon on Gitcoin, or do a bounty there to add more serious projects to your portfolio and get more practice.
  4. Start building some integrations using SDKs from the most popular dapps. You need to understand liquidity pools which is the basis of DeFi, so do an experiment with Uniswap SDK.
  5. Use Hardhat to create tests, add print statements to your smart contracts, create a more streamlined developer experience and workflow.

You did it!

Okay now you are a full Ethereum dev because you:

  • Have mutliple complete dapps in your portfolio, even if they are simple
  • Know how to write a smart contract that does just about anything, and deploy it.
  • Know how to create an API and a nice front end that can read and write to your dapp

Practice project ideas:

Voting Dapp

Create a dapp for voting where all of the votes and candidate registration happens on chain. Allow anyone to start an election with a registration period, voting period, and ending time. Allow anyone to sign up as a candidate during the registration period, and allow anyone to vote once during the voting period. Create a front end where voters can see the results and know how long is left in the election.

Metaverse Zillow

Make a zillow like front end for exploring metaverse properties between several NFT and game-fi apps. Suggested tech: OpenSea API, Infura, Redwoodjs, Seaport protocol.

Integrate 2 of your favorite DeFi protocols

Understanding integrations and how smart contracts can talk to each other is essential. You could build a sushiswap style yield farm for Sudoswap. Or fork of DAI that uses LP tokens for collateral.

Santa's List

Create a user tracking dapp. Build a system for tracking who is on their nice list and who is on their naughty list. Allow for people to pay a fee to get themselves off of the naughty list. Let users on the nice list earn a portion of the fees based on how many other people are on the nice list.

ETH Tree visualization

Take in an ethereum address and build a tree of all other addresses that have ever interacted with it, and the ones that have interacted with those after the original, up to 100 branches etc.. Suggested technologies: Ethers.js or Web3.js, Nodejs, Infura.

Event staking

Write a program that lets people pay a small amount, RSVP for an event, and if they don’t show up then everyone who did shares in the reward. A person can create and event, and check people in. If someone RSVPs but doesn't get checked in they lose their staked ETH.